Martin Pusch
Müggelseedamm 301, 12587 Berlin
Structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems
Aquatic and semi-aquatic biodiversity
River hydrodynamics and sediment
Hydropower, environmental flows
Inputs, retention and metabolism of nutrients and organic matter in running waters, self-purification capacity of rivers
Monitoring and assessment of river and lakes, EU Water Framework Directive
Integrative management of lakes, rivers, floodplains and river basins, socio-ecology, flood retention
Ecosystem services, governance of water-related management
2015 Set-up of research field 'Ecosystem services of rivers and floodplains'
2012 Habilitation at University of Potsdam
2011 Inauguration of Hydroecological Field Experimental facility (HEFE)
1999-2005 Coordinator of BMBF funded research network on dynamics of matter and bio-indication in the Elbe River
1997 Head of research unit at IGB
1994/94 Research stay at Flathead Lake Biological Station (Montana)
1993 Research sientist at Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
1993 Postdoc at University of Cologne
1993 PhD at University of Freiburg/Br. after elaborating the thesis at the Institute of Limnology (Constance) on the topic of degradation of organic matter in stream sediments
1987 Diploma at University of Freiburg/Br.
January 2025
Nina Farwig; Philipp P. Sprenger; Bruno Baur; Katrin Böhning-Gaese; Angelika Brandt; Nico Eisenhauer; Götz Ellwanger; Axel Hochkirch; Alexandros A. Karamanlidis; Marion Mehring; Martin Pusch; Finn Rehling; Nike Sommerwerk; Theresa Spatz; Jens-Christian Svenning; Sabine Tischew; Klement Tockner; Teja Tscharntke; Alice B. M. Vadrot; Julian Taffner; Christine Fürst; Sonja C. Jähnig; Volker Mosbrugger
Identifying Major Factors for Success and Failure of Conservation Programs in Europe
Environmental Management. - XX(2024)XX, XX-XX
September 2024
H. Huđek; M. Carolli; K. Žganec; T.M. Pusch
Alterations of river flow caused by three types of hydropower plants in Slovenia and Croatia
Journal of Hydrology : Regional Studies. - 53(2024), Art. 101840
May 2024
Martin Tschikof; Barbara Stammel; Gabriele Weigelhofer; Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze; Gabriela Costea; Martin Pusch; Zorica Srdević; Pavel Benka; David Bela Vizi; Tim Borgs; Thomas Hein
Cross-scale and integrative prioritization of multi-functionality in large river floodplains
Journal of Environmental Management. - 358(2024), Art. 120899
January 2024
Herausgeber: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.. Autor*innen: Stella Berger, Jörn Gessner, Jan Köhler, Karla Münzner, Jens Nejstgaard, Martin Pusch, Matthias Stöck, Christian Wolter, Sven Würtz. Redaktion: Julia Walter. Gestaltung: Angelina Tittmann
February 2024
Herausgeber: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.. Autor*innen: Christian Wolter, Sven Würtz, Jan Köhler und Martin Pusch. Redaktion: Julia Walter und Angelina Tittmann
[IGB Fact Sheet] Zentrale Zwischenergebnisse zum Zustand der Oder nach der Umweltkatastrophe
January 2024
Nadine Gerner; Christian Albert; Alexandra Dehnhardt; Martina Fenske; Dietmar Mehl; Martin Pusch; Petra Schneider; Katja Siegel; Manfred Tschöpe
Der Einsatz von Ökosystemleistungsbewertungen als unterstützendes Instrument im Gewässerschutz: Beitrag der DWA-Arbeitsgruppe GB-10.4
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft. - 16(2023)10, 651-655
January 2024
Mauro Carolli; Carlos Garcia de Leaniz; Joshua Jones; Barbara Belletti; Helena Huđek; Martin Pusch; Pencho Pandakov; Luca Börger; Wouter van de Bund
Impacts of existing and planned hydropower dams on river fragmentation in the Balkan Region
Science of the Total Environment. - 871(2023), Art. 161940
December 2023
Dietmar Mehl; Janette Iwanowski; Tim G. Hoffmann; Martin Pusch
Einfluss von Wasserkraftanlagen auf den ökologischen Zustand von Fließgewässern in Deutschland
Wasser und Abfall. - 25(2023)11, S. 35-44
January 2023
C. Gheorghiu; C. Ionescu; M. Pusch; M. Tschikof; P. Suhadolnik; Z. Srdjevic; G. Bardarska; D.B. Vizi
Legal framework: [Chapter 7]
From integrative floodplain management based on Ecosystem Services to betterwater quality - the IDES Strategy /Hrsg.: Dávid Béla Vizi ; Tibor Bíró ; Gábor Keve ; Barbara Stammel. Szolnok ; Baja ; Eichstätt, 2022
January 2023
Sonja C. Jähnig; Mauro Carolli; Alexandra Dehnhardt; Tim Jardine; Simone Podschun; Martin Pusch; Mathias Scholz; Rebecca E. Tharme; Karl M. Wantzen; Simone D. Langhans
Ecosystem Services of River Systems – Irreplaceable, Undervalued, and at Risk
Encyclopedia of Inland Waters / Editors-in-Chief: Thomas Mehner, Klement Tockner. San Diego, California. 2nd ed., 2022. - Vol. 2, S. 424-435
January 2023
Corina Gheorghiu; Camelia Ionescu; Andreas Gericke; Martin Pusch; Gabriela Costea; Dávid Béla Vizi; Martin Tschikof; Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze; Barbara Stammel; Julia Stäps; Tim Borgs; Christian Schuth
Bessere Wasserqualität durch ein integratives Auenmanagement auf der Grundlage von Ökosystemleistungen: Deutsche Zusammenfassung des IDES Manuals und der IDES Strategy ; Improving water quality in the Danube river and its tributaries by integrative floodp
December 2022
Andreas Gericke ; Martin Pusch ; Markus Venohr ; Cristian Mihai Adamescu ; Constantin Cazacu ; Tim Borgs ; Barbara Stammel ; Zorica Srđević ; Gabriela Costea
Synthesis and visualisation of crosssectoral benefits in scenarios: [Chapter 2.4]
Ecosystem services in floodplains and their potential to improve water quality/Hrsg.: Stäps, Julia ; Gericke, Andreas ; Lungu, Adrian ; Stammel, Barbara, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt [u.a.], 2022. - S. 92-102
December 2022
Autorzy odpowiedzialni: Christian Wolter, Jörn Geßner, Jan Köhler, Martin Pusch, Tobias Goldhammer, Stephanie Spahr. Redakcja: Angelina Tittmann, Johannes Graupner. Publisher: Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries(IGB)
Przyszłość Odry : Naukowe zalecenia dotyczące działań w następstwie katastrofy ekologicznej spowodowanej przez człowieka: IGB Policy Brief
September 2022
Verantwortliche Autor*innen: Christian Wolter, Jörn Geßner, Jan Köhler, Martin Pusch, Tobias Goldhammer, Stephanie Spahr. Redaktion: Angelina Tittmann, Johannes Graupner. Herausgeber: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V
September 2022
Responsible authors: Christian Wolter, Jörn Geßner, Jan Köhler, Martin Pusch, Tobias Goldhammer, Stephanie Spahr. Editing: Angelina Tittmann, Johannes Graupner. Publisher: Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries(IGB)
January 2022
Martin Pusch; Hans E. Andersen; Jürgen Bäthe; Horst Behrendt; Helmut Fischer; Nikolai Friberg; Aleksandra Gancarczyk; Carl C. Hoffmann; Justyna Hachoł; Brian Kronvang; Franciszek Nowacki; Morten L. Pedersen; Leonard Sandin; Franz Schöll; Matthias Scholten; Sonja Stendera; Lars M. Svendsen; Ewa Wnuk-Gławdel; Christian Wolter
Rivers in Central Europe High mountains and lowlands: [Chapter 14]
Rivers of Europe/edited by Klement Tockner, et al., Elsevier, 2021. - S. 717-774
January 2022
Martin Pusch
Ecosystem service indicators: [Chapter 2.3]
Water resources as important factors in the Engergy Transition at local and global scale : final report of the joint projekt WANDEL /Flörke, M. ; Onigkeit, J. ; Oppel, H. (eds.). - Bochum : Ruhr-Universität, 2021. - S. 14-21
December 2021
PD Dr. Jörg Lewandowski; Dr. Tobias Goldhammer; Anja Höhne; Lukas Kleine; Anna Lena Kronsbein; PD Dr. Thomas Mehner; Birgit Maria Müller; PD Dr. Martin Pusch; Christoph Josef Reith; Hanna Schulz; Dr. Stephanie Spahr
Ansiedlung von industriellen Großprojekten in wasserarmen Gebieten: [wwt Modernisierungsreport 2021/2022]
Wasserwirtschaft - Wassertechnik. - (2021)Sonderausgabe Modernisierungsreport 2021/2022, 32-39
September 2021
Verantwortliche Autor*innen: Jörn Geßner, Hans-Peter Grossart, Sonja Jähnig, Jonathan Jeschke, Martin Pusch, Christian Wolter. Redaktion: Johannes Graupner. Herausgeber: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V
Biologische Vielfalt in Binnengewässern – bedrohte Lebensgrundlagen von Natur und Mensch besser schützen : Forschungsbasierte Handlungsempfehlungen für eine nachhaltige Gewässerpolitik: IGB Policy Brief
May 2021
Gabriela Costea; Martin T. Pusch; Doru Bănăduc; Diana Cosmoiu; Angela Curtean-Bănăduc
A review of hydropower plants in Romania: distribution, current knowledge, and their effects on fish in headwater streams
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. - 145(2021), Art. 111003
February 2021
Barbara Stammel; Christine Fischer; Bernd Cyffka; Christian Albert; Christian Damm; Alexandra Dehnhardt; Helmut Fischer; Francis Foeckler; Lars Gerstner; Tim G. Hoffmann; Janette Iwanowski; Hans D. Kasperidus; Kathrin Linnemann; Dietmar Mehl; Simone A. Podschun; Marin Rayanov; Stephanie Ritz; Andrea Rumm; Mathias Scholz; Christiane Schulz‐Zunkel; Julia Thiele; Markus Venohr; Christina von Haaren; Martin T. Pusch; Marion Gelhaus
Assessing land use and flood management impacts on ecosystem services in a river landscape (Upper Danube, Germany)
River Research and Applications. - 37(2021)2, 209-220
January 2023
Christine Fischer-Bedtke; Helmut Fischer; Dietmar Mehl; Simone Podschun; Martin Pusch; Barbara Stammel; Mathias Scholz
River Ecosystem Service Index (RESI) - Methoden zur Quantifizierung und Bewertung ausgewählter Ökosystemleistungen in Flüssen und Auen
UFZ Bericht - 2(2020), S. ii,382
December 2020
Barbara Belletti; Carlos Garcia de Leaniz; Joshua Jones; Simone Bizzi; Luca Börger; Gilles Segura; Andrea Castelletti; Wouter van de Bund; Kim Aarestrup; James Barry; Kamila Belka; Arjan Berkhuysen; Kim Birnie-Gauvin; Martina Bussettini; Mauro Carolli; Sofia Consuegra; Eduardo Dopico; Tim Feierfeil; Sara Fernández; Pao Fernandez Garrido; Eva Garcia-Vazquez; Sara Garrido; Guillermo Giannico; Peter Gough; Niels Jepsen; Peter E. Jones; Paul Kemp; Jim Kerr; James King; Małgorzata Łapińska; Gloria Lázaro; Martyn C. Lucas; Lucio Marcello; Patrick Martin; Phillip McGinnity; Jesse O’Hanley; Rosa Olivo del Amo; Piotr Parasiewicz; Martin Pusch; Gonzalo Rincon; Cesar Rodriguez; Joshua Royte; Claus Till Schneider; Jeroen S. Tummers; Sergio Vallesi; Andrew Vowles; Eric Verspoor; Herman Wanningen; Karl M. Wantzen; Laura Wildman; Maciej Zalewski
More than one million barriers fragment Europe’s rivers
Nature. - 588(2020), S. 436–441
September 2020
Aude Zingraff-Hamed; Barbara Schröter; Simon Schaub; Robert Lepenies; Ulf Stein; Frank Hüesker; Claas Meyer; Christian Scgleyer; Susanne Schmeier; Martin T. Pusch
Perception of bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Direktive
Water Alternatives.- 13(2020)3,art. 13-3-8
August 2020
Barbara Stammel; Christine Fischer; Bernd Cyffka; Christian Albert; Christian Damm; Alexandra Dehnhardt; Helmut Fischer; Francis Foeckler; Lars Gerstner; Tim G. Hoffmann; Janette Iwanowski; Hans D. Kasperidus; Kathrin Linnemann; Dietmar Mehl; Simone A. Podschun; Marin Rayanov; Stephanie Ritz; Andrea Rumm; Mathias Scholz; Christiane Schulz‐Zunkel; Julia Thiele; Markus Venohr; Christina von Haaren; Martin T. Pusch; Marion Gelhaus
Assessing land use and flood management impacts on ecosystem services in a river landscape (Upper Danube, Germany)
River Research and Applications. 2020;1–12
July 2020
Martin Pusch
Bewertung und Planung von Gewässerentwicklungsmaßnahmen auf der Basis von Ökosystemleistungen
53. Essener Tagung für Wasserwirtschaft "Wasser in einer sich verändernden Welt" : 18. bis 20. März 2020 in der Messe Essen Ost / hrsg. von J. Pinnekamp. - Aachen, 2020. - 11 S. - (Gewässerschutz, Wasser, Abwasser ; 252)
January 2020
Helena Hudek; Kresimir Zganec; Martin T. Pusch
A review of hydropower dams in Southeast Europe - distribution, trends and availability of monitoring data using the example of a multinational Danube catchment subarea
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. - 117(2020)109434
January 2020
Gwendolin Porst; Mario Brauns; Kenneth Irvine; Angelo Solimini; Leonard Sandin; Martin Pusch; Oliver Miler
Effects of shoreline alteration and habitat heterogeneity on macroinvertebrate community composition across European lakes
Ecological Indicators. - 98(2019), S. 285-296
January 2020
Jörg Freyhof; Mark Gessner; Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt; Sonja Jähnig; Jan Köhler; Thomas Mehner; Martin Pusch; Markus Venohr; Christian Wolter
January 2020
Sonja C. Jähnig - lead author; Rita Adrian; Hans-Peter Grossart; Jörg Freyhof; Matthias Stöck; Franz Hölker; Jonathan Jeschke; Robert Arlinghaus; Mark Gessner; Martin Pusch; Daniel Hering ...; Peter Haase; Hans Jürgen Hahn ...; Dietrich Borchardt ...; Frank Suhling; Dietmar Staile ...; Thomas Berendonk ...; Jürgen Geist; Ursula Gaedke; Guntram Weithoff; Jörg Dutz ...; Judith Piontek; Marlene Pätzig; Steffen Pauls; Nike Sommerwerk
Living waters: a research agenda for the biodiversity of inland and coastal waters
13 S.
November 2019
Sonja C. Jähnig - Federführung; Rita Adrian; Hans-Peter Grossart; Jörg Freyhof; Matthias Stöck; Franz Hölker; Jonathan Jeschke; Robert Arlinghaus; Mark Gessner; Martin Pusch; Daniel Hering ...; Peter Haase; Hans Jürgen Hahn ...; Dietrich Borchardt ...; Frank Suhling; Dietmar Staile ...; Thomas Berendonk ...; Jürgen Geist; Ursula Gaedke; Guntram Weithoff; Jörg Dutz ...; Judith Piontek; Marlene Pätzig; Steffen Pauls; Nike Sommerwerk
October 2019
Jörg Freyhof; Mark Gessner; Hans-Peter Grossart; Sabine Hilt; Sonja Jähnig; Jan Köhler; Thomas Mehner; Martin Pusch; Markus Venohr; Christian Wolter
September 2019
Lena K. Hornung; Simone A. Podschun; Martin Pusch
Linking ecosystem services and measures in river and floodplain management
Ecosystems and People. - 15(2019)1, S. 214-231
August 2019
Stefano Brighenti; Monica Tolotti; Maria Cristina Bruno; Geraldene Wharton; Martin T. Pusch; Walter Bertoldi
Ecosystem shifts in Alpine streams under glacier retreat and rock glacier thaw: a review
Science of the Total Environment. - 675(2019), S. 542-559
August 2019
Martin T. Pusch; Simone A. Podschun; Christian Albert; Christian Damm; Alexandra Dehnhardt; Christine Fischer; Helmut Fischer; Francis Foeckler; Marion Gelhaus; Lars Gerstner; Janette Iwanowski; Tim G. Hoffmann; Dietmar Mehl; Marin Rayanov; Stephanie Ritz; Andrea Rumm; Mathias Scholz; Barbara Stammel; Julia Thiele; Markus Venohr
Ökosystemleistungen von Flussauen bewerten: der RESI-Ansatz
Auenmagazin. - 16(2019), S. 6-10
February 2020
von Oliver Miler; Martin Pusch; Jürgen Böhmer
Weiterentwicklung des deutschen Makrozoobenthos-Bewertungsverfahrens für Seen "AESHNA" zu einer strukturgütegestützten Gesamtseebewertung
(Texte / Umweltbundesamt ; 2018,104)
February 2020
Oliver Miler; Magdalena Czarnecka; Xavier-Francois Garcia; Anne Jäger; Martin Pusch
Across-shore differences in lake benthic invertebrate communities within reed stands (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.)
International Review of Hydrobiology. - 103(2018)5-6, S. 99-112
January 2019
Simone A. Podschun; Christian Albert; Gabriela Costea; Christian Damm; Alexandra Dehnhardt; Christine Fischer; Helmut Fischer; Francis Foeckler; Marion Gelhaus; Lars Gestner; Volkmar Hartje; Tim G. Hoffmann; Lena Hornung; Janette Iwanowski; Hans Kasperidus; Kathrin Linnemann; Dietmar Mehl; Marin Rayanov; Stephanie Ritz; Andrea Rumm; Achim Sander; Matthias Schmidt; Mathias Scholz; Christiane Schulz-Zunkel; Barbara Stammel; Julia Thiele; Markus Venohr; Christina von Haaren; Marcus Wildner; Martin Pusch
January 2019
Martin T. Pusch; Simone A. Podschun; Gabriela Costea; Marion Gelhaus; Barbara Stammel
With RESI towards a more integrative management of large rivers and floodplains
Danube News. - 20(2018)38, S. 6-10
January 2019
Chrysoula Ntislidou; Canella Radea; Sinos Giokas; Martin T. Pusch; Maria Lazaridou; Dimitra C. Bobori
January 2019
Christine Fischer; Simone A. Beichler; Christian Damm; Francis Foeckler; Marion Gelhaus; Martin Pusch; Andrea Rumm; Barbara Stammel; Mathias Scholz
River Ecosystem Service Index (RESI) - Erfassung und Bewertung der Ökosystemleistung "Habitatbereitstellung"
Artenschutzreport. - 38(2018), S. 14-16
December 2018
Simone A. Podschun; Julia Thiele; Alexandra Dehnhardt; Dietmar Mehl; Tim G. Hoffmann; Christian Albert; Christina von Haaren; Kai Deutschmann; Christine Fischer; Mathias Scholz; Gabriela Costea; Martin T. Pusch
Das Konzept der Ökosystemleistungen - eine Chance für integratives Gewässermanagement
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung. - 62(2018)6, S. 453-468
September 2017
Meili Feng; Guido Zolezzi; Martin Pusch
Effects of thermopeaking on the thermal response of alpine river systems to heatwaves
Science of the Total Environment. - 612(2018), S. 1266-1275
October 2017
Stefan Lorenz; Martin T. Pusch; Oliver Miler; Ulrike Blaschke
How much ecological integrity does a lake need?: Managing the shores of a peri-urban lake
Landscape and Urban Planning. - 164(2017), S. 91-98
May 2017
Karan Kakouei; Jens Kiesel; Jochem Kail; Martin Pusch; Sonja C. Jähnig
Quantitative hydrological preferences of benthic stream invertebrates in Germany
Ecological Indicators. - 79(2017), S. 163-172
April 2017
Jingmei Yao; Fanny Colas; Angelo G. Solimini; Tom J. Battin; Sarig Gafny; Manuela Morais; Maria A. Puig; Eugenia Marti; Martin T. Pusch; Catherina Voreadou; Francesc Sabater; Frederic Julien; Jose M. Sanchez-Perez; Sabine Sauvage; Philippe Vervier; Magali Gerino
Macroinvertebrate community traits and nitrate removal in stream sediments
Freshwater Biology. - 62(2017)5, S. 929-944
December 2017
Martin Pusch
Auen - Quellen vielfältiger Dienstleistungen für den Menschen
Auenmagazin. - 9(2016), S. 4-7
June 2016
Stefan Schindler; Fionnuala H. O'Neill; Marianna Biro; Christian Damm; Viktor Gasso; Robert Kanka; Theo van der Sluis; Andreas Krug; Sophie G. Lauwaars; Zita Sebesvari; Martin Pusch; Boris Baranovsky; Thomas Ehlert; Bernd Neukirchen; James R. Martin; Katrin Euller; Volker Mauerhofer; Thomas Wrbka
Multifunctional floodplain management and biodiversity effects
Biodiversity and Conservation. - 25(2016)7, S. 1349-1382
May 2016
Francesca Pilotto; Gemma L. Harvey; Geraldene Wharton; Martin T. Pusch
March 2016
Pascal Bodmer; Marlen Heinz; Martin Pusch; Gabriel Singer; Katrin Premke
Carbon dynamics and their link to dissolved organic matter quality across contrasting stream ecosystems
Science of the Total Environment. - 553(2016), S. 574-586
March 2016
Matthew J. Cashman; Francesca Pilotto; Gemma L. Harvey; Geraldene Wharton; Martin T. Pusch
February 2016
Gwendolin Porst; Oliver Miler; Louise Donohue; Tamara Jurca; Francesca Pilotto; Mario Brauns; Angelo Solimini; Martin Pusch
November 2015
Sandra Poikane; Richard K. Johnson; Leonard Sandin; Ann Kristin Schartau; Angelo G. Solimini; Gorazd Urbanic; Kestutis Arbaciauskas; Jukka Aroviita; Wim Gabriels; Oliver Miler; Martin T. Pusch; Henn Timm; Jürgen Böhmer
Benthic macroinvertebrates in lake ecological assessment
Science of the Total Environment. - 543(2016), S. 123-134
November 2015
Daniel Graeber; Iola G. Boechat; Francisco Encina-Montoya; Carlos Esse; Jörg Gelbrecht; Guillermo Goyenola; Björn Gücker; Marlen Heinz; Brian Kronvang; Mariana Meerhoff; Jorge Nimptsch; Martin T. Pusch; Ricky C. S. Silva; Daniel von Schiller; Elke Zwirnmann
Global effects of agriculture on fluvial dissolved organic matter
Scientific Reports. - 5(2015) art. 16328
August 2015
Bao-Zhu Pan; Hong-Zhu Wang; Martin T. Pusch; Hai-Jun Wang
Macroinvertebrate responses to regime shifts caused by eutrophication in subtropical shallow lakes
Freshwater Science. - 34(2015)3, S. 942-952
August 2015
Oliver Miler; Wolfgang Ostendorp; Mario Brauns; Gwendolin Porst; Martin T. Pusch
Ecological assessment of morphological shore degradation at whole lake level aided by aerial photo analysis
Fundamental and Applied Limnology. - 186(2015)4, S. 353-369
August 2015
Stefan Lorenz; Martin T. Pusch; Ulrike Blaschke
Minimum shoreline restoration requirements to improve the ecological status of a north-eastern German glacial lowland lake in an urban landscape
Fundamental and Applied Limnology. - 186(2015)4, S. 323-332
June 2015
Francesca Pilotto; Marcello Bazzanti; Valentina Di Vito; Davide Frosali; Francesco Livretti; Luciana Mastrantuono; Martin T. Pusch; Fabrizio Sena; Angelo G. Solimini
Relative impacts of morphological alteration to shorelines and eutrophication on littoral macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean lakes
Freshwater Science. - 34(2015)2, S. 410-422
February 2015
Oliver Miler; Gwendolin Porst; Elaine McGoff; Francesca Pilotto; Louise Donohue; Tamara Jurca; Angelo Solimini; Leonard Sandin; Kenneth Irvine; Jukka Aroviita; Ralph Clarke; Martin T. Pusch
An index of human alteration of lake shore morphology
Aquatic Conservation. - 25(2015)3, S. 353-364
February 2015
K. Blanckaert; R. Han; F. Pilotto; M. Pusch
Effects of large wood on morphology, flow and turbulence in a lowland river
River flow 2014 : international conference on fluvial hydraulics / ed.: Anton J. Schleiss ... - Leiden : CRC Press, 2014. - S. 2493-2501
December 2014
Francesca Pilotto; Andrea Bertoncin; Gemma L. Harvey; Geraldene Wharton; Martin T. Pusch
Diversification of stream invertebrate communities by large wood
Freshwater Biology. - 59(2014)12, S. 2571-2583
November 2014
Magdalena Czarnecka; Francesca Pilotto; Martin T. Pusch
Is coarse woody debris in lakes a refuge or a trap for benthic invertebrates exposed to fish predation?
Freshwater Biology. - 59(2014)11, S. 2400-2412
March 2014
Stefan Schindler; Zita Sebesvari; Christian Damm; Katrin Euller; Volker Mauerhofer; Anna Schneidergruber; Marianna Biró; Franz Essl; Róbert Kanka; Sophie G. Lauwaars; Christiane Schulz-Zunkel; Theo van der Sluis; Michaela Kropik; Viktor Gasso; Andreas Krug; Martin T. Pusch; Klaus Peter Zulka; Werner Lazowski; Christa Hainz-Renetzeder; Klaus Henle; Thomas Wrbka
Multifunctionality of floodplain landscapes
Landscape Ecology. - 29(2014)2, S. 229-244
July 2014
Gabriela Costea; Ion Cojocaru; Martin Pusch
The aquatic beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) assemblages in the Lower Prut Floodplain National Park (Romania)
Natura Montenegrina. - 12(2013)3-4, S. 719-736
February 2014
Friederike Gabel; Martin Pusch; Mario Brauns; Xavier-Francois Garcia
Auswirkungen von Schiffswellen auf das litorale Makrozoobenthos
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2012 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2013. - S. 2-6
February 2014
Stefan Schindler; Michaela Kropik; Katrin Euller; Stuart W. Bunting; Christiane Schulz-Zunkel; Anna Hermann; Christa Hainz-Renetzeder; Robert Kanka; Volker Mauerhofer; Viktor Gasso; Andreas Krug; Sophie G. Lauwaars; Klaus Peter Zulka; Klaus Henle; Maurice Hoffmann; Marianna Biró; Franz Essl; Sophie Jaquier; Lukács Balázs; Gábor Borics; Stephanie Hudin; Christian Damm; Martin Pusch; Theo van der Sluis; Zita Sebesvari; Thomas Wrbka
Floodplain management in temperate regions
Environmental Evidence. - 2(2013)10
January 2014
Stefan Lorenz; Martin T. Pusch
Filtration activity of invasive mussel species under wave disturbance conditions
Biological Invasions. - 15(2013)12, S. 2681-2690
November 2013
K. Blanckaert; X.-F. Garcia; A.-M. Ricardo; Q. Chen; M. T. Pusch
The role of turbulence in the hydraulic environment of benthic invertebrates
Ecohydrology. - 6(2013)4, S. 700-712
October 2013
Oliver Miler; Gwendolin Porst; Elaine McGoff; Francesca Pilotto; Louise Donohue; Tamara Jurca; Angelo Solimini; Leonard Sandin; Kenneth Irvine; Jukka Aroviita; Ralph Clarke; Martin T. Pusch
Morphological alterations of lake shores in Europe
Ecological Indicators. - 34(2013), S. 398-410
October 2013
Daniel Graeber; Martin T. Pusch; Stefan Lorenz; Mario Brauns
Cascading effects of flow reduction on the benthic invertebrate community in a lowland river
Hydrobiologia. - 717(2013)1, S. 147-159
September 2013
Elaine McGoff; Angelo G. Solimini; Martin T. Pusch; Tamara Jurca; Leonard Sandin
Does lake habitat alteration and land-use pressure homogenize European littoral macroinvertebrate communities?
Journal of Applied Ecology. - 50(2013)4, S. 1010-1018
March 2013
Stefan Lorenz; Friederike Gabel; Nora Dobra; Martin T. Pusch
Modelling the effects of recreational boating on self-purification activity provided by bivalve mollusks in a lowland river
Freshwater Science. - 32(2013)1, S. 82-93
March 2013
Anne Lyche-Solheim; Christian K. Feld; Sebastian Birk; Geoff Phillips; Laurence Carvalho; Giuseppe Morabito; Ute Mischke; Nigel Willby; Martin Søndergaard; Seppo Hellsten; Agnieszka Kolada; Marit Mjelde; Jürgen Böhmer; Oliver Miler; Martin T. Pusch; Christine Argillier; Erik Jeppesen; Torben L. Lauridsen; Sandra Poikane
Ecological status assessment of European lakes
Hydrobiologia. - 704(2013), S. 57-74
January 2013
Stefan Lorenz; Martin T. Pusch
Estimating the recreational carrying capacity of a lowland river section
Water Science and Technology. - 66(2012)9, S. 2033-2039
January 2013
Daniel Graeber; Jörg Gelbrecht; Martin T. Pusch; Christine Anlanger; Daniel von Schiller
Agriculture has changed the amount and composition of dissolved organic matter in Central European headwater streams
Science of the Total Environment. - 438(2012), S. 435-446
December 2012
P. Marmonier; G. Archambaud; N. Belaidi; N. Bougon; P. Breil; E. Chauvet; C. Claret; J. Cornut; T. Datry; M.-J. Dole-Olivier; B. Dumont; N. Flipo; A. Foulquier; M. Gérino; A. Guilpart; F. Julien; C. Maazouzi; D. Martin; F. Mermillod-Blondin; B. Montuelle; Ph. Namour; S. Navel; D. Ombredane; T. Pelte; C. Piscart; M. Pusch; S. Stroffek; A. Robertson; J.-M. Sanchez.Pérez; S. Sauvage; A. Taleb; M. Wantzen; Ph. Vervier
The role of organisms in hyporheic processes
Annales de Limnologie - 48(2012)3, S. 253-266
December 2012
D. Graeber; J. Gelbrecht; B. Kronvang; B. Gücker; M. T. Pusch; E. Zwirnmann
Technical note: comparison between a direct and the standard, indirect method for dissolved organic nitrogen determination in freshwater environments with high dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations
Biogeosciences. - 9(2012)11, S. 4873-4884
December 2012
Friederike Gabel; Xavier F. Garcia; Ingo Schnauder; Martin T. Pusch
Effects of ship-induced waves on littoral benthic invertebrates
Freshwater Biology. - 57(2012)12, S. 2425-2435
December 2012
Klement Tockner; Jörn Gessner; Martin Pusch; Christian Wolter
Domestizierte Ökosysteme und neuartige Lebensgemeinschaften
Wasserbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Landschafts- und Klimawandel / Hrsg.: Uwe Grünewald ... - Stuttgart : Schweizerbart, 2012. - S. 33-42
June 2012
Gwendolin Porst; Steffen Bader; Elise Münch; Martin Pusch
Sampling approaches for the assessment of shoreline development based on littoral macroinvertebrates
Fundamental and Applied Limnology. - 180(2012)2, S. 123-131
April 2012
X.-F. Garcia; I. Schnauder; M. T. Pusch
Complex hydromorphology of meanders can support benthic invertebrate diversity in rivers
Hydrobiologia. - 685(2012), S. 49-68
April 2012
Klement Tockner; Martin Pusch; Jörn Gessner; Christian Wolter
Domesticated ecosystems and novel communities
Ecohydrology and hydrobiology. - 11(2011)3-4, S. 167-174
March 2012
Stefan Lorenz; Martin T. Pusch
Estimating the recreational carrying capacity of a lowland river section
Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Water Ressource Management. - Dresden, 2011. - 10 S.
March 2012
Friederike Gabel; Martin T. Pusch; Philippa Breyer; Vanessa Burmester; Norbert Walz; Xavier-François Garcia
Schiffswellen beeinflussen das Wachstum und das Verhalten von einheimischen Invertebraten stärker als von eingewanderten
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2010 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2011. - S. 268-272
January 2012
Mario Brauns; Björn Gücker; Carola Wagner; Xavier-François Garcia; Norbert Walz; Martin T. Pusch
Human lakeshore development alters the structure and trophic basis of littoral food webs
Journal of applied ecology. - 48(2011)4, S. 916-925
January 2012
Gunnar Nützmann; Christian Wolter; Markus Venohr; Martin Pusch
Historical patterns of anthropogenic impacts on freshwaters in the Berlin-Brandenburg region
Die Erde. - 142(2011)1-2, S. 41-64
August 2011
Friedrike Gabel; Martin T. Pusch; Philippa Breyer; Vanessa Burmester; Norbert Walz; Xavier-François Garcia
Differential effect of wave stress on the physiology and behaviour of native versus non-native benthic invertebrates
Biological invasions. - 13(2011)8, S. 1843-1853
March 2011
Björn Gücker; Mario Brauns; Angelo G. Solimini; Maren Voss; Norbert Walz; Martin T. Pusch
Urban stressors alter the trophic basis of secondary production in an agricultural stream
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. - 68(2011)1, S. 74-88
January 2011
Friederike Gabel; Stefan Stoll; Philipp Fischer; Martin T. Pusch; Xavier-François Garcia
Waves affect predator-prey interactions between fish and benthic invertebrates
Oecologia. - 165(2011)1, S. 101-109
March 2010
Klement Tockner; Martin Pusch; Dietrich Borchardt; Mark S. Lorang
Multiple stressors in coupled river-floodplain ecosystems
Freshwater biology. - 55(2010)Suppl. 1, S. 135-151
May 2014
Dietrich Borchardt; Martin Pusch
An integrative, interdisciplinary research approach for the identification of patterns, processes and bottleneck functions of the hyporheic zone of running waters
Advances in limnology. - 61(2009), S. 1-7
March 2010
Martin Pusch; Hans E. Andersen; Jürgen Bäthe; Horst Behrendt; Helmut Fischer; Nikolai Friberg; Aleksandra Gancarczyk; Carl C. Hoffmann; Justyna Hachol; Brian Kronvang; Franciszek Nowacki; Morten L. Pedersen; Leonard Sandin; Franz Schöll; Matthias Scholten; Sonja Stendera; Lars M. Svendsen; Ewa Wnuk-Glawdel; Christian Wolter
Rivers of the central European highlands and plains
Rivers of Europe / ed. by Klement Tockner ... - Amsterdam, 2009. - Chapter 14, S. 525-576
March 2010
Friederike Gabel; Stefan Stoll; Xavier-François Garcia; Martin Pusch; Philipp Fischer
Schiffs- und windinduzierte Wellen beeinflussen die Nahrungsaufnahme juveniler Cypriniden
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2008 der DGL. - Hardegsen, 2009. - S. 338-342
February 2010
Alexander G. Rusanov; Hans-Peter Grossart; Martin T. Pusch
Periphytic bacterial and algal response to a hydraulic gradient under different light levels
Fundamental and applied limnology. - 175(2009)4, S. 339-353
January 2010
Ian Donohue; Andrew L. Jackson; Martin T. Pusch; Kenneth Irvine
Nutrient enrichment homogenizes lake benthic assemblages at local and regional scales
Ecology. - 90(2009)12, S. 3470-3477
March 2009
Mario Brauns; Xavier-François Garcia; Martin T. Pusch
Potential effects of water-level fluctuations on littoral invertebrates in lowland lakes
Hydrobiologia. - 613(2008), S. 5-12
March 2009
F. Gabel; X.-F. Garcia; M. Brauns; A. Sukhodolov; M. Leszinski; M. T. Pusch
Resistance to ship-induced waves of benthic invertebrates in various littoral habitats
Freshwater biology. - 53(2008), S. 1567-1578
March 2012
Friederike Gabel; Xavier-F. Garcia; Mario Brauns; Elisabeth I. Meyer; Martin Pusch
Wirkung von schiffsinduziertem Wellenschlag auf das Makrozoobenthos in verschiedenen Uferhabitaten
Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2006 der DGL. - Werder, 2007. - S. 456-460
April 2008
Mario Brauns; Xavier-François Garcia; Norbert Walz; Martin T. Pusch
Effects of human shoreline development on littoral macroinvertebrates in lowland lakes
Journal of applied ecology. - 44(2007)6, S. 1138-1144
April 2008
Mario Brauns; Xavier-François Garcia; Martin T. Pusch; Norbert Walz
Eulittoral macroinvertebrate communities of lowland lakes: discrimination among trophic states
Freshwater biology. - 52(2007)6, S. 1022-1032
April 2008
Sabine Wilczek; Ute Wörner; Martin T. Pusch; Helmut Fischer
Role of suspended particles for extracellular enzyme activity and biotic control of pelagic bacterial populations in the large lowland river Elbe
Fundamental and applied limnology. - 169(2007)2, S. 153-168
April 2008
Astrid N. Schwalb; Martin T. Pusch
Horizontal and vertical movements of unionid mussels in a lowland river
Journal of the North American Benthological Society. - 26(2007)2, S. 261-272
September 2007
Uta Grünert; Sabine Hilt; Martin Pusch; Jörg Gelbrecht
Entwicklungspotenzial der Makrophytenvegetation in der Unteren Spree nach Renaturierungsmaßnahmen
Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg. - 16(2007)2, S. 41-47
October 2011
Björn Gücker; Mario Brauns; Martin T. Pusch
Effects of wastewater treatment plant discharge on ecosystem structure and function of lowland streams
Journal of the North American Benthological Society. - 29(2010)3, S. 789-802
May 2006
Björn Gücker; Martin T. Pusch
Regulation of nutrient uptake in eutrophic lowland streams
Limnology and oceanography. - 51(2006)3, S. 1443-1453
January 2012
Xavier-François Garcia; Mario Brauns; Martin Pusch
Ecological effects of different shore protection types on the River Elbe, East Germany
Tagungsbericht 2004 der DGL. - Berlin, 2005. - S. 297-301
December 2011
Mario Brauns; Xavier-F. Garcia; Martin Pusch; Norbert Walz
Bewertung anthropogener Beeinträchtigungen von Seeufern anhand des Makrozoobenthos
Tagungsbericht 2004 der DGL. - Berlin, 2005. - S. 178-182
January 2006
Sabine Wilczek; Helmut Fischer; Martin T. Pusch
Regulation and seasonal dynamics of extracellular enzyme activities in the sediments of a large lowland river
Microbial ecology. - 50(2005)2, S. 253-267
January 2006
Helmut Fischer; Frank Kloep; Sabine Wilczek; Martin T. Pusch
A river's liver - microbial processes within the hyporheic zone of a large lowland river
Biogeochemistry. - 76(2005)2, S. 349-371
January 2006
A. G. Solimini; G. A. Singer; E. Marti; T. J. Battin; S.Gafny; M. Gerino; M. Morais; M. A. Puig; M. Pusch; A. Ruggiero; C. Voreadou; F. Sabater
Nutrient transient storage by the invertebrate assemblage in streams with contrasting nutrient loads
Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 29(2005)2, S. 807-810
April 2012
Sabine Wilczek; Helmut Fischer; Matthias Brunke; Martin T. Pusch
Mikrobielle Aktivität in flussmorphologischen Strukturen der Elbe
Tagungsbericht 2003 der DGL. - Berlin, 2004. - S. 552-
April 2012
Björn Gücker; Martin Pusch
Wie beeinflussen Abwasserleitungen den Sauerstoffmetabolismus und die Nährstoffretention in Tieflandbächen?
Tagungsbericht 2003 der DGL. - Berlin, 2004. - S. 622-627
January 2006
Sabine Wilczek; Helmut Fischer; Matthias Brunke; Martin T. Pusch
Microbial activity within a subaqueous dune in a large lowland river (River Elbe, Germany)
Aquatic microbial ecology. - 36(2004)1, S. 83-97
June 2004
Mario Brauns; Xavier-Francois Garcia; Martin Pusch; Norbert Walz
Beitrag zur Litoralfauna der großen Seen in Brandenburg
Lauterbornia. - 49(2004), S. 43-72
May 2014
Xavier-Francois Garcia; Mario Brauns; Martin Pusch; Norbert Walz
Selecting potential type-specific lakes of reference in implementing the E.U. Water Framework Directive
How to assess and monitor ecological quality in freshwaters / Marja Ruoppa ... (eds.). - Kobenhavn, 2003. - (TemaNord ; 2003, 547), S. 206-211
July 2003
Reinhard Gerecke; Martin Pusch
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schwoerbel 1930-2002
Lauterbornia. - 46(2003), S. 1-10
May 2013
Martin Pusch; Randi Carls; Heike Stegmann
Historische und geowissenschaftliche Ansätze zur Erarbeitung des morphologischen Referenzzustands von Flüssen
Implementierung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland / Rainer Deneke & Brigitte Nixdorf (Hrsg.). - (Aktuelle Reihe / Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus / Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften und Verfahrenstechnik ; 2002,5). - S. 129-146
August 2008
Martin Pusch
Leben in der Trübe
Berlin-Brandenburger Natur-Magazin. - 16(2000)2, S. 40-41
January 2003
James A. Craft; Jack A. Stanford; Martin Pusch
Microbial respiration within a floodplain aquifer of a large gravel-bed river
Freshwater biology. - 47(2002), S. 251-261
December 2002
Xavier-Francois Garcia; Martin Pusch; Mario Brauns; Norbert Walz
Typologie und ökologische Bewertung von Seen in Brandenburg auf der Grundlage des Makrozoobenthos
Implementierung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland / Rainer Deneke & Brigitte Nixdorf (Hrsg.). - (Aktuelle Reihe / Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus / Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften und Verfahrenstechnik ; 2002,5). - S. 53-68
December 2002
Norbert Walz; Xavier-Francois Garcia; Martin Pusch
Typology of lakes based on macrozoobenthos in Brandenburg/Germany, Central Plains (Ecoregion I4)
Typology and ecological classification of lakes and rivers / Marja Ruoppa ; Krister Karttunen (eds.). - Kobenhavn, 2002 - (TemaNord ; 2002, 566), S. 123-125
November 2002
Helmut Fischer; Anke Sachse; Christian E. W. Steinberg; Martin Pusch
Differential retention and utilization of dissolved organic carbon by bacteria in river sediments
Limnology and oceanography. - 47(2002)6, S. 1702-1711
November 2002
Helmut Fischer; Susanne C. Wanner; Martin Pusch
August 2002
M. Brunke; A. Sukhodolov; H. Fischer; S. Wilczek; C. Engelhardt; M. Pusch
Benthic and hyporheic habitats of a large lowland river (Elbe, Germany)
Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. - 28(2002), S. 153-156
July 2002
Matthias Brunke; Andreas Hoffmann; Martin Pusch
Association between invertebrate assemblages and mesohabitats in a lowland river (Spree, Germany)
Archiv für Hydrobiologie. - 154(2002)2, S. 239-259
May 2002
S. C. Wanner; K. Ockenfeld; M. Brunke; H. Fischer; M. Pusch
The distribution and turnover of benthic organic matter in a lowland river
River research and applications. - 18(2002)2, S. 107-122
August 2008
Martin Pusch; Jörg Siefert; Norbert Walz
Filtration and respiration rates of two unionid species and their impact on the water quality of a lowland river
Ecological studies. - 145(2001), S. 317-326
January 2003
Martin Pusch
Ermittlung der ökologisch begründeten Mindestabflussmengen für die Spree
Berichte aus der Arbeit 2000 / Landesumweltamt Brandenburg, 2001. - S. 99-105
April 2002
Matthias Brunke; Andreas Hoffmann; Martin Pusch
Use of mesohabitat-specific relationships between flow velocity and river discharge to assess invertebrate minimum flow requirements
Regulated rivers. - 17(2001)6, S. 667-676
November 2001
Helmut Fischer and Martin Pusch
Comparison of bacterial production in sediments, epiphyton and the pelagic zone of a lowland river
Freshwater biology. - 46(2001)10, S. 1335-1348
September 2001
Martin Pusch
Ökologische Konnektivität von Fließgewässern
Schriftenreihe Wasserforschung. - 7(2001), S. 141-156
September 2014
Susanne C. Wanner; Martin T. Pusch
Use of fluorescently labeled Lycopodium spores as a reacer for suspended particles in a lowland river
Journal of the North American Benthological Society. - 19(2000)4, S. 648-658
August 2008
Claudia Höckelmann; Martin Pusch
The respiration and filter-feeding rates of the snail Viviparus viviparus (Gastropoda) under simulated stream conditions
Archiv für Hydrobiologie. - 149(2000)4, S. 553-568
August 2008
Martin Pusch; Andreas Hoffmann
Conservation concept for a river ecosystem (River Spree, Germany) impacted by flow abstraction in a large post-mining area
Landscape and urban planning. - 51(2000)2-4, S. 165-176
January 2003
Martin Pusch
Mindestwasserbemessung für einen Flachlandfluss am Beispiel der Spree
Veranstaltungen / Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde. - (2000)2, S. 189-202
November 2000
Matthias Brunke; Andreas Hoffmann; Martin Pusch
Wirkung einer Abflussreduktion auf die wirbellose Fauna in einem Flachlandfluss (Spree)
Wasser und Boden. - 52(2000)11, S. 33-41
January 2003
Helmut Fischer; Martin Pusch
Use of the [14C]leucine incorporation technique to measure bacterial production in river sediments and the epiphyton
Applied and environmental microbiology. - 65(1999)10, S. 4411-4418
July 1999
Martin Pusch; Christian Feld; Andreas Hoffmann
Schwemmgut - kostenträchtiger Müll oder wertvolles Element von Flußökosystemen?
Wasserwirtschaft. - 89(1999)6, S. 280-284
March 1999
M. Pusch; D. Fiebig; I. Brettar; H. Eisenmann; B. K. Ellis; L. A. Kaplan; M. A. Lock; M. W. Naegeli; W. Traunspurger
The role of micro-organisms in the ecological connectivity of running waters
Freshwater Biology. - 40(1998)3, 453-495
March 1998
Martin Pusch
Die Bedeutung natürlichen Geschwemmsels für die Ökologie von Flüssen und Bächen
Entsorgung von Geschwemmsel : Technik - Kosten - Zukunft ; Vorträge der Fachtagung vom 13. November 1997 in Bad Säckingen. - Baden ; Heidelberg, 1998. - S. 5-33
June 1997
M. Pusch
Community respiration in the hyporheic zone of a riffle-pool sequence
Groundwater/surface water ecotones : biological and hydrlogical interactions and management options / ed. by Janine Gibert ... - Cambridge, 1997. - S. 51-56
November 1996
Martin Pusch
The metabolism of organic matter in the hyporheic zone of a mountain stream, and its spatial distribution
Hydrobiologia. - 323(1996)2, S. 107-118
November 1996
Martin Pusch; Jürgen Schwoerbel
Community respiration in hyporheic sediments of a mountain stream (Steine, Black Forest)
Archiv für Hydrobiologie. - 130(1994)1, S. 35-52
Identifying Major Factors for Success and Failure of Conservation Programs in Europe
Alterations of river flow caused by three types of hydropower plants in Slovenia and Croatia
Cross-scale and integrative prioritization of multi-functionality in large river floodplains
[IGB Fact Sheet] Zentrale Zwischenergebnisse zum Zustand der Oder nach der Umweltkatastrophe
Der Einsatz von Ökosystemleistungsbewertungen als unterstützendes Instrument im Gewässerschutz: Beitrag der DWA-Arbeitsgruppe GB-10.4
Impacts of existing and planned hydropower dams on river fragmentation in the Balkan Region
Einfluss von Wasserkraftanlagen auf den ökologischen Zustand von Fließgewässern in Deutschland
Legal framework: [Chapter 7]
Ecosystem Services of River Systems – Irreplaceable, Undervalued, and at Risk
Bessere Wasserqualität durch ein integratives Auenmanagement auf der Grundlage von Ökosystemleistungen: Deutsche Zusammenfassung des IDES Manuals und der IDES Strategy ; Improving water quality in the Danube river and its tributaries by integrative floodp
Synthesis and visualisation of crosssectoral benefits in scenarios: [Chapter 2.4]
Przyszłość Odry : Naukowe zalecenia dotyczące działań w następstwie katastrofy ekologicznej spowodowanej przez człowieka: IGB Policy Brief
Rivers in Central Europe High mountains and lowlands: [Chapter 14]
Ecosystem service indicators: [Chapter 2.3]
Ansiedlung von industriellen Großprojekten in wasserarmen Gebieten: [wwt Modernisierungsreport 2021/2022]
Biologische Vielfalt in Binnengewässern – bedrohte Lebensgrundlagen von Natur und Mensch besser schützen : Forschungsbasierte Handlungsempfehlungen für eine nachhaltige Gewässerpolitik: IGB Policy Brief
A review of hydropower plants in Romania: distribution, current knowledge, and their effects on fish in headwater streams
Assessing land use and flood management impacts on ecosystem services in a river landscape (Upper Danube, Germany)
River Ecosystem Service Index (RESI) - Methoden zur Quantifizierung und Bewertung ausgewählter Ökosystemleistungen in Flüssen und Auen
More than one million barriers fragment Europe’s rivers
Perception of bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Direktive
Assessing land use and flood management impacts on ecosystem services in a river landscape (Upper Danube, Germany)
Bewertung und Planung von Gewässerentwicklungsmaßnahmen auf der Basis von Ökosystemleistungen
A review of hydropower dams in Southeast Europe - distribution, trends and availability of monitoring data using the example of a multinational Danube catchment subarea
Effects of shoreline alteration and habitat heterogeneity on macroinvertebrate community composition across European lakes
Living waters: a research agenda for the biodiversity of inland and coastal waters
Linking ecosystem services and measures in river and floodplain management
Ecosystem shifts in Alpine streams under glacier retreat and rock glacier thaw: a review
Ökosystemleistungen von Flussauen bewerten: der RESI-Ansatz
Weiterentwicklung des deutschen Makrozoobenthos-Bewertungsverfahrens für Seen "AESHNA" zu einer strukturgütegestützten Gesamtseebewertung
(Texte / Umweltbundesamt ; 2018,104)
Across-shore differences in lake benthic invertebrate communities within reed stands (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.)
With RESI towards a more integrative management of large rivers and floodplains
River Ecosystem Service Index (RESI) - Erfassung und Bewertung der Ökosystemleistung "Habitatbereitstellung"
Das Konzept der Ökosystemleistungen - eine Chance für integratives Gewässermanagement
Effects of thermopeaking on the thermal response of alpine river systems to heatwaves
How much ecological integrity does a lake need?: Managing the shores of a peri-urban lake
Quantitative hydrological preferences of benthic stream invertebrates in Germany
Macroinvertebrate community traits and nitrate removal in stream sediments
Auen - Quellen vielfältiger Dienstleistungen für den Menschen
Multifunctional floodplain management and biodiversity effects
Carbon dynamics and their link to dissolved organic matter quality across contrasting stream ecosystems
Benthic macroinvertebrates in lake ecological assessment
Global effects of agriculture on fluvial dissolved organic matter
Macroinvertebrate responses to regime shifts caused by eutrophication in subtropical shallow lakes
Ecological assessment of morphological shore degradation at whole lake level aided by aerial photo analysis
Minimum shoreline restoration requirements to improve the ecological status of a north-eastern German glacial lowland lake in an urban landscape
Relative impacts of morphological alteration to shorelines and eutrophication on littoral macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean lakes
An index of human alteration of lake shore morphology
Effects of large wood on morphology, flow and turbulence in a lowland river
Diversification of stream invertebrate communities by large wood
Is coarse woody debris in lakes a refuge or a trap for benthic invertebrates exposed to fish predation?
Multifunctionality of floodplain landscapes
The aquatic beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) assemblages in the Lower Prut Floodplain National Park (Romania)
Auswirkungen von Schiffswellen auf das litorale Makrozoobenthos
Floodplain management in temperate regions
Filtration activity of invasive mussel species under wave disturbance conditions
The role of turbulence in the hydraulic environment of benthic invertebrates
Morphological alterations of lake shores in Europe
Cascading effects of flow reduction on the benthic invertebrate community in a lowland river
Does lake habitat alteration and land-use pressure homogenize European littoral macroinvertebrate communities?
Modelling the effects of recreational boating on self-purification activity provided by bivalve mollusks in a lowland river
Ecological status assessment of European lakes
Estimating the recreational carrying capacity of a lowland river section
Agriculture has changed the amount and composition of dissolved organic matter in Central European headwater streams
The role of organisms in hyporheic processes
Technical note: comparison between a direct and the standard, indirect method for dissolved organic nitrogen determination in freshwater environments with high dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations
Effects of ship-induced waves on littoral benthic invertebrates
Domestizierte Ökosysteme und neuartige Lebensgemeinschaften
Sampling approaches for the assessment of shoreline development based on littoral macroinvertebrates
Complex hydromorphology of meanders can support benthic invertebrate diversity in rivers
Domesticated ecosystems and novel communities
Estimating the recreational carrying capacity of a lowland river section
Schiffswellen beeinflussen das Wachstum und das Verhalten von einheimischen Invertebraten stärker als von eingewanderten
Human lakeshore development alters the structure and trophic basis of littoral food webs
Historical patterns of anthropogenic impacts on freshwaters in the Berlin-Brandenburg region
Differential effect of wave stress on the physiology and behaviour of native versus non-native benthic invertebrates
Urban stressors alter the trophic basis of secondary production in an agricultural stream
Waves affect predator-prey interactions between fish and benthic invertebrates
Multiple stressors in coupled river-floodplain ecosystems
An integrative, interdisciplinary research approach for the identification of patterns, processes and bottleneck functions of the hyporheic zone of running waters
Rivers of the central European highlands and plains
Schiffs- und windinduzierte Wellen beeinflussen die Nahrungsaufnahme juveniler Cypriniden
Periphytic bacterial and algal response to a hydraulic gradient under different light levels
Nutrient enrichment homogenizes lake benthic assemblages at local and regional scales
Potential effects of water-level fluctuations on littoral invertebrates in lowland lakes
Resistance to ship-induced waves of benthic invertebrates in various littoral habitats
Wirkung von schiffsinduziertem Wellenschlag auf das Makrozoobenthos in verschiedenen Uferhabitaten
Effects of human shoreline development on littoral macroinvertebrates in lowland lakes
Eulittoral macroinvertebrate communities of lowland lakes: discrimination among trophic states
Role of suspended particles for extracellular enzyme activity and biotic control of pelagic bacterial populations in the large lowland river Elbe
Horizontal and vertical movements of unionid mussels in a lowland river
Entwicklungspotenzial der Makrophytenvegetation in der Unteren Spree nach Renaturierungsmaßnahmen
Effects of wastewater treatment plant discharge on ecosystem structure and function of lowland streams
Regulation of nutrient uptake in eutrophic lowland streams
Ecological effects of different shore protection types on the River Elbe, East Germany
Bewertung anthropogener Beeinträchtigungen von Seeufern anhand des Makrozoobenthos
Regulation and seasonal dynamics of extracellular enzyme activities in the sediments of a large lowland river
A river's liver - microbial processes within the hyporheic zone of a large lowland river
Nutrient transient storage by the invertebrate assemblage in streams with contrasting nutrient loads
Mikrobielle Aktivität in flussmorphologischen Strukturen der Elbe
Wie beeinflussen Abwasserleitungen den Sauerstoffmetabolismus und die Nährstoffretention in Tieflandbächen?
Microbial activity within a subaqueous dune in a large lowland river (River Elbe, Germany)
Beitrag zur Litoralfauna der großen Seen in Brandenburg
Selecting potential type-specific lakes of reference in implementing the E.U. Water Framework Directive
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schwoerbel 1930-2002
Historische und geowissenschaftliche Ansätze zur Erarbeitung des morphologischen Referenzzustands von Flüssen
Leben in der Trübe
Microbial respiration within a floodplain aquifer of a large gravel-bed river
Typologie und ökologische Bewertung von Seen in Brandenburg auf der Grundlage des Makrozoobenthos
Typology of lakes based on macrozoobenthos in Brandenburg/Germany, Central Plains (Ecoregion I4)
Differential retention and utilization of dissolved organic carbon by bacteria in river sediments
Benthic and hyporheic habitats of a large lowland river (Elbe, Germany)
Association between invertebrate assemblages and mesohabitats in a lowland river (Spree, Germany)
The distribution and turnover of benthic organic matter in a lowland river
Filtration and respiration rates of two unionid species and their impact on the water quality of a lowland river
Ermittlung der ökologisch begründeten Mindestabflussmengen für die Spree
Use of mesohabitat-specific relationships between flow velocity and river discharge to assess invertebrate minimum flow requirements
Comparison of bacterial production in sediments, epiphyton and the pelagic zone of a lowland river
Ökologische Konnektivität von Fließgewässern
Use of fluorescently labeled Lycopodium spores as a reacer for suspended particles in a lowland river
The respiration and filter-feeding rates of the snail Viviparus viviparus (Gastropoda) under simulated stream conditions
Conservation concept for a river ecosystem (River Spree, Germany) impacted by flow abstraction in a large post-mining area
Mindestwasserbemessung für einen Flachlandfluss am Beispiel der Spree
Wirkung einer Abflussreduktion auf die wirbellose Fauna in einem Flachlandfluss (Spree)
Use of the [14C]leucine incorporation technique to measure bacterial production in river sediments and the epiphyton
Schwemmgut - kostenträchtiger Müll oder wertvolles Element von Flußökosystemen?
The role of micro-organisms in the ecological connectivity of running waters
Die Bedeutung natürlichen Geschwemmsels für die Ökologie von Flüssen und Bächen
Community respiration in the hyporheic zone of a riffle-pool sequence
The metabolism of organic matter in the hyporheic zone of a mountain stream, and its spatial distribution
Community respiration in hyporheic sediments of a mountain stream (Steine, Black Forest)
Working group
Dr. Gabriela Costea
Bianca Dörgeloh
Helena Huđek
Magnus Keller
Dr. Antje Kerkow
Tim Königsberger
Jürgen Schreiber
Dea Zyruku
Teaching / Books
at University of Potsdam:
- Fundamentals of Stream Ecology (since 2002)
- Applied Stream Ecology (since 2003)
- Ecology of Floodplains (since 2018)
at Humboldt University Berlin:
- Limnology I, part on running waters (since 1996, with small modifications)
Borchardt, D., Pusch, M.T. (Eds.) (2009): The Hyporheic Zone of Running Waters: Ecological Patterns, Processes and Bottleneck Functions. Archiv für Hydrobiologie - Special Issue Advances in Limnology 224 pp.
Pusch, M. & Fischer, H. (Eds.)(2006): Stoffdynamik und Habitatstruktur in der Elbe. Konzepte zur nachhaltigen Nutzung einer Flusslandschaft Bd. 5, Weissensee-Verlag, 385 pp.
Köhler, J., Gelbrecht, J. & Pusch, M.T. (Eds.) (2002): Die Spree – Zustand, Probleme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Reihe “Limnologie aktuell”, Bd. 10. Verlag Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 384 pp., ISBN 3-510-53008-X.