Filter for Search for news Programme area Programme areaBiodiversity in a Changing WorldEcosystem Services for a Sustainable FutureDimensions of Complexity of Aquatic SystemsPredictive Ecology in the Anthropocene Topic TopicAdaptation and evolutionFreshwater ecosystemsBiodiversityEnvironmental changeMultiple stressors and pollutantsWater and matter cyclesUse and managementAquaculture and aquaponicsAnglingBehavioural ecology and swarm intelligence Format Formatpress releaseinsightshort newsfocus Apply 91 - 96 of 96 itemsTopic:Multiple stressors and pollutants 23 March 2017 short news Lights off for the Earth Hour Around the globe, millions of people are turning their lights off for one hour as a common symbol for environmental protection. The "Loss of the Night" network has composed ideas how to spend one hour without lights. 9 February 2017 focus Biopesticides: more toxic than expected Researchers investigated that the biocide Dipel ES is toxic to water fleas even in very small doses, but remains non-toxic in high concentrations. 26 January 2017 press release Synthetic chemicals: ignored agents of global change Despite a steady rise in the manufacture and release of synthetic chemicals, research on the ecological effects of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and industrial chemicals is severely lacking. 25 October 2016 focus Disruptive light: when night becomes day for fish Annika Brüning wrote her doctoral thesis on "Spotlight on fish: the biological impacts of artificial light at night" at the Leibniz Institute of Fresh Water Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB). 8 September 2016 press release Why moths are attracted to light Light at night changes animals’ behaviour. A new study shows that moths are attracted to street lamps within a radius of approximately 23 metres. 4 April 2016 press release Unnoticed Sex Reversal in Amphibians due to Artificial Estrogen from Pills Hormonally active substances may contribute to global amphibian decline. Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ … Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Current page 10
23 March 2017 short news Lights off for the Earth Hour Around the globe, millions of people are turning their lights off for one hour as a common symbol for environmental protection. The "Loss of the Night" network has composed ideas how to spend one hour without lights.
9 February 2017 focus Biopesticides: more toxic than expected Researchers investigated that the biocide Dipel ES is toxic to water fleas even in very small doses, but remains non-toxic in high concentrations.
26 January 2017 press release Synthetic chemicals: ignored agents of global change Despite a steady rise in the manufacture and release of synthetic chemicals, research on the ecological effects of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and industrial chemicals is severely lacking.
25 October 2016 focus Disruptive light: when night becomes day for fish Annika Brüning wrote her doctoral thesis on "Spotlight on fish: the biological impacts of artificial light at night" at the Leibniz Institute of Fresh Water Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB).
8 September 2016 press release Why moths are attracted to light Light at night changes animals’ behaviour. A new study shows that moths are attracted to street lamps within a radius of approximately 23 metres.
4 April 2016 press release Unnoticed Sex Reversal in Amphibians due to Artificial Estrogen from Pills Hormonally active substances may contribute to global amphibian decline.