Apprenticeships, internships and FÖJ

Not everyone likes chemistry, Elisabeth Schütte does. That is why she trained as a chemical laboratory technician at IGB. | Photo: Volkmar Otto


We offer the following apprenticeships at IGB:

  • Office Manager
  • Computer Science Expert subject area: System Integration
  • Chemical Laboratory Technician
  • Biology Laboratory Technician
IHK Certificate Excellent Training Quality

IGB was awarded the IHK label for excellent training quality. For the latest calls for applications, please consult our Job Portal. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Personnel Office.


Unsolicited applications: Each year, we offer a limited number of internships. These can be either mandatory internships (for pupils and students) or voluntary internships for a duration of up to four weeks. Longer periods can also be arranged on a case-by-case basis. Interns can be deployed in any of IGB’s research departments. Please send your application dossier, containing a letter of motivation, Curriculum Vitae and certificates, as a single pdf file by email to the secretary’s office of the department that interests you:

  • (Dept. 1) Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry >
  • (Dept. 2) Community and Ecosystem Ecology >
  • (Dept. 3) Plankton and Microbial Ecology >
  • (Dept. 4) Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture >
  • (Dept. 5) Evolutionary and Integrative Ecology >

Our secretaries will then forward your documents to the relevant members of staff. After reviewing whether we will be able to accept you for the specified period, we will contact you. We look forward to receiving your application at any time of the year!

Bachelor or master's thesis

IGB offers the opportunity to write your Bachelor or Master’s thesis, provided that both sides express a mutual interest and a suitable topic is available. Please contact the relevant scientists from the departments.

Voluntary ecological year (FÖJ)

Young people also have the opportunity to serve a voluntary ecological year at IGB, starting on 1 September each year. In this context, we work closely with the supporting organisations Jugendwerk Aufbau Ost (JAO), the Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger (VJF) and the Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste (ijgd). Volunteers can choose to engage in various working groups in any of the following areas:

  • Breeding and reintroducing the sturgeon/aquaculture
    (husbandry, feeding, changing water, weighing)
  • Fish behaviour/individual behaviour, swarming behaviour and animal welfare
    (fish care, Robofish, experiments, evaluation of behavioural experiments)
  • Fish diseases/ecotoxicology
    (fish care, fish egg test)
  • Assistance in the chemistry laboratory analysing water samples for their constituents
    (sampling and measurements in the field)
  • Supporting laboratory and field experiments with aquatic plants and periphyton
    (chemical laboratory and data analyses, Chla chromatograms, microscopic counting of growth organisms)
  • Processing of invertebrate samples from the long-term lake monitoring programme
    (sampling, sorting and identifying macrozoobenthos from Müggelsee and Stechlinsee, preparation and post-processing of filters for C/N determination)

Tasks include animal care, feeding the fish and cleaning the aquariums, as well as laboratory work such as test preparation, sampling, sample preparation and processing, water analyses and smaller, independent laboratory analyses. Data collection and maintenance as well as initial data analyses are also among the tasks in most working groups. In the course of the year, the opportunity may also arise to participate in field work for several days. In addition, all FÖJ volunteers are cordially invited to attend scientific lectures and presentations which are held once every (second) week. Our volunteers gain insight into:

  • scientific work for career guidance
  • laboratory skills, experimental field work, handling chemicals
  • the responsible handling of laboratory animals
  • independent experimental setup and sample treatment
  • involvement in experimental procedure, data acquisition and data evaluation

Your contact person at IGB is Asja Vogt. If you are interested in serving a Voluntary Ecological Year at IGB, please first contact one of the above mentioned supporting organisations.

Contact person