Host−parasite interactions in hybridizing Daphnia

From correlations to experiments

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We are using water fleas (Daphnia), a well-established model in both host-parasite and hybridization research. This project is a combination of field surveys of two eutrophic lakes, a large scale mesocosm experiment (where trophic conditions are manipulated), the transcriptional profiling of Daphnia exposed to stressful eutrophic conditions, and the development and application of molecular markers to study parasite evolution in eutrophic environments. Overall, through the unique combination of expertise and methods, this project will improve our understanding of disease spread and biodiversity loss under different trophic conditions and, consequently, might provide tools for management of aquatic ecosystems. This is a collaborative research project between Justyna Wolinska (IGB) and Piet Spaak (Eawag, Switzerland), financed by the German and Swiss Science Foundations (DFG & SNF).

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