OderHive: A River to Touch, Hear and Feel

An immersive happening by FrauVonDa// in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) and the Freie Universität Berlin/Intervenierende Kunst.
11. Jan
11 January 2025 | 5.00 pm
Villa Elisabeth, Invalidenstraße 3, 10115 Berlin
public event

OderHive: A River to Touch, Hear and Feel

Oder Hive

© FrauVonDa//

What does community in and by the river look like? How does it sound? And can we sense it? In OderHive, artists, researchers from the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) and the public dive under the surface of the Oder River. They approach the fragile balance of the ecosystem, explore the sensitive relationships between plants, animals and humans, and question the responsibility of society and politics. In a multi-sensory performance, FrauVonDa// tells of existing and potential communities in and along the river - between scientific fact, artistic fiction and visionary discourse.

Following the man-made environmental disaster in the Oder in the summer of 2022, the artist collective FrauVonDa// accompanied the IGB's research work for over a year. Based on this research, sound and video recordings above and below the water, the Berlin-based artist group developed a polyphonic narrative about the hidden life forms in the river. In an immersive, transmedia experience, they play with the limits of human hearing and scientific knowledge about the sensory perception of fish, transforming the floor of the Villa Elisabeth (Berlin) into a vibrating riverbed. The audience can expect several hours of a kaleidoscope of hearing, seeing, feeling and thinking, ranging from meditative to disruptive.

In this world of perception, FrauVonDa// also asks how we as a community want to share habitats like the Oder. Researchers and artists from Germany and Poland, as well as the audience, will meet in open discussions. The interactive talks are artistically designed and alternate as an independent art form with sound art, visual art, free improvisation and compositions by Wojtek Blecharz. The innovative format invites you to become part of the Oder community.


11 and 12 January 2025, 5-9pm, Villa Elisabeth, Berlin


25 €, 18 €, 12 €, 8 € plus fees

Online via eventim or at the door. Free choice of seats.



On stage

FrauVonDa// | Konzept & künstlerische Leitung
Wojtek Blecharz | Komposition
Otucha Collective (Ola Zielinska, Julia Legeżyńska, Agnieszka Kucharska, Dorota Michalak) | Vokalensemble 
Schneider TM | Gitarren und Elektronik
Roland Fidezius | Kontrabass, E-Bass
Daniel Eichholz | Percussion
Claudia van Hasselt | Stimme, Dramaturgie, Texte
Nicolas Wiese | Videokunst, Live-Elektronik
Łukasz Jastrubzak | Live-Elektronik, Text 
Dr. Simon Teune | Protest- und Bewegungsforscher, FU Berlin | Moderation
Hanna Schudy | Umweltethikerin
Dr. Gabriela Costea | Ökologin, IGB
Dr. Christian Wolter | Gewässerbiologe, IGB
Dr. Martin Pusch | Gewässerbiologe, IGB
Karol Chwastek | Historiker, Solidarnosc Museum Katowice
Katja Kettner | Produktionsleitung, Dramaturgie
Jonathan Richter | Ton
Jakob Grasböck | Lichtdesign
Michael Hillmer | Bühne
Sarah Papadopoulou | Assistenz Produktionsleitung

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