Jens Krause
Head of Department
Research Group Leader
+49 30 64181-610
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
Research group
Decision Making, Behaviour, Collective Intelligence, Evolution, Social Networks
S Professorship
for Biology and Ecology of Fishes at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Life Sciences, Thaer-Institute
- since 2018 Adjunct Professor at Technical University Berlin in the joint excellence cluster of Humboldt University / Technical University Berlin
- since 2009 S Professorship in Fish Ecology, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
- 2004-2009 Professor of Behavioural Ecology, Leeds University, UK
- 2004 Reader in Behavioural Ecology, Leeds University, UK
- 2002-2004 Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Ecology, Leeds University, UK
- 1996-2002 Lecturer in Behavioural Ecology, Leeds University, UK
- 1996-1997 BASF Postdoc, Leeds University, UK
- 1995-1996 BASF Postdoc, Princeton University, USA
- 1993-1995 NSERC Postdoc, Mount Allison University, Canada
- 1990-1993 PhD Cambridge University, St. John's College, UK
- 1988-1989 M.Phil., Cambridge University, Queens College, UK
- 1985-1990 Diploma, Free University Berlin, Germany
Memberships and Associations
- Executive Board of the Excellence Cluster "Science of Intelligence", Humboldt University and Technical University Berlin
- Interdisciplinary working group "Responsibility: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence", Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
- Advisory Board of Bimini Biological Field Station Foundation, Bahamas
- Editorial Board Behavioral Ecology
- Editorial Board Fish and Fisheries
Google Scholar:
March 2025
David Bierbach; Juliane Lukas; Luis Gómez-Nava; Fritz A. Francisco; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Stefan Krause; Korbinian Pacher; Yunus Sevinchan; Pawel Romanczuk; Jens Krause
Collective escape waves provide a generic defence against different avian predators
Royal Society Open Science. - 12(2025)3, Art. 241055
January 2025
M. Licht; A. L. Burns; K. Pacher; S. Krause; P. Bartashevich; P. Romanczuk; M. J. Hansen; A. Y. Then; J. Krause
Sailfish generate foraging opportunities for seabirds in multi-species predator aggregations
Biology Letters. - 20(2024)7, Art. 20240177
December 2024
Palina Bartashevich; James E. Herbert-Read; Matthew J. Hansen; Félicie Dhellemmes; Paolo Domenici; Jens Krause; Pawel Romanczuk
Collective anti-predator escape manoeuvres through optimal attack and avoidance strategies
Communications Biology. - 7(2024)1, Art. 1586
December 2024
K. Pacher; J. Krause; P. Bartashevich; P. Romanczuk; P. Bideau; D. Pham; A. L. Burns; D. Deffner; F. Dhellemmes; B. Binder; K. M. Boswell; F. Galvan-Magna; P. Domenici; M. J. Hansen
Evidence for a by-product mutualism in a group hunter depends on prey movement state
Functional Ecology. - 38(2024)10, 2123-2138
October 2024
Korbinian Pacher; Natalia Hernández-Román; Alejandro Juarez-Lopez; Jesús Emmanuel Jiménez-Jiménez; Juliane Lukas; Yunus Sevinchan; Jens Krause, Lenin Arias-Rodríguez; David Bierbach
Thermal tolerance in an extremophile fish from Mexico is not affected by environmental hypoxia
Biology Open. - 13(2016)2, bio060223
September 2024
K. Pacher; J. Krause; P. Bartashevich; P. Romanczuk; P. Bideau; D. Pham; A. L. Burns; D. Deffner; F. Dhellemmes; B. Binder; K. M. Boswell; F. Galván-Magaña; P. Domenici; M. J. Hansen
Evidence for a by-product mutualism in a group hunter depends on prey movement state
Functional Ecology. - 38(2024)10, 2123-2138
March 2024
Alicia L. Burns; Max Licht; Robert J.P. Heathcote; Jens Krause; Matthew J. Hansen
Rapid color change in a group-hunting pelagic predator attacking schooling prey
Current Biology. - 34(2024)4, R131-R132
January 2024
Korbinian Pacher; Michael Breuker; Matthew J. Hansen; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jan Häge; Felicie Dhellemmes; Paolo Domenici; John F. Steffensen; Stefan Krause; Thomas Hildebrandt; Guido Fritsch; Pascal Bach; Philippe S. Sabarros; Paul Zaslansky; Kristin Mahlow; Johannes Müller; Rogelio González Armas; Hector Villalobos Ortiz; Felipe Galván-Magaña; Jens Krause
The rostral micro-tooth morphology of blue marlin, Makaira nigricans
Journal of Fish Biology. - 104(2024)3, 713-722
December 2023
Luis Gómez-Nava; Robert T. Lange; Pascal P. Klamser; Juliane Lukas; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; David Bierbach; Jens Krause; Henning Sprekeler; Pawel Romanczuk
Fish shoals resemble a stochastic excitable system driven by environmental perturbations
Nature physics. - 19(2023), S. 663–669
December 2023
Jörg Lewandowski; Jonas Schaper; Michael Rivett; Stefan Krause
Sampling at groundwater–surface water interfaces: [Chapter 9]
Ecohydrological interfaces/Hrsg.: Stefan Krause ; David M. Hannah ; Nancy B. Grimm ; 2023, p. 191-212
December 2023
Christian Schmidt; Jörg Lewandowski; J. N. Galloway; Athena Chalari; Francesco Ciocca; Stefan Krause; Laurant Pfister; M. Antonelli
Heat as a hydrological tracer: [Chapter 8]
Ecohydrological interfaces/Hrsg.: Stefan Krause ; David M. Hannah ; Nancy B. Grimm ; 2023, p. 167-190
November 2023
Ulrike Scherer; Sean M. Ehlman; David Bierbach; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
Reproductive individuality of clonal fish raised in near-identical environments and its link to early-life behavioral individuality
Nature Communications. - 14(2023), Art. 7652
September 2023
William N.S. Arlidge; Robert Arlinghaus; Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers; Anne Nassauer; Rodrigo Oyanedel; Jens Krause
Situational social influence leading to non-compliance with conservation rules
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 38(2023)12, 1154-1164
June 2023
Moritz Maxeiner; Mathis Hocke; Hauke J Moenck; Gregor H W Gebhardt; Nils Weimar; Lea Musiolek; Jens Krause; David Bierbach; Tim Landgraf
Social competence improves the performance of biomimetic robots leading live fish
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. - 18(2023)4, Art. 045001
June 2023
Matthew J. Hansen; Paolo Domenici; Palina Bartashevich; ,Alicia Burns; Jens Krause
Mechanisms of group-hunting in vertebrates
Biological Reviews. - 98(2023)5, 1687-1711
May 2023
M. J. Hansen; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; M. Licht , J. Häge; K. Pacher , F. Dhellemmes; F. Trillmich; F. R. Elorriaga-Verplancken; J. Krause
California sea lions interfere with striped marlin hunting behaviour in multi-species predator aggregations
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 378(2023), Art. 20220103
March 2023
Juliane Lukas; Jens Krause; Arabella Sophie Träger; Jonas Marc Piotrowski; Pawel Romanczuk; Henning Sprekeler; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Stefan Krause; Christopher Schutz; David Bierbach
Multispecies collective waving behaviour in fish
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. - 378(2023)1874 Art. XX
February 2023
Sean M. Ehlman; Ulrike Scherer; David Bierbach; Fritz A. Francisco; Kate L. Laskowski; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
Leveraging big data to uncover the eco-evolutionary factors shaping behavioural development
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. - 290(2023)1992 Art. 20222115
December 2022
David Bierbach ; Luis Gómez-Nava ; Fritz A. Francisco ; Juliane Lukas ; Lea Musiolek ; Verena V. Hafner ; Tim Landgraf ; Pawel Romanczuk ; Jens Krause
Live fish learn to anticipate the movement of a fish-like robot
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. - 17(2022)6, Art. 065007
December 2022
Alicia L. Burns ; Timothy M. Schaerf ; Joseph Lizier ; So Kawaguchi ; Martin Cox ; Rob King ; Jens Krause ; Ashley J.W. Ward
Self-organization and information transfer in Antarctic krill swarms
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 289(2022)1969, Art. 20212361
November 2022
M.J. Hansen; S. Krause; F. Dhellemmes; K. Pacher; R.H.J.M. Kurvers; P. Domenici; J. Krause
Mechanisms of prey division in striped marlin, a marine group hunting predator
Communications Biology. - 5(2022), Art. 1161
June 2022
Jan Häge; Matthew J. Hansen; Korbinian Pacher; Félicie Dhellemmes; Paolo Domenici; John F. Steffensen; Michael Breuker; Stefan Krause; Thomas B. Hildebrandt; Guido Fritsch; Pascal Bach; Philippe S. Sabarros; Paul Zaslansky; Kristin Mahlow; Maria Schauer; Johannes Müller; Jens Krause
Lacunae rostralis: a new structure on the rostrum of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus
Journal of Fish Biology. - 100(2022)5, 1205-1213
February 2022
Carolina Doran; David Bierbach; Juliane Lukas; Pascal Klamser; Tim Landgraf; Haider Klenz; Marie Habedank; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Stefan Krause; Pawel Romanczuk; Jens Krause
Fish waves as emergent collective antipredator behavior
Current Biology. - 32(2022)3, 708-714.e4
September 2022
M.J. Hansen; A.L. Burns; C.T. Monk; C. Schutz; J.T. Lizier; I. Ramnarine; A.J.W. Ward; J. Krause
The effect of predation risk on group behaviour and information flow during repeated collective decisions
Animal Behaviour. - 173(2021), 215-239
January 2022
Nicolle Demandt; David Bierbach; Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Joachim Kurtz; Jörn P. Scharsack
Parasite infection impairs the shoaling behaviour of uninfected shoal members under predator attack
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 75(2021), Art. 148
January 2022
Lysanne Snijders; Stefan Krause; Alan N. Tump; Michael Breuker; Chente Ortiz; Sofia Rizzi; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jens Krause; Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers
Causal evidence for the adaptive benefits of social foraging in the wild
Communications Biology. - 4(2021), Art. 94
January 2022
Jens Krause; Pawel Romanczuk; Emiel Cracco; William Arlidge; Anne Nassauer; Marcel Brass
Collective rule-breaking
Trends in Cognitive Sciences. - 25(2021)12, 1082-1095
January 2022
David Bierbach; Fritz Francisco; Juliane Lukas; Tim Landgraf; Moritz Maxeiner; Pawel Romanczuk; Lea Musiolek; Verena V. Hafner; Jens Krause
Biomimetic robots promote the 3Rs Principle in animal testing: [ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life]
ALIFE. - 33(2021), Art. isal_a_00375, 36
December 2021
Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers; Stefan M. Herzog; Ralph Hertwig; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
Pooling decisions decreases variation in response bias and accuracy
iScience. - 24(2021)7, Art. 102740
September 2021
Félicie Dhellemmes; Matthew J. Smukall; Tristan L. Guttridge; Jens Krause; Nigel E. Hussey
Predator abundance drives the association between exploratory personality and foraging habitat risk in a wild marine meso-predator
Functional Ecology. - 35(2021)9, 1972-1984
August 2021
Juliane Lukas; Pawel Romanczuk; Haider Klenz; Pascal Klamser; Lenin Arias Rodriguez; Jens Krause; David Bierbach
Acoustic and visual stimuli combined promote stronger responses to aerial predation in fish
Behavioral Ecology. - 32(2021)6, 1094–1102
March 2021
Juliane Lukas; Felix Auer; Tobias Goldhammer; Jens Krause; Pawel Romanczuk; Pascal Klamser; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; David Bierbach
Diurnal changes in hypoxia shape predator-prey interaction in a bird-fish system
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. - 9(2021), Art. 619193
January 2021
Juliane Lukas; Gregor Kalinkat; Friedrich Wilhelm Miesen; Tim Landgraf; Jens Krause and David Bierbach
Consistent behavioral syndrome across seasons in an invasive freshwater fish
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. - 8(2021), Art. 583670
January 2021
Félicie Dhellemmes; Jean‐Sébastien Finger; Matthew J. Smukall; Samuel H. Gruber; Tristan L. Guttridge; Kate L. Laskowski; Jens Krause
Personality‐driven life history trade‐offs differ in two subpopulations of free‐ranging predators
Journal of Animal Ecology. - 90(2021)1, 260-272
December 2020
Nicolle Demandt; Marit Praetz; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Joachim Kurtz and Jörn P. Scharsack
Parasite infection disrupts escape behaviours in fish shoals
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 287(2020)1938, art. 20201158
December 2020
F. Dhellemmes; M.J. Hansen; S.D. Bouet; J.J. Videler; P. Domenici; J.F. Steffensen; T. Hildebrandt; G. Fritsch; P. Bach; P.S. Sabarros; A. Krüger; R.H.J.M. Kurvers; J. Krause
Oil gland and oil pores in billfishes: in search of a function
Journal of Experimental Biology. - 223(2020), jeb224956
July 2020
David Bierbach; Hauke J. Mönck; Juliane Lukas; Marie Habedank; Pawel Romanczuk; Tim Landgraf; Jens Krause
Guppies prefer to follow large (robot) leaders irrespective of own size
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. - 8(2020)art. 441
June 2020
Félicie Dhellemmes; Jean-Sébastian Finger; Kate L. Laskowski; Tristan L. Guttridge; Jens Krause
Comparing behavioural syndromes across time and ecological conditions in a free-ranging predator
Animal Behaviour. - 162(2020), S. 23-33
June 2020
David Bierbach; Stefan Krause; Pawel Romanczuk; Juliane Lukas; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Jens Krause
January 2020
M. J. Hansen; S. Krause; M. Breuker; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; F. Dhellemmes; P. E. Viblanc; J. Müller; C. Mahlow; K. Boswell; S. Marras; P. Domenici; A. D. M. Wilson; J. E. Herbert-Read; J. F. Steffensen; G. Fritsch; T. B. Hildebrandt; P. Zaslansky; P. Bach; P. S. Sabarros; J. Krause
Linking hunting weaponry to attack strategies in sailfish and striped marlin
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 287(2020)1918, art. 20192228
December 2019
Lysanne Snijders; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefan Krause; Alan N. Tump; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jens Krause
Females facilitate male food patch discovery in a wild fish population
Journal of Animal Ecology. - 88(2019)12, S. 1950-1960
December 2019
Frank Seebacher; Jens Krause
Epigenetics of social behaviour
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 34(2019)9, S. 818-830
November 2019
R. H. J. M. Kurvers; S. M. Herzog; R. Hertwig; J. Krause; M. Moussaid; G. Argenziano; I. Zalaudek; P. A. Carney; M. Wolf
February 2019
James A. R. Marshall; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
February 2019
Kate L. Laskowski; Carolina Doran; David Bierbach; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
Naturally clonal vertebrates are an untapped resource in ecology and evolution research
Nature Ecology & Evolution. - 3(2019)2, S. 161-169
November 2018
Jens Krause; Frank Seebacher
Collective behaviour: physiology determines position
Current Biology. - 28(2018)8, R351-354
November 2018
Nicolle Demandt; Benedikt Saus; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Joachim Kurtz; Jörn Peter Scharsack
Parasite-infected sticklebacks increase the risk-taking behaviour of uninfected group members
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 285(2018)1881, art. 20180956
November 2018
Lysanne Snijders; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefan Krause; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jens Krause
Individual- and population-level drivers of consistent foraging success across environments
Nature Ecology & Evolution. - 2(2018)10, S. 1610-1618
October 2018
Alan Novaes Tump; Max Wolf; Jens Krause; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers
Individuals fail to reap the collective benefits of diversity because of over-reliance on personal information
Journal of the Royal Society Interface. - 15(2018)142, 20180155
September 2018
R. H. J. M. Kurvers; J. Drägestein; F. Hölker; A. Jechow; J. Krause; D. Bierbach
August 2018
David Bierbach; Tim Landgraf; Pawel Romanczuk; Juliane Lukas; Hai Nguyen; Max Wolf; Jens Krause
Using a robotic fish to investigate individual differences in social responsiveness in the guppy
Royal Society Open Science. - 5(2018)8, 181026
February 2018
J. S. Finger; T. L. Guttridge; A. D. M. Wilson; S. H. Gruber; J. Krause
Are some sharks more social than others?: Short- and long-term consistencies in the social behavior of juvenile lemon sharks
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 72(2018)1, art. 17
February 2018
David Bierbach; Juliane Lukas; Anja Bergmann; Kristiane Elsner; Leander Höhne; Christiane Weber; Nils Weimar; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Hauke J. Mönck; Hai Nguyen; Pawel Romanczuk; Tim Landgraf; Jens Krause
November 2017
J. Krause; J. E. Herbert-Read; F. Seebacher; P. Domenici; A. D. M. Wilson; S. Marras; M. B. S. Svendsen; D. Strömborn; J. F. Steffensen; S. Krause; P. E. Viblanc; P. Couillaud; P. Bach; P. S. Sabarros; P. Zaslansky; R. H. J. M. Kurvers
Injury-mediated decrease in locomotor performance increases predation risk in schooling fish
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 372(2017)1727, 20160232
September 2017
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefan Krause; Paul E. Viblanc; James E. Herbert-Read; Paul Zaslansky; Paolo Domenici; Stefano Marras; John F. Steffensen; Morten B. S. Svendsen; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Pierre Couillaud; Kevin M. Boswell; Jens Krause
The evolution of lateralization in group hunting sailfish
Current Biology. - 27(2017)4, S. 521-526
September 2017
James E.Herbert-Read; Emil Rosen; Alex Szorkovszky; Christos C. Ioannou; Björn Rogell; Andrea Perna; Indar W. Ramnarine; Alexander Kotrschal; Niclas Kolm; Jens Krause; David J. T. Sumpter
How predation shapes the social interaction rules of shoaling fish
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 284(2017)1861, art. 20171126
August 2017
Frank Seebacher; Jens Krause
Physiological mechanisms underlying animal social behaviour: introduction
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 372(2017)1727, 20160231
August 2017
Theme issue compiled and edited by Frank Seebacher and Jens Krause
Physiological determinants of social behaviour in animals
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences ; 372, iss. 1727 (2017)
June 2017
Romain J. G. Clement; Julian Vicente-Page; Richard P. Mann; Ashley J. W. Ward; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Indar W. Ramnarine; Gonzalo G. de Polavieja; Jens Krause
Collective decision making in guppies: a cross-population comparison study in the wild
Behavioral Ecology. - 28(2017)3, S. 919-924
June 2017
Stefan Krause; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Indar W. Ramnarine; James E. Herbert-Read; Romain J. G. Clement; Jens Krause
Guppies occupy consistent positions in social networks: mechanisms and consequences
Behavioral Ecology. - 28(2017)2, S. 429-438
January 2017
Noah M. Schmadel; Adam S. Ward; Marie J. Kurz; Jan H. Fleckenstein; Jay P. Zarnetske; David M. Hannah; Theresa Blume; Michael Vieweg; Phillip J. Blaen; Christian Schmidt; Julia L. A. Knapp; Megan J. Klaar; Paul Romeijn; Thibault Datry; Toralf Keller; Silvia Folegot; Amaia I. Marruedo Arricibita; Stefan Krause
Stream solute tracer timescales changing with discharge and reach lenngth confound process interpretation
Water Resources Research. - 52(2016)4, S. 3227-3245
January 2017
Viktor Baranov; Jörg Lewandowski; Stefan Krause
Bioturbation enhances the aerobic respiration of lake sediments in warming lakes
Biology Letters. - 12(2016)8, art. 20160448
January 2017
Morton B. S. Svendsen; Paolo Domenici; Stefano Marras; Jens Krause; Kevin M. Boswell; Ivan Rodriguez-Pinto, Ivan; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Paul E. Viblanc; Jean S. Finger; John F. Steffensen
January 2017
James E. Herbert-Read; Pawel Romanczuk; Stefan Krause; Daniel Strömborn; Pierre Couillaud; Paolo Domenici; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefano Marras; John F. Steffensen; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
Proto-cooperation: group hunting sailfish improve hunting success by alternating attacks on grouping prey
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 283(2016)1842, art. 20161671
November 2016
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefan M. Herzog; Ralph Hertwig; Jens Krause; Patricia A. Carney; Andy Bogart; Giuseppe Argenziano; Iris Zalaudek; Max Wolf
Boosting medical diagnostics by pooling independent judgments
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 113(2016)31, S. 8777-8782
May 2016
J. S. Finger; F. Dhellemmes; T. L. Guttridge; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; S. H. Gruber; J. Krause
Rate of movement of juvenile lemon sharks in a novel open field, are we measuring activity or reaction to novelty?
Animal Behaviour. - 116(2016), S. 75-82
March 2016
M. J. Hansen; T. M. Schaerd; J. Krause; A. J. W. Ward
March 2016
Tim Landgraf; David Bierbach; Hai Nguyen; Nadine Muggelberg; Pawel Romanczuk; Jens Krause
RoboFish: increased acceptance of interactive robotic fish with realistic eyes and natural motion patterns by live Trinidadians guppies
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. - 112016)1, 015001
January 2016
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Max Wolf; Marc Naguib; Jens Krause
Self-organized flexible leadership promotes collective intelligence in human groups
Royal Society Open Science. - 2(2015)2, 150222
November 2015
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Giuseppe Argenziano; Iris Zalaudek; Max Wolf
Detection accuracy of collective intelligence assessments for skin cancer diagnosis
JAMA Dermatology. - 151(2015)12, S. 1346-1353
October 2015
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jacob W. Brownscombe; Jens Krause; Stefan Krause; Lee F. G. Gutowsky; Edward J. Brooks; Steven J. Cooke
Integrating network analysis, sensor tags, and observation to understand shark ecology and behavior
Behavioral Ecology. - 26(2015)6, S. 1577-1586
September 2015
A. D. M. Wilson; S. Krause; I. W. Ramnarine; K. K. Borner; R. J. G. Clement; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; J. Krause
Social networks in changing environments
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 69(2015)10, S. 1617-1629
August 2015
Max Wolf; Jens Krause; Patricia A. Carney; Andy Bogart; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers
Collective intelligence meets medical decision-making
PLoS One. - 10(2015)8, e0134269
August 2015
Stefano Marras; Takuji Noda; John F. Steffensen; Morten B. S. Svendsen; Jens Krause; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; James Herbert-Read; Kevin M. Boswell; Paolo Domenici
Not so fast
Integrative and Comparative Biology. - 55(2015)4, S. 719-727
June 2015
Romain J. G. Clement; Max Wolf; Lysanne Snijders; Jens Krause; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers
Information transmission via movement behaviour improves decision accuracy in human groups
Animal Behaviour. - 105(2015), S. 85-93
May 2015
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
Personality and social network analysis in animals
Animal social networks / ed. by Jens Krause et al. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Pr., 2015. - sec. 2, ch. 6, S. 53-60
May 2015
Jens Krause; Richard James; Daniel W. Franks; Darren P. Croft
Animal social networks
Animal social networks / ed. by Jens Krause ... - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Pr., 2015. - sec. 4, ch. 19, S. 211-214
May 2015
Jens Krause; Darren P. Croft; Alexander D. M. Wilson
The network approach in teleost fishes and elasmobranchs
Animal social networks / ed. by Jens Krause ... - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Pr., 2015. - sec. 3, ch. 14, S. 150-159
May 2015
Jens Krause
Taxonomic overviews of animal social networks
Animal social networks / ed. by Jens Krause ... - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Pr., 2015. - sec. 3, S. 123-124
May 2015
Karoline K. Borner; Stefan Krause; Thomas Mehner; Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jens Krause
Turbidity affects social dynamics in Trinidadian guppies
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 69(2015)4, S. 645-651
December 2014
Dirk Helbing; Dirk Brockmann; Thomas Chadefaux; Karsten Donnay; Ulf Blanke; Olivia Woolley-Meza; Jens Krause; Sebastian Schutte; Matjaz Perc
Saving human lives
Journal of Statistical Physics. - 158(2015)3, S. 735-781
September 2014
P. Domenici; A. D. M. Wilson; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; S. Marras; J. E. Herbert-Read; J. F. Steffensen; S. Krause; P. E. Viblanc; P. Couillaud; J. Krause
How sailfish use their bills to capture schooling prey
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 281(2014)1784, art. 20140444
August 2014
Tim Landgraf; Hai Nguyen; Joseph Schröer; Angelika Szengel; Romain J. G. Clément; David Bierbach; Jens Krause
Blending in with the shoal
Biomimetic and biohybrid systems : third international conference, Living Machines 2014 ... / eds.: Armin Duff ... - Cham, 2014. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 8608), S. 178-189
July 2014
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause; James E. Herbert-Read; Ashley J. W. Ward
The personality behind cheating
Ethology. - 120(2014)9, S. 904-912
June 2014
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Darren P. Croft; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Max Wolf
The evolutionary and ecological consequences of animal social networks
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 29(2014)6, S. 326-336
April 2014
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Stefan Krause; Richard James; Darren P. Croft; Indar W. Ramnarine; Karoline K. Borner; Romain J. G. Clement; Jens Krause
Dynamic social networks in guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 68(2014)6, S. 915-925
April 2014
David Bierbach; Sophie Oster; Jonas Jourdan; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Jens Krause; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Martin Plath
Social network analysis resolves temporal dynamics of male dominance relationships
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 68(2014)6, S. 935-945
April 2014
Max Wolf; Jens Krause
Why personality differences matter for social functioning and social structure
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 29(2014)6, S. 306-308
December 2013
A. D. M. Wilson; D. P. Croft; J. Krause
Social networks in elasmobranchs and teleost fishes
Fish and Fisheries. - 15(2014)4, S. 676-689
December 2013
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Max Wolf; Jens Krause
Humans use social information to adjust their quorum thresholds adaptively in a simulated predator detection experiment
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 68(2014)3, S. 449-456
November 2013
Romain J. G. Clément; Stefan Krause; Nikolaus von Engelhardt; Jolyon J. Faria; Jens Krause; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers
Collective cognition in humans
PLoS One. - 8(2013)10, e77943
November 2013
Bogdan Cristescu; Ric T. F. Bernard; Jens Krause
Partitioning of space, habitat, and timing of activity by large felids in an enclosed South African system
Journal of Ethology. - 31(2013)3, S. 285-298
August 2013
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
August 2013
Ashley J. W. Ward; James E. Herbert-Read; Lyndon A. Jordan; Richard James; Jens Krause; Qi Ma; Daniel I. Rubenstein; David J. T. Sumpter; Lesley J. Morrell
Initiators, leaders, and recruitment mechanisms in the collective movements of damselfish
American Naturalist. - 181(2013)6, S. 748-760
August 2013
Jens Krause; Stefan Krause; Robert Arlinghaus; Ioannis Psorakis; Stephen Roberts; Christian Rutz
Reality mining of animal social systems
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 28(2013)9, S. 541-551
August 2013
Grant C. McDonald; Richard James; Jens Krause; Tommso Pizzari
Sexual networks
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 368(2013)1613, 20120356
August 2013
Max Wolf; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Ashley J. W. Ward; Stefan Krause; Jens Krause
Accurate decision in an uncertain world
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 280(2013)1756, art. 20122777
July 2013
Richard P. Mann; Jolyon Faria; David J. T. Sumpter; Jens Krause
The dynamics of audience applause
Interface : Journal of the Royal Society. - 10(2013)85, 20130466
March 2013
J. E. Herbert-Read; S. Krause; L. J. Morrell; T. M. Schaerf; J. Krause; A. J. W. Ward
The role of individuality in collective group movement
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 280(2013)1752, art. 20122564
January 2013
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Stefan Krause; Niels J. Dingemanse; Jens Krause
Network position
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 67(2013)1, S. 163-173
January 2013
Tristan L. Guttridge; Sander van Dijk; Eize J. Stamhuis; Jens Krause; Samuel H. Gruber; Culum Brown
Social learning in juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris
Animal Cognition. - 16(2013)1, S. 55-64
November 2012
Robert Arlinghaus; Jens Krause
Wisdom of the crowd and natural resource management
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 28(2013)1, S. 8-11
March 2013
Jens Krause
Wie schlau ist der Schwarm?
Mensch, Fisch! : Katalog zur Sonderausstellung des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch Oldenburg vom 10. November 2012 bis zum 07. April 2013. - Oldenburg, 2012. - S. 157-162
January 2013
Kevin A. Gluck; John M. McNamara; Henry Brighton; Peter Dayan; Yaakov Kareev; Jens Krause; Robert Kurzban; Reinhard Selten; Jeffrey R. Stevens; Bernhard Voelkl; William C. Wimsatt
Robustness in a variable environment
Evolution and the mechanisms of decision making / ed. by Peter Hammerstein and Jeffrey R. Stevens. - Cambridge, 2012. - chapter 12, S. 195-214
January 2013
Tristan L. Guttridge; Samuel H. Gruber; Bryan R. Franks; Steven T. Kessel; Katie S. Gledhill; Jen Uphill; Jens Krause; David W. Sims
Deep danger
Marine Ecology Progress Series. - 445(2012), S. 279-291
January 2013
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
Metamorphosis and animal personality
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 27(2012)10, S. 529-531
December 2012
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
Personality and metamorphosis
Behavioral Ecology. - 23(2012)6, S. 1316-1323
May 2012
Ashley J. W. Ward; Jens Krause; David J. T. Sumpter
Quorum decision-making in foraging fish shoals
PLoS One. - 7(2012)3, e32411
April 2012
Thomas Klefoth; Christian Skov; Jens Krause; Robert Arlinghaus
The role of ecological context and predation risk-stimuli in revealing the true picture about the genetic basis of boldness evolution in fish
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 66(2012)4, S. 547-559
March 2012
Jens Krause; Richard James; Darren P. Croft
Group living
Ecology and evolution of poeciliid fishes / ed. by Jonathan P. Evans ... - Chicago, 2011. - chapter 13, S. 145-154
November 2011
Jens Krause; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Darren P. Croft
New technology facilitates the study of social networks
Trends in ecology and evolution. - 26(2011)1, S. 5-6
November 2011
Christos C. Ioannou; Frederic Bartumeus; Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton
Unified effects of aggregation reveal larger prey groups take longer to find
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 278(2011)1724, S. 3504-3509
November 2011
Colin R. Tosh; Graeme D. Ruxton; Jens Krause; Daniel W. Franks
Experiments with humans indicate that decision accuracy drives the evolution of niche width
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 278(2011)1724, S. 3504-3509
November 2011
Jennifer L. Kelley; Lesley J. Morrell; Chloe Inskip; Jens Krause; Darren P. Croft
Predation risk shapes social networks in fission-fusion populations
PLoS one. - 6(2011)8, e24280
November 2011
Tristan L. Guttridge; Samuel H. Gruber; Joseph D. DiBattista; Kevin A. Feldheim; Darren P. Croft; Stefan Krause; Jens Krause
Assortative interactions and leadership in a free-ranging population of juvenile lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris
Marine ecology progress series. - 423(2011), S. 235-245
November 2011
Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton
The dynamics of collective human behaviour
The lancet. - 377(2011)9769, S. 903-904
November 2011
Stefan Krause; Richard James; Jolyon J. Faria; Graeme D. Ruxton; Jens Krause
Swarm intelligence in humans
Animal behaviour. - 81(2011)5, S. 941-948
November 2011
Jens Krause; Alan F. T. Winfield; Jean-Louis Deneubourg
Interactive robots in experimental biology
Trends in ecology and evolution. - 26(2011)7, S. 369-375
November 2011
C. Piyapong; R. K. Butlin; J. J. Faria; K. J. Scruton; J. Wang; J. Krause
Kin assortment in juvenile shoals in wild guppy populations
Heredity. - 106(2011)5, S. 749-756
March 2011
Ashley J. W. Ward; James E. Herbert-Read; David J. T. Sumpter; Jens Krause
Fast and accurate decisions through collective vigilance in fish shoals
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 108(2011)6, S. 2312-2315
February 2011
Jens Krause; Stefan Krause
Kollektives Verhalten und Schwarmintelligenz
Darwin meets business. - 2011, S. 127-134
December 2010
J. Krause; R. James; D. P. Croft
Personality in the context of social networks
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 365(2010)1560, S. 4099-4106
September 2010
Nikolai W. F. Bode; Jolyon J. Faria; Daniel W. Franks; Jens Krause; A. Jamie Wood
How perceived threat increases synchronization in collectively moving animal groups
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 277(2010)1697, S. 3065-3070
September 2010
Ben B. Chapman; Lesley J. Morrell; Colin R. Tosh; Jens Krause
Behavioural consequences of sensory plasticity in guppies
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 277(2010)1686, S.1395-1401
September 2010
Jolyon J. Faria; John R. G. Dyer; Romain O. Clément; Iain D. Couzin; Natalie Holt; Ashley J. W. Ward; Dean Waters; Jens Krause
A novel method for investigating the collective behaviour of fish
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 64(2010)8, S. 1211-1218
September 2010
Lyndon A. Jordan; Carla Avolio; James E. Herbert-Read; Jens Krause; Daniel I. Rubenstein; Ashley J. W. Ward
Group structure in a restricted entry system is mediated by both resident and joiner preferences
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 64(2010)7, S. 1099-1106
September 2010
Chantima Piyapong; Jens Krause; Ben B. Chapman; Indar W. Ramnarine; Vasilis Louca; Darren P. Croft
Sex matters: a social context to boldness in guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
Behavioral ecology. - 21(2010)1, S. 3-8
September 2010
Ben B. Chapman; Lesley J. Morrell; Jens Krause
Unpredictability in food supply during early life influences boldness in fish
Behavioral ecology. - 21(2010)3, S. 501-506
September 2010
P. Guevara-Fiore; J. Stapley; J. Krause; I. W. Ramnarine; P. J. Watt
Male mate-searching strategies and female cues
Animal behaviour. - 79(2010)6, S. 1191-1197
September 2010
Jolyon J. Faria; John R. G. Dyer; Colin R. Tosh; Jens Krause
Leadership and social information use in human crowds
Animal behaviour. - 79(2010)4, S. 895-901
September 2010
Tristan L. Guttridge; Samuel H. Gruber; Jens Krause; David W. Sims
March 2010
Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton; Stefan Krause
Swarm intelligence in animals and humans
Trends in ecology and evolution. - 25(2010)1, S. 28-34
March 2010
John R. G. Dyer; Darren P. Croft; Lesley J. Morrell; Jens Krause
Shoal composition determines foraging success in the guppy
Behavioral ecology. - 20(2009)1, S. 165-171
December 2009
Tristan L. Guttridge; Arthur A. Myrberg; Ila F. Porcher; David W. Sims; Jens Krause
The role of learning in shark bahaviour
Fish and fisheries. - 10(2009)4, S. 450-469
November 2009
T. L. Guttridge; S. H. Gruber; K. S. Gledhill; D. P. Croft; D. W. Sims; J. Krause
Social preferences of juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris
Animal behaviour. - 78(2009)2, S. 543-548
November 2009
Jens Krause; David Lusseau; Richard James
Animal social networks
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)7, S. 967-973
November 2009
Ben B. Chapman; Lesley J. Morrell; Jens Krause
Plasticity in male courtship behaviour as a function of light intensity in guppies
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)12, S. 1757-1763
November 2009
Darren P. Croft; Jens Krause; Safi K. Darden; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jolyon J. Faria; Richard James
Behavioural trait assortment in a social network
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)10, S. 1495-1503
November 2009
Stefan Krause; Lutz Mattner; Richard James; Tristan Guttridge; Mark J. Corcoran; Samuel H. Gruber; Jens Krause
Social network analysis and valid Markov chain Monte Carlo tets of null models
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)7, S. 1089-1096
November 2009
Richard James; Darren P. Croft; Jens Krause
Potential banana skins in animal social network analysis
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)10, S. 1495-1503
November 2009
Colin R. Tosh; Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton
Basic features, conjunctive searches, and the confusion effect in predator-prey interactions
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)3, S. 473-475
November 2009
L. Conradt; J. Krause; I. D. Couzin; T. J. Roper
"Leading according to need" in self-organizing groups
American naturalist. - 173(2009)3, S. 304-312
November 2009
Christos C. Ioannou; Lesley J. Morrell; Graeme D. Ruxton; Jens Krause
The effect of prey density on predators
American naturalist. - 173(2009)4, S. 499-506
November 2009
Jolyon J. Faria; Edward A. Codling; John R. G. Dyer; Fritz Trillmich; Jens Krause
Navigation in human crowds; testing the many-wrongs principle
Animal behaviour. - 78(2009)3, S. 587-591
November 2009
Christos C. Ioannou; Jens Krause
Interactions between background matching and motion during visual detection can explain why cryptic animals keep still
Biology letters. - 5(2009)2, S. 191-193
November 2009
John R. G. Dyer; Anders Johansson; Dirk Helbing; Iain D. Couzin; Jens Krause
Leadership, consensus decision making and collective behaviour in humans
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 364(2009)1518, S. 781-789
November 2009
Colin R. Tosh; Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton
Theoretical predictions strongly support decision accuracy as a major driver of ecological specialization
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 106(2009)14, S. 5698-5702
November 2009
A. J. W. Ward; M. M. Webster; A. E. Magurran; S. Currie; J. Krause
Species and population differences in social recognition between fishes
Behavioral ecology. - 20(2009)3, S. 511-516
August 2008
J. Krause; G. Staaks; T. Mehner
Habitat choice in shoals of roach as a function of water temperature and feeding rate
Journal of fish biology. - 53(1998)2, S. 377-386
March 2025
David Bierbach; Juliane Lukas; Luis Gómez-Nava; Fritz A. Francisco; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Stefan Krause; Korbinian Pacher; Yunus Sevinchan; Pawel Romanczuk; Jens Krause
Collective escape waves provide a generic defence against different avian predators
Royal Society Open Science. - 12(2025)3, Art. 241055
January 2025
M. Licht; A. L. Burns; K. Pacher; S. Krause; P. Bartashevich; P. Romanczuk; M. J. Hansen; A. Y. Then; J. Krause
Sailfish generate foraging opportunities for seabirds in multi-species predator aggregations
Biology Letters. - 20(2024)7, Art. 20240177
December 2024
Palina Bartashevich; James E. Herbert-Read; Matthew J. Hansen; Félicie Dhellemmes; Paolo Domenici; Jens Krause; Pawel Romanczuk
Collective anti-predator escape manoeuvres through optimal attack and avoidance strategies
Communications Biology. - 7(2024)1, Art. 1586
December 2024
K. Pacher; J. Krause; P. Bartashevich; P. Romanczuk; P. Bideau; D. Pham; A. L. Burns; D. Deffner; F. Dhellemmes; B. Binder; K. M. Boswell; F. Galvan-Magna; P. Domenici; M. J. Hansen
Evidence for a by-product mutualism in a group hunter depends on prey movement state
Functional Ecology. - 38(2024)10, 2123-2138
October 2024
Korbinian Pacher; Natalia Hernández-Román; Alejandro Juarez-Lopez; Jesús Emmanuel Jiménez-Jiménez; Juliane Lukas; Yunus Sevinchan; Jens Krause, Lenin Arias-Rodríguez; David Bierbach
Thermal tolerance in an extremophile fish from Mexico is not affected by environmental hypoxia
Biology Open. - 13(2016)2, bio060223
September 2024
K. Pacher; J. Krause; P. Bartashevich; P. Romanczuk; P. Bideau; D. Pham; A. L. Burns; D. Deffner; F. Dhellemmes; B. Binder; K. M. Boswell; F. Galván-Magaña; P. Domenici; M. J. Hansen
Evidence for a by-product mutualism in a group hunter depends on prey movement state
Functional Ecology. - 38(2024)10, 2123-2138
March 2024
Alicia L. Burns; Max Licht; Robert J.P. Heathcote; Jens Krause; Matthew J. Hansen
Rapid color change in a group-hunting pelagic predator attacking schooling prey
Current Biology. - 34(2024)4, R131-R132
January 2024
Korbinian Pacher; Michael Breuker; Matthew J. Hansen; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jan Häge; Felicie Dhellemmes; Paolo Domenici; John F. Steffensen; Stefan Krause; Thomas Hildebrandt; Guido Fritsch; Pascal Bach; Philippe S. Sabarros; Paul Zaslansky; Kristin Mahlow; Johannes Müller; Rogelio González Armas; Hector Villalobos Ortiz; Felipe Galván-Magaña; Jens Krause
The rostral micro-tooth morphology of blue marlin, Makaira nigricans
Journal of Fish Biology. - 104(2024)3, 713-722
December 2023
Luis Gómez-Nava; Robert T. Lange; Pascal P. Klamser; Juliane Lukas; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; David Bierbach; Jens Krause; Henning Sprekeler; Pawel Romanczuk
Fish shoals resemble a stochastic excitable system driven by environmental perturbations
Nature physics. - 19(2023), S. 663–669
December 2023
Jörg Lewandowski; Jonas Schaper; Michael Rivett; Stefan Krause
Sampling at groundwater–surface water interfaces: [Chapter 9]
Ecohydrological interfaces/Hrsg.: Stefan Krause ; David M. Hannah ; Nancy B. Grimm ; 2023, p. 191-212
December 2023
Christian Schmidt; Jörg Lewandowski; J. N. Galloway; Athena Chalari; Francesco Ciocca; Stefan Krause; Laurant Pfister; M. Antonelli
Heat as a hydrological tracer: [Chapter 8]
Ecohydrological interfaces/Hrsg.: Stefan Krause ; David M. Hannah ; Nancy B. Grimm ; 2023, p. 167-190
November 2023
Ulrike Scherer; Sean M. Ehlman; David Bierbach; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
Reproductive individuality of clonal fish raised in near-identical environments and its link to early-life behavioral individuality
Nature Communications. - 14(2023), Art. 7652
September 2023
William N.S. Arlidge; Robert Arlinghaus; Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers; Anne Nassauer; Rodrigo Oyanedel; Jens Krause
Situational social influence leading to non-compliance with conservation rules
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 38(2023)12, 1154-1164
June 2023
Moritz Maxeiner; Mathis Hocke; Hauke J Moenck; Gregor H W Gebhardt; Nils Weimar; Lea Musiolek; Jens Krause; David Bierbach; Tim Landgraf
Social competence improves the performance of biomimetic robots leading live fish
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. - 18(2023)4, Art. 045001
June 2023
Matthew J. Hansen; Paolo Domenici; Palina Bartashevich; ,Alicia Burns; Jens Krause
Mechanisms of group-hunting in vertebrates
Biological Reviews. - 98(2023)5, 1687-1711
May 2023
M. J. Hansen; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; M. Licht , J. Häge; K. Pacher , F. Dhellemmes; F. Trillmich; F. R. Elorriaga-Verplancken; J. Krause
California sea lions interfere with striped marlin hunting behaviour in multi-species predator aggregations
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 378(2023), Art. 20220103
March 2023
Juliane Lukas; Jens Krause; Arabella Sophie Träger; Jonas Marc Piotrowski; Pawel Romanczuk; Henning Sprekeler; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Stefan Krause; Christopher Schutz; David Bierbach
Multispecies collective waving behaviour in fish
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. - 378(2023)1874 Art. XX
February 2023
Sean M. Ehlman; Ulrike Scherer; David Bierbach; Fritz A. Francisco; Kate L. Laskowski; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
Leveraging big data to uncover the eco-evolutionary factors shaping behavioural development
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. - 290(2023)1992 Art. 20222115
December 2022
David Bierbach ; Luis Gómez-Nava ; Fritz A. Francisco ; Juliane Lukas ; Lea Musiolek ; Verena V. Hafner ; Tim Landgraf ; Pawel Romanczuk ; Jens Krause
Live fish learn to anticipate the movement of a fish-like robot
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. - 17(2022)6, Art. 065007
December 2022
Alicia L. Burns ; Timothy M. Schaerf ; Joseph Lizier ; So Kawaguchi ; Martin Cox ; Rob King ; Jens Krause ; Ashley J.W. Ward
Self-organization and information transfer in Antarctic krill swarms
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 289(2022)1969, Art. 20212361
November 2022
M.J. Hansen; S. Krause; F. Dhellemmes; K. Pacher; R.H.J.M. Kurvers; P. Domenici; J. Krause
Mechanisms of prey division in striped marlin, a marine group hunting predator
Communications Biology. - 5(2022), Art. 1161
June 2022
Jan Häge; Matthew J. Hansen; Korbinian Pacher; Félicie Dhellemmes; Paolo Domenici; John F. Steffensen; Michael Breuker; Stefan Krause; Thomas B. Hildebrandt; Guido Fritsch; Pascal Bach; Philippe S. Sabarros; Paul Zaslansky; Kristin Mahlow; Maria Schauer; Johannes Müller; Jens Krause
Lacunae rostralis: a new structure on the rostrum of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus
Journal of Fish Biology. - 100(2022)5, 1205-1213
February 2022
Carolina Doran; David Bierbach; Juliane Lukas; Pascal Klamser; Tim Landgraf; Haider Klenz; Marie Habedank; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Stefan Krause; Pawel Romanczuk; Jens Krause
Fish waves as emergent collective antipredator behavior
Current Biology. - 32(2022)3, 708-714.e4
September 2022
M.J. Hansen; A.L. Burns; C.T. Monk; C. Schutz; J.T. Lizier; I. Ramnarine; A.J.W. Ward; J. Krause
The effect of predation risk on group behaviour and information flow during repeated collective decisions
Animal Behaviour. - 173(2021), 215-239
January 2022
Nicolle Demandt; David Bierbach; Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Joachim Kurtz; Jörn P. Scharsack
Parasite infection impairs the shoaling behaviour of uninfected shoal members under predator attack
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 75(2021), Art. 148
January 2022
Lysanne Snijders; Stefan Krause; Alan N. Tump; Michael Breuker; Chente Ortiz; Sofia Rizzi; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jens Krause; Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers
Causal evidence for the adaptive benefits of social foraging in the wild
Communications Biology. - 4(2021), Art. 94
January 2022
Jens Krause; Pawel Romanczuk; Emiel Cracco; William Arlidge; Anne Nassauer; Marcel Brass
Collective rule-breaking
Trends in Cognitive Sciences. - 25(2021)12, 1082-1095
January 2022
David Bierbach; Fritz Francisco; Juliane Lukas; Tim Landgraf; Moritz Maxeiner; Pawel Romanczuk; Lea Musiolek; Verena V. Hafner; Jens Krause
Biomimetic robots promote the 3Rs Principle in animal testing: [ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life]
ALIFE. - 33(2021), Art. isal_a_00375, 36
December 2021
Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers; Stefan M. Herzog; Ralph Hertwig; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
Pooling decisions decreases variation in response bias and accuracy
iScience. - 24(2021)7, Art. 102740
September 2021
Félicie Dhellemmes; Matthew J. Smukall; Tristan L. Guttridge; Jens Krause; Nigel E. Hussey
Predator abundance drives the association between exploratory personality and foraging habitat risk in a wild marine meso-predator
Functional Ecology. - 35(2021)9, 1972-1984
August 2021
Juliane Lukas; Pawel Romanczuk; Haider Klenz; Pascal Klamser; Lenin Arias Rodriguez; Jens Krause; David Bierbach
Acoustic and visual stimuli combined promote stronger responses to aerial predation in fish
Behavioral Ecology. - 32(2021)6, 1094–1102
March 2021
Juliane Lukas; Felix Auer; Tobias Goldhammer; Jens Krause; Pawel Romanczuk; Pascal Klamser; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; David Bierbach
Diurnal changes in hypoxia shape predator-prey interaction in a bird-fish system
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. - 9(2021), Art. 619193
January 2021
Juliane Lukas; Gregor Kalinkat; Friedrich Wilhelm Miesen; Tim Landgraf; Jens Krause and David Bierbach
Consistent behavioral syndrome across seasons in an invasive freshwater fish
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. - 8(2021), Art. 583670
January 2021
Félicie Dhellemmes; Jean‐Sébastien Finger; Matthew J. Smukall; Samuel H. Gruber; Tristan L. Guttridge; Kate L. Laskowski; Jens Krause
Personality‐driven life history trade‐offs differ in two subpopulations of free‐ranging predators
Journal of Animal Ecology. - 90(2021)1, 260-272
December 2020
Nicolle Demandt; Marit Praetz; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Joachim Kurtz and Jörn P. Scharsack
Parasite infection disrupts escape behaviours in fish shoals
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 287(2020)1938, art. 20201158
December 2020
F. Dhellemmes; M.J. Hansen; S.D. Bouet; J.J. Videler; P. Domenici; J.F. Steffensen; T. Hildebrandt; G. Fritsch; P. Bach; P.S. Sabarros; A. Krüger; R.H.J.M. Kurvers; J. Krause
Oil gland and oil pores in billfishes: in search of a function
Journal of Experimental Biology. - 223(2020), jeb224956
July 2020
David Bierbach; Hauke J. Mönck; Juliane Lukas; Marie Habedank; Pawel Romanczuk; Tim Landgraf; Jens Krause
Guppies prefer to follow large (robot) leaders irrespective of own size
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. - 8(2020)art. 441
June 2020
Félicie Dhellemmes; Jean-Sébastian Finger; Kate L. Laskowski; Tristan L. Guttridge; Jens Krause
Comparing behavioural syndromes across time and ecological conditions in a free-ranging predator
Animal Behaviour. - 162(2020), S. 23-33
June 2020
David Bierbach; Stefan Krause; Pawel Romanczuk; Juliane Lukas; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Jens Krause
January 2020
M. J. Hansen; S. Krause; M. Breuker; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; F. Dhellemmes; P. E. Viblanc; J. Müller; C. Mahlow; K. Boswell; S. Marras; P. Domenici; A. D. M. Wilson; J. E. Herbert-Read; J. F. Steffensen; G. Fritsch; T. B. Hildebrandt; P. Zaslansky; P. Bach; P. S. Sabarros; J. Krause
Linking hunting weaponry to attack strategies in sailfish and striped marlin
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 287(2020)1918, art. 20192228
December 2019
Lysanne Snijders; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefan Krause; Alan N. Tump; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jens Krause
Females facilitate male food patch discovery in a wild fish population
Journal of Animal Ecology. - 88(2019)12, S. 1950-1960
December 2019
Frank Seebacher; Jens Krause
Epigenetics of social behaviour
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 34(2019)9, S. 818-830
November 2019
R. H. J. M. Kurvers; S. M. Herzog; R. Hertwig; J. Krause; M. Moussaid; G. Argenziano; I. Zalaudek; P. A. Carney; M. Wolf
February 2019
James A. R. Marshall; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
February 2019
Kate L. Laskowski; Carolina Doran; David Bierbach; Jens Krause; Max Wolf
Naturally clonal vertebrates are an untapped resource in ecology and evolution research
Nature Ecology & Evolution. - 3(2019)2, S. 161-169
November 2018
Jens Krause; Frank Seebacher
Collective behaviour: physiology determines position
Current Biology. - 28(2018)8, R351-354
November 2018
Nicolle Demandt; Benedikt Saus; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Joachim Kurtz; Jörn Peter Scharsack
Parasite-infected sticklebacks increase the risk-taking behaviour of uninfected group members
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 285(2018)1881, art. 20180956
November 2018
Lysanne Snijders; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefan Krause; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jens Krause
Individual- and population-level drivers of consistent foraging success across environments
Nature Ecology & Evolution. - 2(2018)10, S. 1610-1618
October 2018
Alan Novaes Tump; Max Wolf; Jens Krause; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers
Individuals fail to reap the collective benefits of diversity because of over-reliance on personal information
Journal of the Royal Society Interface. - 15(2018)142, 20180155
September 2018
R. H. J. M. Kurvers; J. Drägestein; F. Hölker; A. Jechow; J. Krause; D. Bierbach
August 2018
David Bierbach; Tim Landgraf; Pawel Romanczuk; Juliane Lukas; Hai Nguyen; Max Wolf; Jens Krause
Using a robotic fish to investigate individual differences in social responsiveness in the guppy
Royal Society Open Science. - 5(2018)8, 181026
February 2018
J. S. Finger; T. L. Guttridge; A. D. M. Wilson; S. H. Gruber; J. Krause
Are some sharks more social than others?: Short- and long-term consistencies in the social behavior of juvenile lemon sharks
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 72(2018)1, art. 17
February 2018
David Bierbach; Juliane Lukas; Anja Bergmann; Kristiane Elsner; Leander Höhne; Christiane Weber; Nils Weimar; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Hauke J. Mönck; Hai Nguyen; Pawel Romanczuk; Tim Landgraf; Jens Krause
November 2017
J. Krause; J. E. Herbert-Read; F. Seebacher; P. Domenici; A. D. M. Wilson; S. Marras; M. B. S. Svendsen; D. Strömborn; J. F. Steffensen; S. Krause; P. E. Viblanc; P. Couillaud; P. Bach; P. S. Sabarros; P. Zaslansky; R. H. J. M. Kurvers
Injury-mediated decrease in locomotor performance increases predation risk in schooling fish
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 372(2017)1727, 20160232
September 2017
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefan Krause; Paul E. Viblanc; James E. Herbert-Read; Paul Zaslansky; Paolo Domenici; Stefano Marras; John F. Steffensen; Morten B. S. Svendsen; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Pierre Couillaud; Kevin M. Boswell; Jens Krause
The evolution of lateralization in group hunting sailfish
Current Biology. - 27(2017)4, S. 521-526
September 2017
James E.Herbert-Read; Emil Rosen; Alex Szorkovszky; Christos C. Ioannou; Björn Rogell; Andrea Perna; Indar W. Ramnarine; Alexander Kotrschal; Niclas Kolm; Jens Krause; David J. T. Sumpter
How predation shapes the social interaction rules of shoaling fish
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 284(2017)1861, art. 20171126
August 2017
Frank Seebacher; Jens Krause
Physiological mechanisms underlying animal social behaviour: introduction
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 372(2017)1727, 20160231
August 2017
Theme issue compiled and edited by Frank Seebacher and Jens Krause
Physiological determinants of social behaviour in animals
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences ; 372, iss. 1727 (2017)
June 2017
Romain J. G. Clement; Julian Vicente-Page; Richard P. Mann; Ashley J. W. Ward; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Indar W. Ramnarine; Gonzalo G. de Polavieja; Jens Krause
Collective decision making in guppies: a cross-population comparison study in the wild
Behavioral Ecology. - 28(2017)3, S. 919-924
June 2017
Stefan Krause; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Indar W. Ramnarine; James E. Herbert-Read; Romain J. G. Clement; Jens Krause
Guppies occupy consistent positions in social networks: mechanisms and consequences
Behavioral Ecology. - 28(2017)2, S. 429-438
January 2017
Noah M. Schmadel; Adam S. Ward; Marie J. Kurz; Jan H. Fleckenstein; Jay P. Zarnetske; David M. Hannah; Theresa Blume; Michael Vieweg; Phillip J. Blaen; Christian Schmidt; Julia L. A. Knapp; Megan J. Klaar; Paul Romeijn; Thibault Datry; Toralf Keller; Silvia Folegot; Amaia I. Marruedo Arricibita; Stefan Krause
Stream solute tracer timescales changing with discharge and reach lenngth confound process interpretation
Water Resources Research. - 52(2016)4, S. 3227-3245
January 2017
Viktor Baranov; Jörg Lewandowski; Stefan Krause
Bioturbation enhances the aerobic respiration of lake sediments in warming lakes
Biology Letters. - 12(2016)8, art. 20160448
January 2017
Morton B. S. Svendsen; Paolo Domenici; Stefano Marras; Jens Krause; Kevin M. Boswell; Ivan Rodriguez-Pinto, Ivan; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Paul E. Viblanc; Jean S. Finger; John F. Steffensen
January 2017
James E. Herbert-Read; Pawel Romanczuk; Stefan Krause; Daniel Strömborn; Pierre Couillaud; Paolo Domenici; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefano Marras; John F. Steffensen; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
Proto-cooperation: group hunting sailfish improve hunting success by alternating attacks on grouping prey
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 283(2016)1842, art. 20161671
November 2016
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Stefan M. Herzog; Ralph Hertwig; Jens Krause; Patricia A. Carney; Andy Bogart; Giuseppe Argenziano; Iris Zalaudek; Max Wolf
Boosting medical diagnostics by pooling independent judgments
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 113(2016)31, S. 8777-8782
May 2016
J. S. Finger; F. Dhellemmes; T. L. Guttridge; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; S. H. Gruber; J. Krause
Rate of movement of juvenile lemon sharks in a novel open field, are we measuring activity or reaction to novelty?
Animal Behaviour. - 116(2016), S. 75-82
March 2016
M. J. Hansen; T. M. Schaerd; J. Krause; A. J. W. Ward
March 2016
Tim Landgraf; David Bierbach; Hai Nguyen; Nadine Muggelberg; Pawel Romanczuk; Jens Krause
RoboFish: increased acceptance of interactive robotic fish with realistic eyes and natural motion patterns by live Trinidadians guppies
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. - 112016)1, 015001
January 2016
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Max Wolf; Marc Naguib; Jens Krause
Self-organized flexible leadership promotes collective intelligence in human groups
Royal Society Open Science. - 2(2015)2, 150222
November 2015
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Giuseppe Argenziano; Iris Zalaudek; Max Wolf
Detection accuracy of collective intelligence assessments for skin cancer diagnosis
JAMA Dermatology. - 151(2015)12, S. 1346-1353
October 2015
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jacob W. Brownscombe; Jens Krause; Stefan Krause; Lee F. G. Gutowsky; Edward J. Brooks; Steven J. Cooke
Integrating network analysis, sensor tags, and observation to understand shark ecology and behavior
Behavioral Ecology. - 26(2015)6, S. 1577-1586
September 2015
A. D. M. Wilson; S. Krause; I. W. Ramnarine; K. K. Borner; R. J. G. Clement; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; J. Krause
Social networks in changing environments
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 69(2015)10, S. 1617-1629
August 2015
Max Wolf; Jens Krause; Patricia A. Carney; Andy Bogart; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers
Collective intelligence meets medical decision-making
PLoS One. - 10(2015)8, e0134269
August 2015
Stefano Marras; Takuji Noda; John F. Steffensen; Morten B. S. Svendsen; Jens Krause; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; James Herbert-Read; Kevin M. Boswell; Paolo Domenici
Not so fast
Integrative and Comparative Biology. - 55(2015)4, S. 719-727
June 2015
Romain J. G. Clement; Max Wolf; Lysanne Snijders; Jens Krause; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers
Information transmission via movement behaviour improves decision accuracy in human groups
Animal Behaviour. - 105(2015), S. 85-93
May 2015
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
Personality and social network analysis in animals
Animal social networks / ed. by Jens Krause et al. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Pr., 2015. - sec. 2, ch. 6, S. 53-60
May 2015
Jens Krause; Richard James; Daniel W. Franks; Darren P. Croft
Animal social networks
Animal social networks / ed. by Jens Krause ... - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Pr., 2015. - sec. 4, ch. 19, S. 211-214
May 2015
Jens Krause; Darren P. Croft; Alexander D. M. Wilson
The network approach in teleost fishes and elasmobranchs
Animal social networks / ed. by Jens Krause ... - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Pr., 2015. - sec. 3, ch. 14, S. 150-159
May 2015
Jens Krause
Taxonomic overviews of animal social networks
Animal social networks / ed. by Jens Krause ... - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Pr., 2015. - sec. 3, S. 123-124
May 2015
Karoline K. Borner; Stefan Krause; Thomas Mehner; Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jens Krause
Turbidity affects social dynamics in Trinidadian guppies
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 69(2015)4, S. 645-651
December 2014
Dirk Helbing; Dirk Brockmann; Thomas Chadefaux; Karsten Donnay; Ulf Blanke; Olivia Woolley-Meza; Jens Krause; Sebastian Schutte; Matjaz Perc
Saving human lives
Journal of Statistical Physics. - 158(2015)3, S. 735-781
September 2014
P. Domenici; A. D. M. Wilson; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; S. Marras; J. E. Herbert-Read; J. F. Steffensen; S. Krause; P. E. Viblanc; P. Couillaud; J. Krause
How sailfish use their bills to capture schooling prey
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 281(2014)1784, art. 20140444
August 2014
Tim Landgraf; Hai Nguyen; Joseph Schröer; Angelika Szengel; Romain J. G. Clément; David Bierbach; Jens Krause
Blending in with the shoal
Biomimetic and biohybrid systems : third international conference, Living Machines 2014 ... / eds.: Armin Duff ... - Cham, 2014. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 8608), S. 178-189
July 2014
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause; James E. Herbert-Read; Ashley J. W. Ward
The personality behind cheating
Ethology. - 120(2014)9, S. 904-912
June 2014
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jens Krause; Darren P. Croft; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Max Wolf
The evolutionary and ecological consequences of animal social networks
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 29(2014)6, S. 326-336
April 2014
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Stefan Krause; Richard James; Darren P. Croft; Indar W. Ramnarine; Karoline K. Borner; Romain J. G. Clement; Jens Krause
Dynamic social networks in guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 68(2014)6, S. 915-925
April 2014
David Bierbach; Sophie Oster; Jonas Jourdan; Lenin Arias-Rodriguez; Jens Krause; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Martin Plath
Social network analysis resolves temporal dynamics of male dominance relationships
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 68(2014)6, S. 935-945
April 2014
Max Wolf; Jens Krause
Why personality differences matter for social functioning and social structure
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 29(2014)6, S. 306-308
December 2013
A. D. M. Wilson; D. P. Croft; J. Krause
Social networks in elasmobranchs and teleost fishes
Fish and Fisheries. - 15(2014)4, S. 676-689
December 2013
Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Max Wolf; Jens Krause
Humans use social information to adjust their quorum thresholds adaptively in a simulated predator detection experiment
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 68(2014)3, S. 449-456
November 2013
Romain J. G. Clément; Stefan Krause; Nikolaus von Engelhardt; Jolyon J. Faria; Jens Krause; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers
Collective cognition in humans
PLoS One. - 8(2013)10, e77943
November 2013
Bogdan Cristescu; Ric T. F. Bernard; Jens Krause
Partitioning of space, habitat, and timing of activity by large felids in an enclosed South African system
Journal of Ethology. - 31(2013)3, S. 285-298
August 2013
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
August 2013
Ashley J. W. Ward; James E. Herbert-Read; Lyndon A. Jordan; Richard James; Jens Krause; Qi Ma; Daniel I. Rubenstein; David J. T. Sumpter; Lesley J. Morrell
Initiators, leaders, and recruitment mechanisms in the collective movements of damselfish
American Naturalist. - 181(2013)6, S. 748-760
August 2013
Jens Krause; Stefan Krause; Robert Arlinghaus; Ioannis Psorakis; Stephen Roberts; Christian Rutz
Reality mining of animal social systems
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 28(2013)9, S. 541-551
August 2013
Grant C. McDonald; Richard James; Jens Krause; Tommso Pizzari
Sexual networks
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 368(2013)1613, 20120356
August 2013
Max Wolf; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Ashley J. W. Ward; Stefan Krause; Jens Krause
Accurate decision in an uncertain world
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 280(2013)1756, art. 20122777
July 2013
Richard P. Mann; Jolyon Faria; David J. T. Sumpter; Jens Krause
The dynamics of audience applause
Interface : Journal of the Royal Society. - 10(2013)85, 20130466
March 2013
J. E. Herbert-Read; S. Krause; L. J. Morrell; T. M. Schaerf; J. Krause; A. J. W. Ward
The role of individuality in collective group movement
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 280(2013)1752, art. 20122564
January 2013
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Stefan Krause; Niels J. Dingemanse; Jens Krause
Network position
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 67(2013)1, S. 163-173
January 2013
Tristan L. Guttridge; Sander van Dijk; Eize J. Stamhuis; Jens Krause; Samuel H. Gruber; Culum Brown
Social learning in juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris
Animal Cognition. - 16(2013)1, S. 55-64
November 2012
Robert Arlinghaus; Jens Krause
Wisdom of the crowd and natural resource management
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 28(2013)1, S. 8-11
March 2013
Jens Krause
Wie schlau ist der Schwarm?
Mensch, Fisch! : Katalog zur Sonderausstellung des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch Oldenburg vom 10. November 2012 bis zum 07. April 2013. - Oldenburg, 2012. - S. 157-162
January 2013
Kevin A. Gluck; John M. McNamara; Henry Brighton; Peter Dayan; Yaakov Kareev; Jens Krause; Robert Kurzban; Reinhard Selten; Jeffrey R. Stevens; Bernhard Voelkl; William C. Wimsatt
Robustness in a variable environment
Evolution and the mechanisms of decision making / ed. by Peter Hammerstein and Jeffrey R. Stevens. - Cambridge, 2012. - chapter 12, S. 195-214
January 2013
Tristan L. Guttridge; Samuel H. Gruber; Bryan R. Franks; Steven T. Kessel; Katie S. Gledhill; Jen Uphill; Jens Krause; David W. Sims
Deep danger
Marine Ecology Progress Series. - 445(2012), S. 279-291
January 2013
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
Metamorphosis and animal personality
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 27(2012)10, S. 529-531
December 2012
Alexander D. M. Wilson; Jens Krause
Personality and metamorphosis
Behavioral Ecology. - 23(2012)6, S. 1316-1323
May 2012
Ashley J. W. Ward; Jens Krause; David J. T. Sumpter
Quorum decision-making in foraging fish shoals
PLoS One. - 7(2012)3, e32411
April 2012
Thomas Klefoth; Christian Skov; Jens Krause; Robert Arlinghaus
The role of ecological context and predation risk-stimuli in revealing the true picture about the genetic basis of boldness evolution in fish
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 66(2012)4, S. 547-559
March 2012
Jens Krause; Richard James; Darren P. Croft
Group living
Ecology and evolution of poeciliid fishes / ed. by Jonathan P. Evans ... - Chicago, 2011. - chapter 13, S. 145-154
November 2011
Jens Krause; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Darren P. Croft
New technology facilitates the study of social networks
Trends in ecology and evolution. - 26(2011)1, S. 5-6
November 2011
Christos C. Ioannou; Frederic Bartumeus; Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton
Unified effects of aggregation reveal larger prey groups take longer to find
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 278(2011)1724, S. 3504-3509
November 2011
Colin R. Tosh; Graeme D. Ruxton; Jens Krause; Daniel W. Franks
Experiments with humans indicate that decision accuracy drives the evolution of niche width
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 278(2011)1724, S. 3504-3509
November 2011
Jennifer L. Kelley; Lesley J. Morrell; Chloe Inskip; Jens Krause; Darren P. Croft
Predation risk shapes social networks in fission-fusion populations
PLoS one. - 6(2011)8, e24280
November 2011
Tristan L. Guttridge; Samuel H. Gruber; Joseph D. DiBattista; Kevin A. Feldheim; Darren P. Croft; Stefan Krause; Jens Krause
Assortative interactions and leadership in a free-ranging population of juvenile lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris
Marine ecology progress series. - 423(2011), S. 235-245
November 2011
Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton
The dynamics of collective human behaviour
The lancet. - 377(2011)9769, S. 903-904
November 2011
Stefan Krause; Richard James; Jolyon J. Faria; Graeme D. Ruxton; Jens Krause
Swarm intelligence in humans
Animal behaviour. - 81(2011)5, S. 941-948
November 2011
Jens Krause; Alan F. T. Winfield; Jean-Louis Deneubourg
Interactive robots in experimental biology
Trends in ecology and evolution. - 26(2011)7, S. 369-375
November 2011
C. Piyapong; R. K. Butlin; J. J. Faria; K. J. Scruton; J. Wang; J. Krause
Kin assortment in juvenile shoals in wild guppy populations
Heredity. - 106(2011)5, S. 749-756
March 2011
Ashley J. W. Ward; James E. Herbert-Read; David J. T. Sumpter; Jens Krause
Fast and accurate decisions through collective vigilance in fish shoals
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 108(2011)6, S. 2312-2315
February 2011
Jens Krause; Stefan Krause
Kollektives Verhalten und Schwarmintelligenz
Darwin meets business. - 2011, S. 127-134
December 2010
J. Krause; R. James; D. P. Croft
Personality in the context of social networks
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 365(2010)1560, S. 4099-4106
September 2010
Nikolai W. F. Bode; Jolyon J. Faria; Daniel W. Franks; Jens Krause; A. Jamie Wood
How perceived threat increases synchronization in collectively moving animal groups
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 277(2010)1697, S. 3065-3070
September 2010
Ben B. Chapman; Lesley J. Morrell; Colin R. Tosh; Jens Krause
Behavioural consequences of sensory plasticity in guppies
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 277(2010)1686, S.1395-1401
September 2010
Jolyon J. Faria; John R. G. Dyer; Romain O. Clément; Iain D. Couzin; Natalie Holt; Ashley J. W. Ward; Dean Waters; Jens Krause
A novel method for investigating the collective behaviour of fish
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 64(2010)8, S. 1211-1218
September 2010
Lyndon A. Jordan; Carla Avolio; James E. Herbert-Read; Jens Krause; Daniel I. Rubenstein; Ashley J. W. Ward
Group structure in a restricted entry system is mediated by both resident and joiner preferences
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 64(2010)7, S. 1099-1106
September 2010
Chantima Piyapong; Jens Krause; Ben B. Chapman; Indar W. Ramnarine; Vasilis Louca; Darren P. Croft
Sex matters: a social context to boldness in guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
Behavioral ecology. - 21(2010)1, S. 3-8
September 2010
Ben B. Chapman; Lesley J. Morrell; Jens Krause
Unpredictability in food supply during early life influences boldness in fish
Behavioral ecology. - 21(2010)3, S. 501-506
September 2010
P. Guevara-Fiore; J. Stapley; J. Krause; I. W. Ramnarine; P. J. Watt
Male mate-searching strategies and female cues
Animal behaviour. - 79(2010)6, S. 1191-1197
September 2010
Jolyon J. Faria; John R. G. Dyer; Colin R. Tosh; Jens Krause
Leadership and social information use in human crowds
Animal behaviour. - 79(2010)4, S. 895-901
September 2010
Tristan L. Guttridge; Samuel H. Gruber; Jens Krause; David W. Sims
March 2010
Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton; Stefan Krause
Swarm intelligence in animals and humans
Trends in ecology and evolution. - 25(2010)1, S. 28-34
March 2010
John R. G. Dyer; Darren P. Croft; Lesley J. Morrell; Jens Krause
Shoal composition determines foraging success in the guppy
Behavioral ecology. - 20(2009)1, S. 165-171
December 2009
Tristan L. Guttridge; Arthur A. Myrberg; Ila F. Porcher; David W. Sims; Jens Krause
The role of learning in shark bahaviour
Fish and fisheries. - 10(2009)4, S. 450-469
November 2009
T. L. Guttridge; S. H. Gruber; K. S. Gledhill; D. P. Croft; D. W. Sims; J. Krause
Social preferences of juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris
Animal behaviour. - 78(2009)2, S. 543-548
November 2009
Jens Krause; David Lusseau; Richard James
Animal social networks
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)7, S. 967-973
November 2009
Ben B. Chapman; Lesley J. Morrell; Jens Krause
Plasticity in male courtship behaviour as a function of light intensity in guppies
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)12, S. 1757-1763
November 2009
Darren P. Croft; Jens Krause; Safi K. Darden; Indar W. Ramnarine; Jolyon J. Faria; Richard James
Behavioural trait assortment in a social network
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)10, S. 1495-1503
November 2009
Stefan Krause; Lutz Mattner; Richard James; Tristan Guttridge; Mark J. Corcoran; Samuel H. Gruber; Jens Krause
Social network analysis and valid Markov chain Monte Carlo tets of null models
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)7, S. 1089-1096
November 2009
Richard James; Darren P. Croft; Jens Krause
Potential banana skins in animal social network analysis
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)10, S. 1495-1503
November 2009
Colin R. Tosh; Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton
Basic features, conjunctive searches, and the confusion effect in predator-prey interactions
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology. - 63(2009)3, S. 473-475
November 2009
L. Conradt; J. Krause; I. D. Couzin; T. J. Roper
"Leading according to need" in self-organizing groups
American naturalist. - 173(2009)3, S. 304-312
November 2009
Christos C. Ioannou; Lesley J. Morrell; Graeme D. Ruxton; Jens Krause
The effect of prey density on predators
American naturalist. - 173(2009)4, S. 499-506
November 2009
Jolyon J. Faria; Edward A. Codling; John R. G. Dyer; Fritz Trillmich; Jens Krause
Navigation in human crowds; testing the many-wrongs principle
Animal behaviour. - 78(2009)3, S. 587-591
November 2009
Christos C. Ioannou; Jens Krause
Interactions between background matching and motion during visual detection can explain why cryptic animals keep still
Biology letters. - 5(2009)2, S. 191-193
November 2009
John R. G. Dyer; Anders Johansson; Dirk Helbing; Iain D. Couzin; Jens Krause
Leadership, consensus decision making and collective behaviour in humans
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 364(2009)1518, S. 781-789
November 2009
Colin R. Tosh; Jens Krause; Graeme D. Ruxton
Theoretical predictions strongly support decision accuracy as a major driver of ecological specialization
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 106(2009)14, S. 5698-5702
November 2009
A. J. W. Ward; M. M. Webster; A. E. Magurran; S. Currie; J. Krause
Species and population differences in social recognition between fishes
Behavioral ecology. - 20(2009)3, S. 511-516
August 2008
J. Krause; G. Staaks; T. Mehner
Habitat choice in shoals of roach as a function of water temperature and feeding rate
Journal of fish biology. - 53(1998)2, S. 377-386
Excellence Cluster "Science of Intelligence"
Excellence Cluster "Science of Intelligence"
Project "Anticipation, prediction, and behavioral reliability in social interactions":