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Researchers for LakeLab experiment 2018 wanted!

The EU financed project AQUACOSM – a network of leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM facilities – will offer more than 11,500 person-days of Transnational Access to more than 37 different European mesocosm facilities between January 2018 and December 2020. These range from the Sub-Arctic to the Mediterranean and beyond, from mountains to lowlands, from freshwater to estuarine and fully marine systems, and spanning from ultra-oligotrophic to hyper-eutrophic conditions. The IGB LakeLab located in Lake Stechlin is one of the supported research facilities

Briefing of the international LakeLab team at the start of the LakeLab experiment in 2015. | Photo: Martina Bauchrowitz, IGB

Specifically an experiment investigating the effects of light pollution on lakes is planned in the frame of the project ILES – Illuminating Lake Ecosystems at the LakeLab during August to October 2018. Aiming to observe whole-system responses, everyone with expertise in plankton communities or pelagic processes is welcome. Experts in fish-labeling, sensor deployments on fish, researchers and trainees to work with the FlowCam, experts on mixotrophs, blue-greens and theirs toxins, cell stress (e.g. oxidative stress), near remote sensing experts and physicists interested in artificial light sources are particularly invited to participate. A total of at least 240 person days will be allocated to external LakeLab users through the Transnational Access of the EU project AQUACOSM in 2018.

Application deadline is 15 September 2017, 24:00 CET.

Detailed information about AQUACOSM and the application process >