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Johannes Graupner

The importance of inland waters and their biodiversity

IGB gives feedback on the EU Roadmap for the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030
The European Commission is currently developing its position for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework to be adopted in October 2020 at the UN Biodiversity Conference in Kunming, China. Within this process, the EU asked for feedback on its official roadmap. As a research institute committed to a double impact in science and society, IGB participated in this process and handed in its science-based recommendations.

Due to the ongoing loss of wetlands, the moor frog has also become rare. In Germany, the species is on the Red List.

| Photo: Solvin Zankl

In their feedback the IGB scientists underline that even in biodiversity policy, the high ecological, economic and societal relevance of inland water ecosystems and their aquatic biodiversity is often overlooked. They recommend to include science-based knowledge in this field in the EU Roadmap for the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 and also in the strategy itself.

The full IGB feedback can be downloaded on the website of the European Commission.

Contact person

Sonja Jähnig

Head of Department
Research group
Aquatic Ecogeography

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