Sabine Wollrab
Alte Fischerhütte 2, OT Neuglobsow, 16775 Stechlin
Theoretical Ecology, Food Web Dynamics, Structured Population Dynamics, Predator-Prey Interactions, Aquatic Food Webs, Spatial ecology, Meta-population/community models
since 2014: Group Leader, IGB Berlin
2013 – 2014: Postdoc, Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University, Lansing, USA
2013: Dr. rer. nat. in Theoretical Ecology, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München
Former Publications
Wollrab, S., De Roos A.M. & Diehl, S. (2013) Ontogenetic diet shifts promote predator-mediated coexistence. Ecology, 94, 2886–2897.
Wollrab, S., Diehl, S., & De Roos, A.M. (2012) Simple rules describe bottom-up and top-down control in food webs with alternative energy pathways. Ecology Letters, 15, 935-946.