Filter for Search for news Programme area Programme areaBiodiversity in a Changing WorldEcosystem Services for a Sustainable FutureDimensions of Complexity of Aquatic SystemsPredictive Ecology in the Anthropocene Topic TopicAdaptation and evolutionFreshwater ecosystemsBiodiversityEnvironmental changeMultiple stressors and pollutantsWater and matter cyclesUse and managementAquaculture and aquaponicsAnglingBehavioural ecology and swarm intelligence Format Formatpress releaseinsightshort newsfocus Apply 151 - 160 of 187 itemsTopic:Freshwater ecosystems 22 November 2017 press release Climate change enhances methane emissions from freshwaters A temperature rise of only 1°C would lead to six to 20 percent higher emissions of methane bubbles – which in turn would result in an additional increase in temperature. 11 November 2017 insight Fighting Light Pollution: Galileo Award for Sibylle Schroer IGB scientist Dr. Sibylle Schroer has been awarded the 2017 Galileo Award by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) for her outstanding achievements in research on light pollution. 9 November 2017 short news Foundation of the "Alliance for Freshwater Life" Experts from all over the world have developed the basis for a global network for improving research, protection and public outreach in the field of freshwater biodiversity. 24 October 2017 press release Flagship species could help protect freshwaters 83 per cent of all the world’s threatened freshwater species occur in the same areas as the “imposing” freshwater species examined within the study – all of which are potential ambassadors for their ecosystem. 29 September 2017 short news Freshwater Life: Document, Understand, Protect Online survey open until 30 November 2017: People around the globe who work or have an interest in the research and protection of freshwater biodiversity are invited to contribute their experience and know-how. 27 September 2017 short news Take off: Remote Sensing of Inland Waters An inter-institute measuring campaign for the remote sensing of various inland waters in Saxony-Anhalt shall provide new information about this type of data collection. 21 September 2017 press release In times of climate change: What a lake’s colour can tell about its condition The warming of large lakes amplifies their colour. Contrary to previous assumptions, the warming of lakes tends to amplify their richness or poverty of phytoplankton. Lakes which are green become greener, blue lakes become even bluer. 6 September 2017 press release Giant bacterium contains genomes for an entire population It is known that some sulphur bacteria such as Achromatium oxaliferum can be extremely large and may contain several genome copies. But the fact that a single bacterial cell harbours hundreds of different(!) genomes is new – brand new. 4 September 2017 insight Being prepared for epidemical outbreaks IGB scientists are now part of the “rapid deployment expert group to combat health threats”, which shall enable a faster international response to outbreaks of infectious diseases. 23 August 2017 short news Dead wood – living diversity The team of the IGB project Baggersee is currently working on various quarry ponds in Lower Saxony: the researchers are particularly attracted by dead wood. Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹‹ … Page 14 Page 15 Current page 16 Page 17 Page 18 … Next page ›› Last page Last »
22 November 2017 press release Climate change enhances methane emissions from freshwaters A temperature rise of only 1°C would lead to six to 20 percent higher emissions of methane bubbles – which in turn would result in an additional increase in temperature.
11 November 2017 insight Fighting Light Pollution: Galileo Award for Sibylle Schroer IGB scientist Dr. Sibylle Schroer has been awarded the 2017 Galileo Award by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) for her outstanding achievements in research on light pollution.
9 November 2017 short news Foundation of the "Alliance for Freshwater Life" Experts from all over the world have developed the basis for a global network for improving research, protection and public outreach in the field of freshwater biodiversity.
24 October 2017 press release Flagship species could help protect freshwaters 83 per cent of all the world’s threatened freshwater species occur in the same areas as the “imposing” freshwater species examined within the study – all of which are potential ambassadors for their ecosystem.
29 September 2017 short news Freshwater Life: Document, Understand, Protect Online survey open until 30 November 2017: People around the globe who work or have an interest in the research and protection of freshwater biodiversity are invited to contribute their experience and know-how.
27 September 2017 short news Take off: Remote Sensing of Inland Waters An inter-institute measuring campaign for the remote sensing of various inland waters in Saxony-Anhalt shall provide new information about this type of data collection.
21 September 2017 press release In times of climate change: What a lake’s colour can tell about its condition The warming of large lakes amplifies their colour. Contrary to previous assumptions, the warming of lakes tends to amplify their richness or poverty of phytoplankton. Lakes which are green become greener, blue lakes become even bluer.
6 September 2017 press release Giant bacterium contains genomes for an entire population It is known that some sulphur bacteria such as Achromatium oxaliferum can be extremely large and may contain several genome copies. But the fact that a single bacterial cell harbours hundreds of different(!) genomes is new – brand new.
4 September 2017 insight Being prepared for epidemical outbreaks IGB scientists are now part of the “rapid deployment expert group to combat health threats”, which shall enable a faster international response to outbreaks of infectious diseases.
23 August 2017 short news Dead wood – living diversity The team of the IGB project Baggersee is currently working on various quarry ponds in Lower Saxony: the researchers are particularly attracted by dead wood.