
IGB believes that diversity, inclusiveness and fairness are key to progress in society and research

In view of the recent death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and all the other racist incidents every day in Germany, Europe and elsewhere, IGB wants to stress that we believe that diversity, inclusiveness and fairness are key to progress in society and research.

“We at IGB believe that true progress in society and research is crucially dependent on diversity, inclusiveness and fairness. We want to make a strong statement against any form of discrimination. I hope that the recent developments motivate all of us to think more about how to better achieve the goal of true inclusiveness, also at IGB. In addition to the actions that we are pursuing in the fields of equal opportunities, internationalisation and participation, I believe the key lies in creating a general atmosphere that embraces and welcomes diversity – because it makes us better. From the ecosystems we study, we know that diversity improves their long-term performance and resilience.“ Luc De Meester, Director of the IGB

IGB strongly adheres to the Guiding Principles for our Actions in the Leibniz Association, including principle 4: We respect, value and promote diversity of people and ideas. In our dealings with one another, this includes being open to questioning our own convictions and expectations. We actively champion equality and oppose all forms of discrimination. We are staunchly opposed to all forms of harassment and bullying.

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