Chemistry and Isotope Labs

Equipment and monitors in the IGB isotope laboratory.

© David Ausserhofer/IGB

The Chemical and Isotope Labs at IGB include three facilities:

The Chemical Analytics and Biogeochemistry Lab provides essential parts of the chemical environmental analysis established at the Institute. It is involved in monitoring programmes for long-term studies and supports staff from all departments in analytical work related to laboratory and field investigations.

In the modern Laser Isotope Lab we analyse stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen, which in various combinations form heavy or light water molecules. These molecules are affected differently by phase transformations such as evaporation or condensation, changing the ratio of heavy to light. This gives the water molecules their own 'fingerprint', which we can measure in our laboratory in liquid samples such as rain or water samples, but also in complex samples such as soils or plants. We use modern laser spectrometry in different flavours.

In the Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Lab, we analyse the stable isotope signatures of the light elements CHNOS in various molecules and environmental samples. Investigations range from the determination of aquatic primary production and food webs to biogeochemical cycles and biomarkers for reconstructing recent and past environmental changes.
