Long Night of the Sciences 2021

5. Jun
5 June 2021 | 4.00 pm
public event

Long Night of the Sciences 2021

Even though the Long Night of the Sciences (LNDW) has to suspend physical events this year, scientific institutions will present 130 digital events and thus provide many aha moments. The IGB will of course be there with its topics.

Researcher Dr. Sibylle Schroer will speak on the subject of light pollution in a special radioeins programme broadcast live from the Futurium in Berlin between 7pm and 11pm. Also represented: the research cluster "Science of Intelligence" of the FU, HU and TU as well as the IGB with the Robo-Fish.

The Forschungsverbund Berlin gives inspiring women in science a stage. In a series of interviews, eight female doctoral students, postdocs and young researchers talk about their path to science, their motivations, their most demanding challenges and their lives beyond scientific research. One of them is Dr Mina Bizic, postdoc at IGB.

All programme items of the LNDW are available > here.

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