Angelina Tittmann

Winter break for IGB's monitoring station

Since the 6th of January the monitoring station is moored on the landing stage of IGB. | Photo: Angelina Tittmann

Einholen der Müggelsee-Messstation.

Thomas Hintze (left) and Jürgen Schreiber secured the station | Photo: Daniel Langenhaun

Our Müggelsee monitoring station "Georg Mothes" takes a winter break. The IGB technicians Thomas Hintze, Jürgen Schreiber and Daniel Langenhaun pulled the station back to the shore and winterised it. As every year, we keep the station in operation  as long as possible before the lake is frozen. During the winter break only limited measurements are possible. The data, which we unfortunately can not provide online, are delivered by a single sensor under water. The meteorological values come from a station on the roof of the IGB main building. As soon as the lake is ice-free again, the station will resume its work and regularly record values from the water and air.

Further information about the monitoring station.

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