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A network for invasion biology

Differences and similarities of major hypotheses
The book “Invasion Biology: Hypotheses and Evidence” presents a new approach to synthesise heterogeneous data and information. This approach is discussed by science theorists and applied to 12 major hypotheses in the field of invasion biology.

hi knowledge – for science and society: An interactive visualisation tool, structuring scientific evidence in hierarchical networks. | Image:

23 authors analysed more than 1100 studies and outline their findings in 18 chapters. Differences and similarities of biological invasions in aquatic versus terrestrial systems are highlighted, and taxonomic groups as well as methodological approaches to test hypotheses are compared.

A hypothesis network that illustrates similarities between the 12 focal hypotheses is introduced, too. This network can be seen as a draft conceptual map and navigation tool for invasion biology. The book’s companion website features an interactive visualisation based on this network: users can zoom into the 12 focal hypotheses to see the more specific working hypotheses addressed by the more than 1100 studies. All data and information extracted from these studies are also freely available on the website.

The book was edited by Jonathan Jeschke, speaker of IGB’s cross-cutting research domain Aquatic Biodiversity and Professor of Ecological Novelty at Freie Universität Berlin, and Tina Heger, scientist at the Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB) and the University of Potsdam.

Jeschke, J.M. and T. Heger (eds.) (2018) Invasion Biology: Hypotheses and Evidence. CABI, Wallingford, UK. 188 Pages. Read the book >

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