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121 - 130 of 6784 publications
January 2024

What factors influence the rediscovery of lost tetrapod species?

Tim Lindken; Christopher V. Anderson; Daniel Ariano-Sánchez; Goni Barki; Christina Biggs; Philip Bowles; Ramamoorthi Chaitanya; Drew T. Cronin; Sonja C. Jähnig; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Rosalind J. Kennerley; Thomas E. Lacher Jr.; Jennifer A. Luedtke; Chunlong Liu; Barney Long; David Mallon; Gabriel M. Martin; Shai Meiri; Stesha A. Pasachnik; Victor Hugo Reynoso; Craig B. Stanford; P. J. Stephenson; Krystal A. Tolley; Omar Torres- Carvajal; David L. Waldien; John C. Z. Woinarski; Thomas Evans
Global Change Biology. - 30(2024)1, XX
January 2024

IGB-Feedback zur Fortschreibung der NBS2030: Biodiversität und Ökosysteme der Binnengewässer stärker berücksichtigen[25 August 2022]

Authors: Tobias Goldhammer, Sabine Hilt, Michael Hupfer, Jan Köhler, Jörg Lewandowski, Stephanie Spahr, Markus Venohr. Editorial team: Johannes Graupner

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