Félicie Dhellemmes

Guest Scientist

I am a behavioural ecologist interested in unraveling the causes and consequences of consistent individual differences in behaviour (also called personality). I believed that studying personality in wild systems can allow us to understand how fluctuating environmental conditions shape behaviour. Most of my work was done on the juvenile lemon shark, a well studied coastal elasmobranch.




January 2024
Korbinian Pacher; Michael Breuker; Matthew J. Hansen; Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers; Jan Häge; Felicie Dhellemmes; Paolo Domenici; John F. Steffensen; Stefan Krause; Thomas Hildebrandt; Guido Fritsch; Pascal Bach; Philippe S. Sabarros; Paul Zaslansky; Kristin Mahlow; Johannes Müller; Rogelio González Armas; Hector Villalobos Ortiz; Felipe Galván-Magaña; Jens Krause
October 2023
Robert J. Lennox; Kim Aarestrup; Josep Alós; Robert Arlinghaus; Eneko Aspillaga; Michael G. Bertram; Kim Birnie-Gauvin; Tomas Brodin; Steven J. Cooke; Lotte S. Dahlmo; Félicie Dhellemmes; Karl Ø. Gjelland; Gustav Hellström; Henry Hershey; Christopher Holbrook; Thomas Klefoth; Susan Lowerre-Barbieri; Christopher T. Monk; Cecilie Iden Nilsen; Ine Pauwels; Renanel Pickholtz; Marie Prchalová; Jan Reubens; Milan Říha; David Villegas-Ríos; Knut Wiik Vollset; Samuel Westrelin; Henrik Baktoft

Positioning aquatic animals with acoustic transmitters

Methods in Ecology and Evolution. - 14(2023)10, S. 2514-2530
April 2023
Phillip Roser; Félicie Dhellemmes; Timo Rittweg; Sören Möller; Helmut Winkler; Olga Lukyanova; Dominique Niessner; Jörg Schütt; Carsten Kühn; Stefan Dennenmoser; Arne W. Nolte; Johannes Radinger; Dieter Koemle; Robert Arlinghaus
April 2023
Robert Arlinghaus; Timo Rittweg; Félicie Dhellemmes; Dieter Koemle; Rob van Gemert; Hendrik Schubert; Dominique Niessner; Sören Möller; Jan Droll; René Friedland; Wolf-Christian Lewin; Malte Dorow; Linda Westphal; Elias Ehrlich; Harry V. Strehlow; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Phillip Roser; Marlon Braun; Fritz Feldhege; Helmut Winkler
March 2023
Dominique Niessner; Félicie Dhellemmes; Robert Arlinghaus

Schwimmer oder Steher: [Projekt Boddenhecht IGB]

Angeln in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - (2023)1, S. 26




January 2020
M. J. Hansen; S. Krause; M. Breuker; R. H. J. M. Kurvers; F. Dhellemmes; P. E. Viblanc; J. Müller; C. Mahlow; K. Boswell; S. Marras; P. Domenici; A. D. M. Wilson; J. E. Herbert-Read; J. F. Steffensen; G. Fritsch; T. B. Hildebrandt; P. Zaslansky; P. Bach; P. S. Sabarros; J. Krause

Linking hunting weaponry to attack strategies in sailfish and striped marlin

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 287(2020)1918, art. 20192228


December 2021
J. S. Finger; F. Dhellemmes; T. L. Guttridge

Personality in elasmobranchs with a focus on sharks: early evidence, challenges, and future directions: [Chapter 7]

Personality in Nonhuman Animals/ Jennifer Vonk, Alexander Weiss, Stan A. Kuczaj, editors. - Cham, 2017. ISBN 978-3-319-59300-5. - S. 129-152