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A great finish to the MoMo project

IGB researcher Jürgen Hofmann receives medal of merit from the Mongolian Ministry of Environment

The medal of merit of the Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Tourism. | Photo: MoMo project

Übergabe Verdienstmedaille an Jürgen Hofmann Mai 2018 (c) MoMo-Projekt

Ms. T. Bulgan (right), Director of the Department of Green Development Policy and Strategic Planning at the MET, handed the medal to Jürgen Hofmann. | Photo: MoMo project


At the closing conference of the MoMo project Integrated Water Resource Management in Central Asia: Model region Mongolia PD Dr. Jürgen Hofmann, head of the monitoring subproject, was awarded a medal of merit by the Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) for his many years of successful work in environmental monitoring and for the Kharaa Yeröö River Basin Atlas. The award is associated with the hope that further cooperation on a scientific and administrative level will continue.

Thus, aim of the conference was to ensure and discuss the transfer of knowledge and experience within Mongolia and other countries in Central Asia beyond the end of the MoMo project in September 2018. 200 participants from Mongolia, Russia, Kasachstan and Germany discussed the recommendations for action in the Policy Briefs and their implementation in different sectors of water management – with IGB especially engaged in environmental monitoring and daccessibility. The BMBF delegation lead by Dr. Christian Alecke gave a very positive statement on the achieved results.

IGB is responsible for the Kharaa Yeröö River Basin Atlas as scientific synthesis of the MoMo Project, and has substantially contributed to the River Basin  Management Plan for Kharaa river. The Atlas is available as PDF document and on the MET server for editing, as well as in print at libraries in both countries.

Further information about the conference >


Kharaa Yeröö River Basin Atlas

The Atlas is written in Mongolian and English language, as a joint activity of IGB and its Mongolian partner IGG. The science based fundamentals of monitoring and research results of MoMo are documented and continuously updated as maps and texts for discussions with stakeholders and decision makers.


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