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1511 - 1520 of 6792 publications
May 2020

A conceptual map of invasion biology: integrating hypotheses into a consensus network

Martin Enders; Frank Havemann; Florian Ruland; Maud Bernard-Verdier; Jane A. Catford; Lorena Gómez-Aparicio; Sylvia Haider; Tina Heger; Christoph Kueffer; Ingolf Kühn; Laura A. Meyerson; Camille Musseau; Ana Novoa; Anthony Ricciardi; Alban Sagouis; Conrad Schittko; David L. Strayer; Montserrat Vilà; Franz Essl; Philip E. Hulme; Mark van Kleunen; Sabrina Kumschick; Julie L. Lockwood; Abigail L. Mabey; Melodie A. McGeoch; Estíbaliz Palma; Petr Pyšek; Wolf-Christian Saul; Florencia A. Yannelli; Jonathan M. Jeschke
Global Ecology and Biogeography. - 29(2020)6, S. 978-991
May 2020

Global CO2 emissions from dry inland waters share common drivers across ecosystems

P. S. Keller; N. Catalán; D. von Schiller; H.-P. Grossart; M. Koschorreck; B. Obrador; M. A. Frassl; N. Karakaya; N. Barros; J. A. Howitt; C. Mendoza-Lera; A. Pastor; G. Flaim; R. Aben; T. Riis; M. I. Arce; G. Onandia; J. R. Paranaíba; A. Linkhorst; R. del Campo; A. M. Amado; S. Cauvy-Fraunie; S. Brothers; J. Condon ... R. Marce
Nature Communications. - 11(2020)art. 2126
Environmental change

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