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21 - 22 of 22 publications
  • Topic:Multiple stressors and pollutants
January 2021
Environmental Science. Nano. - 7(2020)7, S. 2130-2139

Nanosilver impacts on aquatic microbial decomposers and litter decomposition assessed as pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT)

Daniela Batista; Ahmed Tlili; Mark O. Gessner; Cláudia Pascoalab and Fernanda Cássio

The authors have shown that shifts in microbial communities triggered by chronic exposure to low concentrations of silver nanoparticles increases the community tolerance to silver, as described in the pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) concept, with consequences for leaf litter decomposition, a pivotal process in forest streams. 

December 2020
Earth-Science Reviews. - 212(2021), Art. 103446

Sulphate in freshwater ecosystems: a review of sources, biogeochemical cycles, ecotoxicological effects and bioremediation

Dominik Zak; Michael Hupfer; Alvaro Cabezas; Gerald Jurasinski; Joachim Audet; Andreas Kleeberg; Robert McInnes; Søren Munch Kristiansen; Rasmus Jes Petersen; Haojie Liu; Tobias Goldhammer

Sulphate pollution of inland waters is a persistent global problem. Climate change, land use and acid mining drainage are among the main causes. The review shows that sulphate affects the biogeochemical turnover of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and can have toxic effects on aquatic organisms. Bioremediation in buffer zones is a possible mitigation tool.