Johannes Graupner

7th Dialogue at Lake Müggelsee: aquatic biodiversity in Germany

Status quo, chances and challenges
The biodiversity of our freshwaters often remains hidden under the surface in a double-sense. Did we slow down or even stop the loss of species richness in Germany?

Dialogue at Lake Müggelsee 2017: Despite the serious topics, there also have been cheerful moments in the lively disussions. Photo: Bunk/IGB.

Regarding freshwaters, are the goals of the UN-Convention on Biodiversity (UN-CBD) still achievable? Or have the problems become worse in the last years? These questions were discussed at the Dialogue at Lake Müggelsee on 14th November, 2017. Current research insights and practical knowledge from science, policy, public authorities, nature conservation and user groups were brought together to develop a better understanding of the national status of freshwater biodiversity.

The participants agreed that the transdisciplinary cooperation between all protagonists has to be intensified to better balance the protection and use of aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity.

The IGB is planning to publish the central points of the discussion in the institute’s own publication series IGB Outlines.

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