Symposium 2024 "Urban Nature and Education for Sustainable Development

The symposium "Urban Nature and Education for Sustainable Development" invites you to experience education for sustainable development in practice. Various workshops will present useful methods and offer opportunities to try out practical approaches that can then be integrated into everyday school life.
20. Jun
20 June 2024 | 9.00 am
Kienbergpark, Berlin
specialist event

Symposium 2024 "Urban Nature and Education for Sustainable Development

Training for education professionals

A keynote speech on an overarching practical ESD topic and six parallel workshops on global justice, local sustainability and urban nature offer a wide range of interesting topics for the future. In a closing session we will review the day together.

Aerial view of the site where the event is taking place. | © Jon A. Juarez

The symposium is organised by Grün Berlin/ Campus Stadt Natur in cooperation with the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family and various partners. Participation is free of charge for education professionals.

This is a SenBJF-recognised training course for teachers and educators - please register by 12. June 2024 via the database for regional training (SenBJF), quoting the relevant further training number.

The full programme can be found in the German version of this page.

Contact person

Jörn Gessner

Research Group Leader
Research group
Reintroduction of the European Sturgeon to Germany

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