short news
Johannes Graupner

Urban water pollution is a major threat to groundwater and freshwater ecosystems

IGB gives feedback on the revision of the EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD)

Improved EU policies are urgently required to increase the sustainability of wastewater management, IGB researchers say. | Photo: Michal Jarmoluk/pixabay

The European Commission currently carries out a consultation on the revision of the UWWTD. In their feedback, the IGB scientists underline that improved EU policies are urgently required to increase the sustainability of wastewater management and enhance the respective infrastructure and technologies, especially with perspective to the environmental goals of the EU. 

In addition to answering to the official questionnaire of the online consultation, the IGB scientists provide further information on the aspects of micropollutants, storm water overflows, urban runoff, and leaky sewers. The researchers emphasise that water pollution from settlements is putting groundwater, aquatic ecosystems, its biodiversity and the ecosystem services provided to humans at risk. Therefore, current and upcoming challenges in wastewater management and treatment need careful attention, the development of new approaches, and a faster uptake of innovations in the water sector.

The feedback of the IGB scientists can directly be downloaded on the IGB website.

Contact person

Markus Venohr

Programme Area Speaker
Research group
River System Modelling

Jörg Lewandowski

Research Group Leader
Research group
Ground Water-Surface Water Interactions