Dr Kristina Noreikiene

MSD310, lecture hall & online | 13:30-15:00
21. Mar
21 March 2024 | 1.30 pm

Dr Kristina Noreikiene

The curious case of Eurasian perch from humic waters

The curious case of Eurasian perch from humic waters

Abstract: Humic water lakes are common in the boreal region. Surrounded by forests and bogs such habitats typically have acidic water pH, strong light and oxygen stratification, and therefore are challenging to most aquatic organisms. In fact, only Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) is found in the most extreme lakes where other fish species fail to survive. The talk will describe new findings on habitat-dependent differences in perch phenotypes, parasites and genomic underpinnings of adaptation to humic environments.


IGB Colloquia open up!

IGB strives to facilitate and accelerate the exchange of knowledge and ideas within and also outside of IGB. One element contributing to inter- and transdisciplinary exchange, and more (scientific) cooperation and innovation, is to open up IGB Colloquia to an interested external audience from science (other research institutes, universities, laboratories) as well as practice (i.e. conservationists, freshwater/land-use managers, authorities, associations). If you would like to join this IGB Colloquium as a guest, we ask you to register until the morning of the colloquium 10 o'clock the latest. After we have checked your registration, you will receive the participation link.

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