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21 - 30 of 106 items
  • Department:(Dept. 3) Plankton and Microbial Ecology
November 2024
Global Change Biology. - 30(2024)11, e17575

Rapid Eutrophication of a Clearwater Lake: Trends and Potential Causes Inferred From Phosphorus Mass Balance Analyses

Thomas Gonsiorczyk; Michael Hupfer; Sabine Hilt; Mark O. Gessner

In just 10 years, the phosphorus concentration in Lake Stechlin has quadrupled, which has been accompanied by algal blooms, oxygen depletion in the deep water and other signs of eutrophication. The study now shows that the causes are not always to be found in increasing nutrient inputs from the catchment or in re-dissolution processes in the deep areas of the lake, but also in the shallower parts.

November 2024
MycoKeys. - (2024)110, 273-285

20 years of bibliometric data illustrates a lack of concordance between journal impact factor and fungal species discovery in systematic mycology

R. Henrik Nilsson; Arnold Tobias Jansson; Christian Wurzbacher; Sten Anslan; Pauline Belford; Natàlia Corcoll; Alexandra Dombrowski; Masoomeh Ghobad-Nejhad; Mikael Gustavsson; Daniela Gómez-Martínez; Faheema Kalsoom Khan; Maryia Khomich; Charlotte Lennartsdotter; David Lund; Breyten Van Der Merwe; Vladimir Mikryukov; Marko Peterson; Teresita M. Porter; Sergei Põlme; Alice Retter; Marisol Sanchez-Garcia; Sten Svantesson; Patrik Svedberg; Duong Vu; Martin Ryberg; Kessy Abarenkov; Erik Kristiansson
November 2024
Biological Reviews. - XX(2024)XX, XX-XX

Zooming in the plastisphere: the ecological interface for phytoplankton–plastic interactions in aquatic ecosystems

Veronica Nava; Jaffer Y. Dar; Vanessa De Santis; Lena Fehlinger; Julia Pasqualini; Oloyede A. Adekolurejo; Bryan Burri; Marco J. Cabrerizo; Teofana Chonova; Mathilde Cour; Flavia Dory; Annemieke M. Drost; Aida Figler; Giulia Gionchetta; Dariusz Halabowski; Daniel R. Harvey; Víctor Manzanares-Vazquez; Benjamin Misteli; Laureen Mori-Bazzano; Valentin Moser; Federica Rotta; Bianca Schmid-Paech; Camille M. Touchet; Julia Gostynska