
First Central Equal Opportunities Officer of the FVB

The IGB junior researcher Marta Alirangues was elected by the entire female workforce of the Forschungsverbund Berlin (FVB) to be the first FVB Central Equal Opportunities Officer for a four-year term. This election was made possible by the creation of a new position, reinforcing FVB’s intention to considerably step up its efforts towards gender equality.

The Central Equal Opportunities Officer of the FVB: Marta Alirangues. | Photo: private

The new Central Equal Opportunities Officer will support and bring together the Equal Opportunities Officers from all institutes and the Joint Administration of the Forschungsverbund Berlin (FVB). They will join forces to promote the strategic development of issues such as achieving gender equality and striking a good work-life balance in science. As such, Marta Alirangues takes on the role of the previous spokeswoman Margret Rink, to whom we express our sincere thanks for her untiring commitment.

Marta is very much looking forward to her new task: “I want to improve the situation of women in science. And I believe that big changes can only be achieved together, which is why I would like to build up a network and an exchange platform with representatives from other national and international research institutions. But to start with, I want to develop guidelines for new Equal Opportunities Officers to ease their start into that important task. Also, a survey on what the institute staff knows about our work and what they actually need from us, will be one of my first actions.”

Other tasks include advising the FVB Executive Board, organizing training activities (e.g. seminars tailored to the various institute staff), maintaining the relevant websites, providing initial training for new Equal Opportunities Officers, and examining the legal bases necessary for achieving equality.

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