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91 - 97 of 97 items
  • Topic:Biodiversity
December 2020
Scientific Reports. - 10(2020), art. 22234

A probabilistic approach to dispersal in spatially explicit meta‑populations

Rajat Karnatak; Sabine Wollrab

The authors developed a new, probability-based formalism for modeling species distribution.The Network-based Probabilistic Connectivity (NPC) can provide predictions about the distribution and persistence of species at different time scales, and their dependence on patch distribution and patch density in the landscape.

November 2020
Science. - 370(2020)6515, S. 411-413

Set ambitious goals for biodiversity and sustainability

Sandra Díaz; Noelia Zafra-Calvo; Andy Purvis; Peter H. Verburg; David Obura; Paul Leadley; Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer; Luc De Meester; Ehsan Dulloo; Berta Martín-López; M. Rebecca Shaw; Piero Visconti; Wendy Broadgate; Michael W. Bruford; Neil D. Burgess; Jeannine Cavender-Bares; Fabrice DeClerck; José María Fernández-Palacios; Lucas A. Garibaldi; Samantha L. L. Hill; Forest Isbell; Colin K. Khoury; Cornelia B. Krug; Jianguo Liu; Martine Maron; Philip J. K. McGowan; Henrique M. Pereira; Victoria Reyes-García; Juan Rocha; Carlo Rondinini; Lynne Shannon; Yunne-Jai Shin; Paul V. R. Snelgrove; Eva M. Spehn; Bernardo Strassburg; Suneetha M. Subramanian; Joshua J. Tewksbury; James E. M. Watson; Amy E. Zanne

The deep biodiversity crisis calls for effective targets for its preservation. The authors argue for a “safety net” made up of multiple interlinked and ambitious goals to tackle nature’s alarming decline. No single target captures the broad range of biodiversity components that are dependent on each other. The study outlines the scientific basis for redesigning the new set of biodiversity goals.

November 2020
Biological Reviews. - 95(2020)6, S. 1511-1534

Scientists' warning on invasive alien species

Petr Pyšek; Philip E. Hulme; Dan Simberloff; Sven Bacher; Tim M. Blackburn; James T. Carlton; Wayne Dawson; Franz Essl; Llewellyn C. Foxcroft; Piero Genovesi; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Ingolf Kühn; Andrew M. Liebhold; Nicholas E. Mandrak; Laura A. Meyerson; Aníbal Pauchard; Jan Pergl; Helen E. Roy; Hanno Seebens; Mark van Kleunen; Montserrat Vilà; Michael J. Wingfield and David M. Richardson

Scientists warn of increasing threats posed by invasive alien species. More effort is needed to prevent, detect and control invasive alien species – this is emphasized by researchers from 13 countries.

November 2020
Journal of Animal Ecology. - 89(2020)11, S. 2531-2541

How biological invasions affect animal behaviour: a global, cross-taxonomic analysis

Florian Ruland; Jonathan M. Jeschke

In interaction, invasive and native species can change their behaviour. This is a meta-analysis, led by IGB, of which changes in behaviour are studied in invasions, and what is known about the types of behaviour that change, the underlying mechanisms and the speed of behavioural changes.

September 2020
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 117(2020)38, S. 23643-23651

Most invasive species largely conserve their climatic niche

Chunlong Liu; Christian Wolter; Weiwei Xian; and Jonathan M. Jeschke

In this synthesis study on the niche conservatism hypothesis of invasive species, a research team led by IGB found that invasive species occupy similar niches between their native and exotic ranges and show only limited niche expansion, supporting this hypothesis.

June 2020
Nature Ecology & Evolution. - 4(2020)6, S. 841-852

The sterlet sturgeon genome sequence and the mechanisms of segmental rediploidization

Kang Du; Matthias Stöck; Susanne Kneitz; Christophe Klopp; Joost M. Woltering; Mateus Contar Adolfi; Romain Feron; Dmitry Prokopov; Alexey Makunin; Ilya Kichigin; Cornelia Schmidt; Petra Fischer; Heiner Kuhl; Sven Wuertz; Jörn Gessner; Werner Kloas; Cédric Cabau; Carole Iampietro; Hugues Parrinello; Chad Tomlinson; Laurent Journot; John H. Postlethwait; Ingo Braasch; Vladimir Trifonov; Wesley C. Warren; Axel Meyer; Yann Guiguen; Manfred Schartl

Researchers have succeeded in sequencing the sturgeon genome, delivering a missing piece of the puzzle essential to understanding the ancestry of vertebrates. The genetic material of the sterlet has undergone very little change over the past 300 million years or more.