Petra Kersten
Research Technician
+49 (0) 30 64181 619
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
Research group
January 2023
Amien Isaac Amoutchi; Petra Kersten; Asja Vogt; Klaus Kohlmann; Essetchi Paul Kouamelan; Thomas Mehner
November 2022
Daniela Nicoleta Holostenco ... Petra Kersten ... Jörn Gessner .. Klaus Kohlmann
Genetic population structure of the critically endangered stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) in the Black Sea basin: implications for conservation
Aquatic Conservation. - 32(2022)12, 1926-1939
January 2019
Klaus Kohlmann; Mitica Ciorpac; Petra Kersten; Radu Suciu; Elena Taflan; Katarina Tosic; Daniela Holostenco; Jörn Geßner
November 2018
K. Kohlmann; P. Kersten; J. Geßner; O. Eroglu; S. Firidin; M. Ciorpac; E. Taflan; R. Suciu
Validation of 12 species-specific, tetrasomic microsatellite loci from the Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, for genetic broodstock management
Aquaculture International. - 26(2018)6, S. 1365-1376
January 2018
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Jörn Geßner; Dalia Onara; Elena Taflan; Radu Suciu
New microsatellite multiplex PCR sets for genetic studies of the sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus
Environmental Biotechnology. - 13(2017)1, S. 11-17
September 2017
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Jörn Geßner; Dalia Onara; Elena Taflan; Radu Suciu
Isolation and characterization of 18 polymorphic microsatellite markers for the critically endangered stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus
European Journal of Wildlife Research. - 63(2017)5, art. 75
March 2017
Jelena Lujic; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Zoran Marinovic; Miroslav Cirkovic; Vladica Simic
January 2017
Erik Eschbach; Arne Nolte; Klaus Kohlmann; Josep Alos; Petra Kersten; Sandro Schöning; Tobias Rapp; Robert Arlinghaus
Genetische Vielfalt von Zander- und Hechtpopulationen in Deutschland: Schlussfolgerungen für die nachhaltige fischereiliche Hege durch Besatz
Fischer & Teichwirt. - 67(2016)9, S. 327-330
May 2016
M. Louata; K. Kohlmann; O. K. Ben Hassine; P. Kersten; N. Poulet; L. Bahri-Sfar
Genetic characterization of introduced Tunisian and French populationsof pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) by species-specific microsatellites and mitochondrial haplotypes
Czech Journal of Animal Science. - 61(2016)4, S. 159-171
June 2014
Lo Presti, R.; K. Kohlmann; P. Kersten; C. Lisa; L. Di Stasio
Sequence variability at the mitochondrial ND1, ND6, cyt b and D-loop segments in tench (Tinca tinca L.)
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 30(2014)Suppl. 1, S. 15-21
June 2014
Erik Eschbach; Arne W. Nolte; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Jochem Kail; Robert Arlinghaus
Population differentiation of zander (Sander lucioperca) across native and newly colonized ranges suggests increasing admixture in the course of an invasion
Evolutionary Applications. - 7(2014)5, S. 555-568
April 2013
Klaus Kohlmann; Manel Louati; Petra Kersten; Lilia Bahri-Sfar; Nicolas Poulet; Oum Kalthoum Ben Hassine
Detection of two major cytochrome b lineages in pike-perch, Sander lucioperca, and first data on their distribution in European populations
Environmental biotechnology. - 9(2013)1, S. 1-5
March 2013
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
December 2012
David A. H. Sutter; Cory D. Suski; David P. Philipp; Thomas Klefoth; David H.Wahl; Petra Kersten; Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus
Recreational fishing selectively captures individuals with the highest fitness potential
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 109(2012)51, S. 20960-20965
March 2012
Rossella Lo Presti; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Laura Gasco; Claudio Lisa; Liliana Di Stasio
Genetic variability in tench (Tinca tinca L.) as revealed vy PCR-RFLP analysis of mitochondrial DNA
Italian Journal of Animal Science. - 11(2012)1, S. 103-108 (e19)
December 2010
Rossella Lo Presti; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Laura Gasco; Liliana Di Stasio
Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di Poirino
Italian journal of animal science. - 9(2010)4, S. 445-448 (e85)
September 2010
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Rekigiusz Panicz; Devrim Memis; Martin Flajshans
Genetic variability and differentiation of wild and cultured tench populations inferred from microsatellite loci
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries. - 20(2010)3, S. 279-288
August 2008
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
Isolation and characterization of nine microsatellite loci from the pike-perch, Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758)
Molecular ecology resources. - 8(2008)5, S. 1085-1087
November 2007
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Martin Flajshans
Comparison of microsatellite variability in wild and cultured tench (Tinca tinca)
Aquaculture. - 272(2007)Suppl. 1, S. 147-151
January 2006
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
Microsatellite loci in tench
Aquaculture international. - 14(2006)1, S. 3-7
June 2005
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Martin Flajshans
December 2003
Klaus Kohlmann; Riho Gross; Asiya Murakaeva; Petra Kersten
March 2003
Asiya Murakaeva; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Bakhtiyar Kamilov; Damir Khabibullin
May 2002
Riho Gross; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
August 2008
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
Genetic variability of German and foreign common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) populations
Aquaculture. - 173(1999), S. 435-445
August 2008
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
Enzyme variability in a wild population of tench (Tinca tinca)
Polskie archiwum hydrobiologii. - 45(1998)3, S. 303-310
March 1998
R. Anjum; M. Jankun; K. Kohlmann; P. Kersten
Silver and chromomycin A3 staining of nucleolus organizer regions in the chromosomes of ornamental (Koi) common carp, Cyprinus carpio
Cytobios. - 90(1997), S. 73-79
January 2023
Amien Isaac Amoutchi; Petra Kersten; Asja Vogt; Klaus Kohlmann; Essetchi Paul Kouamelan; Thomas Mehner
November 2022
Daniela Nicoleta Holostenco ... Petra Kersten ... Jörn Gessner .. Klaus Kohlmann
Genetic population structure of the critically endangered stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) in the Black Sea basin: implications for conservation
Aquatic Conservation. - 32(2022)12, 1926-1939
January 2019
Klaus Kohlmann; Mitica Ciorpac; Petra Kersten; Radu Suciu; Elena Taflan; Katarina Tosic; Daniela Holostenco; Jörn Geßner
November 2018
K. Kohlmann; P. Kersten; J. Geßner; O. Eroglu; S. Firidin; M. Ciorpac; E. Taflan; R. Suciu
Validation of 12 species-specific, tetrasomic microsatellite loci from the Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, for genetic broodstock management
Aquaculture International. - 26(2018)6, S. 1365-1376
January 2018
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Jörn Geßner; Dalia Onara; Elena Taflan; Radu Suciu
New microsatellite multiplex PCR sets for genetic studies of the sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus
Environmental Biotechnology. - 13(2017)1, S. 11-17
September 2017
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Jörn Geßner; Dalia Onara; Elena Taflan; Radu Suciu
Isolation and characterization of 18 polymorphic microsatellite markers for the critically endangered stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus
European Journal of Wildlife Research. - 63(2017)5, art. 75
March 2017
Jelena Lujic; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Zoran Marinovic; Miroslav Cirkovic; Vladica Simic
January 2017
Erik Eschbach; Arne Nolte; Klaus Kohlmann; Josep Alos; Petra Kersten; Sandro Schöning; Tobias Rapp; Robert Arlinghaus
Genetische Vielfalt von Zander- und Hechtpopulationen in Deutschland: Schlussfolgerungen für die nachhaltige fischereiliche Hege durch Besatz
Fischer & Teichwirt. - 67(2016)9, S. 327-330
May 2016
M. Louata; K. Kohlmann; O. K. Ben Hassine; P. Kersten; N. Poulet; L. Bahri-Sfar
Genetic characterization of introduced Tunisian and French populationsof pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) by species-specific microsatellites and mitochondrial haplotypes
Czech Journal of Animal Science. - 61(2016)4, S. 159-171
June 2014
Lo Presti, R.; K. Kohlmann; P. Kersten; C. Lisa; L. Di Stasio
Sequence variability at the mitochondrial ND1, ND6, cyt b and D-loop segments in tench (Tinca tinca L.)
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. - 30(2014)Suppl. 1, S. 15-21
June 2014
Erik Eschbach; Arne W. Nolte; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Jochem Kail; Robert Arlinghaus
Population differentiation of zander (Sander lucioperca) across native and newly colonized ranges suggests increasing admixture in the course of an invasion
Evolutionary Applications. - 7(2014)5, S. 555-568
April 2013
Klaus Kohlmann; Manel Louati; Petra Kersten; Lilia Bahri-Sfar; Nicolas Poulet; Oum Kalthoum Ben Hassine
Detection of two major cytochrome b lineages in pike-perch, Sander lucioperca, and first data on their distribution in European populations
Environmental biotechnology. - 9(2013)1, S. 1-5
March 2013
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
December 2012
David A. H. Sutter; Cory D. Suski; David P. Philipp; Thomas Klefoth; David H.Wahl; Petra Kersten; Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus
Recreational fishing selectively captures individuals with the highest fitness potential
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 109(2012)51, S. 20960-20965
March 2012
Rossella Lo Presti; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Laura Gasco; Claudio Lisa; Liliana Di Stasio
Genetic variability in tench (Tinca tinca L.) as revealed vy PCR-RFLP analysis of mitochondrial DNA
Italian Journal of Animal Science. - 11(2012)1, S. 103-108 (e19)
December 2010
Rossella Lo Presti; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Laura Gasco; Liliana Di Stasio
Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di Poirino
Italian journal of animal science. - 9(2010)4, S. 445-448 (e85)
September 2010
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Rekigiusz Panicz; Devrim Memis; Martin Flajshans
Genetic variability and differentiation of wild and cultured tench populations inferred from microsatellite loci
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries. - 20(2010)3, S. 279-288
August 2008
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
Isolation and characterization of nine microsatellite loci from the pike-perch, Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758)
Molecular ecology resources. - 8(2008)5, S. 1085-1087
November 2007
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Martin Flajshans
Comparison of microsatellite variability in wild and cultured tench (Tinca tinca)
Aquaculture. - 272(2007)Suppl. 1, S. 147-151
January 2006
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
Microsatellite loci in tench
Aquaculture international. - 14(2006)1, S. 3-7
June 2005
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Martin Flajshans
December 2003
Klaus Kohlmann; Riho Gross; Asiya Murakaeva; Petra Kersten
March 2003
Asiya Murakaeva; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Bakhtiyar Kamilov; Damir Khabibullin
May 2002
Riho Gross; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
August 2008
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
Genetic variability of German and foreign common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) populations
Aquaculture. - 173(1999), S. 435-445
August 2008
Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten
Enzyme variability in a wild population of tench (Tinca tinca)
Polskie archiwum hydrobiologii. - 45(1998)3, S. 303-310
March 1998
R. Anjum; M. Jankun; K. Kohlmann; P. Kersten
Silver and chromomycin A3 staining of nucleolus organizer regions in the chromosomes of ornamental (Koi) common carp, Cyprinus carpio
Cytobios. - 90(1997), S. 73-79