
Excellent training at IGB

IGB has been awarded for its "Excellent Training Quality" by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Berlin (IHK).

Stefan Mathews (1st from left) from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Berlin presents the quality label for "Excellent Training Quality" to IGB representatives. | Photo: Nadja Neumann

"Today we award the 101st label for Excellent Training Quality. This illustrates, given the more than 5000 companies in Berlin that take on trainees, that this label is not a standard, but a real achievement of dedicated trainers and a good organisational structure," congratulates Stefan Mathews, Head of Education and Advanced Training Examinations at the IHK Berlin, who gave the award to IGB today.

For 12 years, IGB has been highly active in training the professions of chemical and biological laboratory technician, specialist in media and information services, IT specialist, and office management. Everyone who meets the IHK's requirements for a special training quality can apply for the quality label. In addition to the criteria in the two categories mandatory and excellence, we have also fulfilled the "on top criteria". For example, it is not only a matter of course that our trainees receive an appropriate training compensation and that we provide them with all necessary work equipment free of charge, but also that our trainees are offered individual examination preparation and are taken on, given corresponding services.

In an interview with the trainees and colleagues who are responsible for the training at IGB an IHK training consultant reviewed whether our ideas of good training also meet the needs of our trainees. Result: trainees and trainers confirm the special quality and the compliance with the criteria.

"This is a great success that makes us proud," says Mark Gessner, acting director at IGB. "We are delighted that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry recognises our commitment to outstanding training conditions with the label for Excellent Training Quality. As a scientific institute, the training of dedicated junior staff is part of our mission. Research at IGB is teamwork and our trainees are an important part of it."

The IHK label is valid for two years. After that, a re-examination is needed to make sure that we have not let up in our efforts.

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