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New Atlas for Kharaa Yeröö River Basin in Mongolia

After 11 years of cooperation the project "Integrated Water Resource Management in Central Asia – Model Region Mongolia" is entering its decisive final phase. The MoMo Project is funded by the German Federal Ministery of Education and Research (BMBF).

The Kharaa Yeröö River Basin Atlas is available via the MoMo Geo Data Portal. | Image: J. Hofmann / IGB

Main objective of the MoMo Project is the development of strategies for the implementation of a sustainable IWRM concept (integrated water resource management). The model region Mongolia is characterised by water scarcity as well as dynamic changes and conflicts of water use in the water sector. IGB’s contribution has a focus on setting up an environmental monitoring, knowledge transfer into environmental agencies and river basin administrations as well as the Kharaa Yeröö River Basin Atlas.

The Atlas is written in Mongolian and English language, as a joint activity of IGB and its Mongolian partner IGG. The science based fundamentals of monitoring and research results of MoMo are documented and continuously updated as maps and texts for discussions with stakeholders and decision makers.

To safeguard the transferability of experiences and approaches to solutions, the "IWRM MoMo Transfer conference" has been held in Ulan Bator in autumn 2017 initiated by the BMBF. About 70 invited guests of environmental agencies, industries, international funding organisations and science from Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan and Germany discussed the follow-up activities in different workshops.

The Atlas is available as print version or online via the MoMo Geo Data Portal >