short news
Nadja Neumann

Using metagenome data of long-term lake monitoring

Cooperations welcome!
The Aquatic Microbial Ecology research group of Hans-Peter Grossart with Jason Woodhouse recently completed a large-scale metagenome sequencing project as part of a long term lake monitoring program. A core team of scientists from IGB and TU Munich is currently in the process of quality filtering and assembling this large dataset – but it cannot fully exploit its potential alone. Therefore, the team is looking for further researchers to make optimal use of these long-term data concerning changes in aquatic ecosystems and organisms. IGB looks forward to receiving your application. Please feel free to share this call with your networks!

Sampling at the Große Fuchskuhle, a bog lake in Brandenburg. | Photo: Martina Bauchrowitz, IGB

Long-term data on limnology and biology

Four freshwater lakes in north-eastern Germany have been sampled monthly from 2003 to 2020. Samples for DNA analyses were separated into particle-associated (> 5.0 um) and free-living (0.22 um) fractions. On each occasion, profiles for key limnological parameters (temperature, pH, oxygen, conductivity and chlorophyll) were measured in situ together with primary and bacterial protein production. Requests for such additional biological and chemical data will be considered for specific purposes.

Each of the four lakes represents unique situations: Lake Stechlin, from which both epilimnic and hypolimnic samples are available, has become increasingly eutrophic over the last 20 years. Lake Breiter Luzin is a mesotrophic lake with seasonal algal blooms. Lake Tiefwaren was restored at the beginning of this century and remains mesotrophic. Finally, Lake Große Fuchskuhle is a dystrophic bog lake that has been artificially separated into four distinct basins since the early 1990s. A strong input of dissolved organic matter into one basin has led to a large gradient in pH and dissolved organic matter between the basins. Samples are available from the two most different basins (NE and SW).

Metagenome data

For each sample we have 40-50M 150 bp PE reads with 85% of the reads > Q30. We can provide the following: Raw data files, metagenome assemblies, MAGs for prokaryotes and eukaryotes (in preparation).

How can we work together?

  • You prefer specific long-term metagenome data?
  • You have developed an analytical tool and need a high quality long-term data set to test your application?
  • You work on aquatic communities and require data to test and validate?
  • Or maybe you have a completely new idea and can't just build a time machine to go back and collect data from the last two decades!

We look forward to receiving your application!

Please submit proposals as a 1-2 page summary of the project and include the data you would need. We will do our best to process these proposals quickly and define a collaborative project. We hope to be able to form small teams on specific topics.