Johannes Graupner

Two lake scientists are winning the 5th IGB Project Speed Talks

Photo: Johannes Graupner/IGB

Only five minutes for an exciting project presentation: The IGB Project Speed Talks are always challenge, exercise and fun for our researchers. They train the illustrative and pointed formulation and presentation of their scientific work. The colleagues in the audience get a good and entertaining overview of the projects recently launched at the institute. This time, there were two glorious winners who both returned to their working groups with a bottle of sparkling wine: Jens Nejstgaard (AQUACOSM) (l.) And Maximilian Lau (ISEO).

We would also like to thank all the other speakers of the day: Jörg Freyhof (Interdisciplinary research network: ecological potential of urban waters), Robert Arlinghaus (Baggersee), Thomas Mehner, (Size density relationships of aquatic communities in response to strength of predator prey interactions and resource subsidy), Justyna Wolinska (Host-parasite interactions in hybridizing Daphnia) and Madeleine Ammar (Wanderfisch).

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