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531 - 540 of 6789 publications
January 2023

Tracking a killer shrimp: Dikerogammarus villosus invasion dynamics across Europe

Ismael Soto; Ross N. Cuthbert; Danish A. Ahmed; Antonín Kouba; Sami Domisch; Jaime R. G. Marquez; Ayah Beidas; Giuseppe Amatulli; Jens Kiesel; Longzhu Q. Shen; Margarita Florencio; Herlander Lima; Elizabeta Briski; Florian Altermatt; Gaït Archambaud-Suard; Peter Borza; Zoltan Csabai; Thibault Datry; Mathieu Floury; Maxence Forcellini; Jean-François Fruget; Patrick Leitner; Marie- Hélène Lizée; Anthony Maire; Anthony Ricciardi; Ralf B. Schäfer; Rachel Stubbington; Gea H. Van der Lee; Gábor Várbíró; Ralf C. M. Verdonschot; Peter Haase; Phillip J. Haubrock
Diversity and Distributions. - 29(2023)1, 157 - 172
January 2023

A global horizon scan for urban evolutionary ecology

Brian C. Verrelli; Marina Alberti; Simone Des Roches; Nyeema C. Harris; Andrew P. Hendry; Marc T.J. Johnson; Amy M. Savage; Anne Charmantier; Kiyoko M. Gotanda; Lynn Govaert; Lindsay S. Miles; L. Ruth Rivkin; Kristin M. Winchell; Kristien I. Brans; Cristian Correa; Sarah E. Diamond; Ben Fitzhugh; Nancy B. Grimm; Sara Hughes; John M. Marzluff; Jason Munshi-South; Carolina Rojas; James S. Santangelo; Christopher J. Schell; Jennifer A. Schweitzer; Marta Szulkin; Mark C. Urban; Yuyu Zhou; Carly Ziter
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 37(2022)11, 1006-1019

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