short news
Angelina Tittmann

Citizen Science project honoured

AuBe awarded as a project of the UN Decade of Biodiversity
Our project "Species protection through environmentally friendly lighting" (AuBe) is particularly committed to the conservation of biological diversity. Now it has been awarded as an official project of the UN Decade of Biodiversity.

An aquatic insect from an emergence trap emptied by citizen scientists. | Photo: AuBe/Sophia Dehn

"Better a breathtaking starry sky than species-taking street lights", this is the credo of the AuBe team, which includes researchers and citizen scientists alike. Together they investigate which insect species are affected by street lighting and what environmentally friendly lighting solutions could look like. The partner municipalities on board are Neuglobsow and Gülpe (both BB) as well as Krakow am See (MV) and Fulda (HS).

The award ceremony will take place today from 2pm in Neuglobsow, where the project team will present various aspects of light pollution and environmentally friendly lighting and invite citizens to join in. Those who cannot or do not want to be present on site can also follow the programme online. The award will be handed over by Ludger Westkamp, District Administrator of the Oberthavel district, where some of the project activities take place. The President of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Prof. Beate Jessel, will present "Activities and recommendations for action on light pollution from a federal perspective". A starlight experience with audio guide will complete the event.

You are welcome to register for online participation at short notice by sending an email to


UN Dekade Biologische Vielfalt

The United Nations declared the period from 2011 to 2020 as UN Decade of Biodiversity in order to counteract the global decline in biological diversity. The UN Decade of Biological Diversity in Germany draws attention to the value of natural diversity and the opportunities it offers by recognizing exemplary projects. These model projects show how concrete measures for the conservation of biological diversity, its sustainable use or the mediation of its conservation could look like.

Contact person

Sibylle Schroer

Scientific Coordinator Sustainability Research
Research group
Light Pollution and Ecophysiology

Franz Hölker

Programme Area Speaker
Research group
Light Pollution and Ecophysiology

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