On Arendsee resulting publications

LaBrie, R., Hupfer, M., Lau, M.P. (2023): Anaerobic duration predicts biogeochemical consequences of oxygen depletion in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography Letters: 1-9.

Scholtysik, G., Goldhammer, T., Arz, H.W., Moros, M., Littke, R., Hupfer, M. (2022): Geochemical focusing and burial of sedimentary iron, manganese, and phosphorus during lake eutrophication. Limnology & Oceanography: 67, 4: 68-783.

Boehrer, B., Jordan, S., Leng, P., Waldemer, C., Hupfer, M., Schultze, M. (2021): Gas Pressure Dynamics in Small and Mid-Size Lakes. Water 13(13), 182.

Dong, F., Mi, C., Hupfer, M., Lindenschmidt, K.-E., Peng, W., Liu, X., Rinke, K. (2019): Assessing vertical diffusion in a stratified lake using a three dimensional hydrodynamic model. Hydrological Processes.;1–13.

Hupfer, M., Kleeberg, A., Lewandowski, J. (2019): Internal pools and fluxes of phosphorus in dimictic lake Arendsee, Northeastern Germany. In: Internal phosphorus loading in lakes : causes, case studies, and management / ed. by Steinman, A. D., Spears, B.M. - Plantation : J. Ross Publ., 169-185

Theuerkauf, M., Engelbrecht, E., Dräger, N., Hupfer, M., Mrotzek, A., Prager, A., Scharnweber, T.
(2019): Using annual resolution analysis to synchronize Varve and tree-ring records.- Quaternary
2(3), 23 link

Shatwell, T., Thiery, W., Kirillin, G. (2019): Future projections of temperature and mixing regime of European temperate lakes.- Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 23: 1533–1551 link

Meinikmann K., Hupfer M., Nützmann G., Lewandowski J.(2018): Grundwasser als Quelle der Phosphor-Belastung des Arendsee.- HW 62. 2018, H.4 link

Kreling, J., Bravidor, J, Engelhardt, C., Hupfer. M., Koschorreck, M., Lorke, A.  (2017): The importance of physical transport and oxygen consumption for the development of a metalimnetic oxygen minimum in a lake.- Limnol. & Oceanogr. 62: 348-363. Doi.org/10.1002/lno.10430 link

Hupfer, M., Reitzel. K., Kleeberg, A., Lewandowski, J. (2016): Long-term efficiency of lake restoration by chemical phosphorus precipitation: Scenario analysis with a phosphorus balance model.- Water Research 97: 153-161. Doi.org/10.1016/j.watre.2015.06.052 link

Pöschke, F., J. Lewandowski, € C. Engelhardt, K. Preuß, M. Oczipka, T. Ruhtz, and G. Kirillin (2015), Upwelling of deep water during thermal stratification onset—A major mechanism of vertical transport in small temperate lakes in spring?, Water Resour. Res., 51, 9612–9627, doi:10.1002/2015WR017579 link

Rothe, M., Kleeberg, A., Grüneberg, B., Friese, K., Pérez-Mayo, M., Hupfer, M. (2015) Sedimentary Sulphur: Iron Ratio Indicates Vivianite Occurrence: A Study from Two Contrasting Freshwater Systems. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0143737. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143737 link

Meinikmann, K., Hupfer, M., Lewandowski, J. (2015): Phosphorus in groundwater discharge – a potential source of lake eutrophication. Journal of Hydrology 524: 214-226. link

Bernhardt, J., Kirillin, G., Hupfer, M. (2014): Periodic convection within littoral lake sediments on the background of seiche-driven oxygen fluctuations. Limnology & Oceanography: Fluids & Environment 4: 17-33. link

Engelhardt, C. Kirillin, G. (2014): Criteria for the onset and breakup of summer lake stratification based on routine temperature measurements.  Fundam. Appl. Limnol. Vol. 184/3 (2014), 183–194. link

Bernhardt,J., Kirillin, G. (2013): Seasonal pattern of rotation-affected internal seiches in a small temperate lake. Limnology and Oceanography 58 (4): 1344-1360. link

Lewandowski, J., Meinikmann, K. Ruhtz, T. Pöschke, F. Kirillin, G. (2013): Localization of lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) by airborne measurement of thermal infrared radiation. Remote sensing of environment 138: 119-125. link

Meinikmann, K., Lewandowski, J., Nützmann, G. (2013): Lacustrine groundwater discharge: combined determination of volumes and spatial pattern. Journal of Hydrology 502: 202-211. link

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