Girls' Day 2020 (cancelled)

Freshwater scientist for one day - the nationwide Girls' Day.
26. Mar
26 March 2020 | 9.00 am
IGB, Müggelseedamm 310
public event

Girls' Day 2020 (cancelled)

***The event is cancelled!*** As a Berlin research institution, IGB is obliged to do so as part of the immediate measures against the spread of the coronavirus for Berlin's scientific community.


Girls´Day IGB: March 26, 2020, 09:00 am - 1:00 pm

Insights into professions that are predominantly dominated by men - this will also offered by this year's nationwide Girls' Day on 26 March. On the "Girls' Future Day", the IGB receives ten students from Berlin to give them an insight into the work of scientists and technicians in the laboratory. 

Please apply on the official Girls' Day Website. We are sorry, our places for the Girls' Day are all taken!

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