short news
Johannes Graupner

New IGB Dossier: The ecological degradation of Lake Stechlin

Publication explains state of knowledge and shows options for action
In the last 10 years, the ecological status of Lake Stechlin has deteriorated seriously and increasingly rapidly. This is shown by IGB's long-term measurements. The institute welcomes the first signals from policymakers and authorities that they are willing to address the issue.

Lake Stechlin is one of the largest and deepest clear-water lakes in northern Germany. © Michael Feierabend

The institute is willing to support the further process in accordance with its motto "Research for the future of our freshwaters" and to contribute to the sustainable development of Lake Stechlin with its scientific expertise and research results. The new IGB Dossier is also intended to serve this purpose, and is made publicly available (German only). In addition to the research-based assessment, the publication also explains IGB's self-conception and the role of the institute in the further process for the future of Lake Stechlin.