
A worldwide freshwater experiment in the time of corona

Freshwater research is expecting – temporary – changes in man-made influences on aquatic ecosystems due to the global coronavirus shutdown. The International Society of Limnology (SIL) and IGB are calling to document these changes.

A measuring probe in Lake Stechlin – location of the IGB Department of Experimental Limnology. | Photo: Katharina Bunk/IGB

The negative effects of industry and agriculture are probably decreasing a little at the moment. At the same time, the recreational use of lakes and rivers may increase because we are in greater need of outdoor exercise. How does this shifted pressure of use affect freshwaters around the globe? And…

How can I become part of this huge experiment?

The International Society of Limnology and IGB call for documentation of the potential changes:

  1. Share this call for action with your network – by email, Twitter & Co.
  2. Collect samples resp. data on water quality, food web structure, fishing etc. at your locations, if it is still or again possible and above all without risking your health.
  3. Share the data with the SIL – “classic” data via the database, pictures and short information via Twitter, Instagram or Facebook with #HealingInlandWaters.

The data of the coronavirus year are then compared with the data of past and coming years. The results could advocate for a more sustainable management of ecosystems worldwide, and help to assess the recovery potential and resilience of aquatic ecosystems to anthropogenic influences.

Contact person

Thomas Mehner

Research group
Food Web Ecology and Fish Communities

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