The GeoFRESH platform allows users to query the Hydrography90m river network connectivity and topology, as well as to obtain upstream environmental information across a given catchment. Users can either select a stream reach in the online map, or upload point data that will be associated to the river network, and for which e.g. the upstream land cover or climate time series, or upstream topographical and stream topological data can be extracted and downloaded for further analyses.

Users can

  • upload point data
  • automatically assign the points to the Hydrography90m hydrographical network
  • map the points to the corresponding upstream catchment
  • annotate the points with site-specific and upstream environmental information based on a suite of 102 layers capturing topography, climate, landcover and soil characteristics
  • and download the compiled data ready for subsequent analyses.

The next step will be to extend the functionality to lakes and their catchments. Users are already invited to test the platform and provide feedback.

For additional functionality we recommend checking out the hydrographr R-package which has been developed to support custom freshwater-related geospatial processing tasks. It is freely available and has been funded by NFDI4Biodiversity.

GeoFRESH is funded by NFDI4Earth.