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101 - 110 of 337 publications
December 2022
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. - 17(2022)6, Art. 065007

Live fish learn to anticipate the movement of a fish-like robot

David Bierbach ; Luis Gómez-Nava ; Fritz A. Francisco ; Juliane Lukas ; Lea Musiolek ; Verena V. Hafner ; Tim Landgraf ; Pawel Romanczuk ; Jens Krause

Schooling fish, moving synchronously in the water – how do they do that? Using a robotic fish, the authors have shown that guppies can anticipate the behavior of their artificial conspecific and predict both the direction and dynamics of its movements. So this is another explanation for why fish in a school – which know each other well – are capable of extremely fast collective movements

December 2022
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 289(2022)1969, Art. 20212361

Self-organization and information transfer in Antarctic krill swarms

Alicia L. Burns ; Timothy M. Schaerf ; Joseph Lizier ; So Kawaguchi ; Martin Cox ; Rob King ; Jens Krause ; Ashley J.W. Ward

The authors analysed the trajectories of captive, wild-caught krill in 3D to determine individual-level interaction rules and quantify patterns of information flow. They demonstrate that krill align with near neighbours and that they regulate both their direction and speed relative to the positions of groupmates showing that social factors are vital to the formation and maintenance of swarms. 

December 2022
Ecological Applications. - 32(2022)8, Art. e2703

Urban biotic homogenization: approaches and knowledge gaps

Sophie Lokatis; Jonathan M. Jeschke

The authors mapped and analyzed the literature on the hypothesis of urban biotic homogenization. They identified 225 studies addressing the hypothesis. Half of them investigated homogenization across cities, the other half investigating homogenization within cities. There are strong research biases and thus knowledge gaps in the literature and about 55% of the studies supported the hypothesis.

November 2022
Environmental Microbiology. - 24(2022)11, 5051 - 5065

Perchlorate-specific proteomic stress responses of Debaryomyces hansenii could enable microbial survival in Martian brines

Jacob Heinz ; Joerg Doellinger ; Deborah Maus ; Andy Schneider ; Peter Lasch ; Hans-Peter Grossart ; Dirk Schulze-Makuch

No life has yet been found on Mars, but it is exciting to explore under what circumstances it might be possible. The authors have studied the cellular processes that regulate the adaptation of microorganisms to perchlorates. If microorganisms could genetically adapt their stress response to this salt, their survival on the red planet might be possible.

November 2022
Global Biogeochemical Cycles. - 36(2022)3

Global patterns and controls of nutrient immobilization on decomposing cellulose in riverine ecosystems

David M. Costello ; Scott D. Tiegs ; Luz Boyero ; Cristina Canhoto ; Krista A. Capps ; Michael Danger ; Paul C. Frost ; Mark O. Gessner ; Natalie A. Griffiths ; Halvor M. Halvorson ; Kevin A. Kuehn ; Amy M. Marcarelli ; Todd V. Royer ; Devan M. Mathie ; Ricardo J. Albariño ; Clay P. Arango ; Jukka Aroviita ; Colden V. Baxter ; Brent J. Bellinger ; Andreas Bruder ; Francis J. Burdon ; Marcos Callisto ; Antonio Camacho ; Fanny Colas ; Julien Cornut ; Verónica Crespo-Pérez ; Wyatt F. Cross ; Alison M. Derry ; Michael M. Douglas ; Arturo Elosegi ; Elvira de Eyto ; Verónica Ferreira ; Carmen Ferriol ; Tadeusz Fleituch ; Jennifer J. Follstad Shah ; André Frainer ; Erica A. Garcia ; Liliana García ; Pavel E. García ; Darren P. Giling ; R. Karina Gonzales-Pomar ; Manuel A.S. Graça ; Hans-Peter Grossart ; François Guérold ; Luiz U. Hepp ; Scott N. Higgins ; Takuo Hishi ; Carlos Iñiguez-Armijos ; Tomoya Iwata ; Andrea E. Kirkwood ; Aaron A. Koning ; Sarian Kosten ; Hjalmar Laudon ; Peter R. Leavitt ; Aurea L. Lemes da Silva ; Shawn J. Leroux ; Carri J. LeRoy ; Peter J. Lisi ; Frank O. Masese ; Peter B. McIntyre ; Brendan G. McKie ; Adriana O. Medeiros ; Marko Miliša ; Yo Miyake ; Robert J. Mooney ; Timo Muotka ; Jorge Nimptsch ; Riku Paavola ; Isabel Pardo ; Ivan Y. Parnikoza ; Christopher J. Patrick ; Edwin T.H.M. Peeters ; Jesus Pozo ; Brian Reid ; John S. Richardson ; José Rincón ; Geta Risnoveanu ; Christopher T. Robinson ; Anna C. Santamans ; Gelas M. Simiyu ; Agnija Skuja ; Jerzy Smykla ; Ryan A. Sponseller ; Franco Teixeira-de Mello ; Sirje Vilbaste ; Verónica D. Villanueva ; Jackson R. Webster ; Stefan Woelfl ; Marguerite A. Xenopoulos ; Adam G. Yates ; Catherine M. Yule ; Yixin Zhang ; Jacob A. Zwart

The research team used a standardized, low-nutrient organic matter substrate (cotton strips) to quantify nutrient immobilization at 100 paired stream and riparian sites representing 11 biomes worldwide. Immobilization rates varied by three orders of magnitude, were greater in rivers than riparian zones, and were strongly correlated to decomposition rates. 

November 2022
Nature Communications. - 13(2022), Art. 4974

Towards critical white ice conditions in lakes under global warming

Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer ... Hans-Peter Grossart ...

The quality of lake ice is of paramount importance for ice safety and lake ecology under ice. In 2020/2021, the researchers conducted a coordinated sampling campaign of lake ice quality during one of the warmest winters since 1880. They showed that lake ice during this period generally consisted of unstable white ice, which at times accounted for up to 100 percent of the total ice thickness.

Hydrological Processes 36
November 2022
Hydrological Processes. - 36(2022)11, Art. e14746

Water cycling and partitioning through the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum in a subtropical, urban woodland inferred by water stable isotopes

Ke Chen ... Doerthe Tetzlaff ...

The authors conducted a sampling campaign of water isotopes, combined with climatic and hydrometric data across an evergreen broad-leaved woodland, to assess event-based changes in water cycling and partitioning. Quantifying the transfer of water in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum improved the understanding of water cycling and partitioning in an urban woodland in a monsoon humid region.

November 2022
Environmental Pollution. - 308(2022), Art. 119627

Large-scale sampling of the freshwater microbiome suggests pollution-driven ecosystem changes

Katrin Premke ... Katja Felsmann ... Sibylle Schroer ... Eric Hübner ...Christopher C.M. Kyba; Michael T. Monaghan; Franz Hölker

Citizen scientists sampled more than 600 freshwaters in Germany. This unique data set provides evidence of 3 trends: first, microorganisms in the sediment show signs of chemical stress and antibiotic resistance in their genetic material. Second, excessive artificial lighting at night alters the species composition of  microorganisms. And third, all studied water bodies emit greenhouse gases. 

November 2022
Communications Biology. - 5(2022), Art. 1161

Mechanisms of prey division in striped marlin, a marine group hunting predator

M.J. Hansen; S. Krause; F. Dhellemmes; K. Pacher; R.H.J.M. Kurvers; P. Domenici; J. Krause

The authors identified individual striped marlin (Kajikia audax) hunting in groups. Groups surrounded prey but individuals took turns attacking. They found that competition for prey access led to an unequal division of prey among the predators, with 50% of the most frequently attacking marlin capturing 70–80% of the fish.

November 2022
Ecological monographs. - 92(2022)4, Art. e1531

Quantifying eco-evolutionary contributions to trait divergence in spatially structured systems

Lynn Govaert; Jelena H. Pantel; Luc De Meester

In both time and space, the observed differentiation in trait values among populations and communities can be the result of interactions between ecological and evolutionary processes. The authors extended methods to quantify ecological and evolutionary contributions to trait changes to account for empirical studies that document trait differentiation among populations structured in space.

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