
Mina Bizic

Eigene Stelle (DFG)
033082 69969

Alte Fischerhütte 2, OT Neuglobsow, 16775 Stechlin

Research group

Research Interests

I am an aquatic microbial ecologist conducting broad interdisciplinary research ranging from the Global Oceanic Carbon Cycle, the Oxic Methane Paradox Microbial interactions and Succession of Microorganisms Colonizing Macroscopic Organic Aggregates in aquatic communities and ecosystems, Aquatic/terrestrial coupling and much more including a fascination with  Single "unit" studies such as individual cells or individual particles.

I enjoy working at the boundaries and interfaces of different scientific disciplines and I implement experimental tools development, bioinformatics, and advanced imaging in my research.

Currently my work is divided between studying the factors determining the Succession of Microorganisms Colonizing Macroscopic Organic Aggregates, as part of my own DFG project, and following up on my recent discovery of methane produced by phytoplankton during photosynthesis.


Molecular microbial ecology:

DNA and RNA work (extraction and purification,  amplification, mRNA enrichment etc.); Metagenomics; Metatranscriptomics; Single-cell genomics; Fingerprinting (DGGE, ARISA); Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH, CARD-FISH); Microscopy (Laser scanning confocal and epifluorescence).

Oxford Nanopore sequencing.

Analytical methods:

Multivariate statistics for ecological studies; Genomic and metagenomics analysis, using dedicated programs under Linux environment; Gene expression statistics (differential expression in transcriptomes); Automated microscopy for large data sets.

Cultivation work:

Enrichment of Cyanobacteria and algae from environmental samples; Maintenance of axenic Cyanobacterial cultures for experimental work; Standard isolation of marine and freshwater bacteria on solid media.


Gas-chromatography; Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry (MIMS); Elemental CHN analysis; Total dissolved inorganic & organic carbon analysis; Sequential phosphorus fractionation analysis; O2, pH, H2S microsensors.

Population dynamics estimation in ichthyology:

Length-weight relationship; Growth; Mortality; Biomass estimation; Tools selectivity; MSY (maximum sustainable yield); Fish age determination and growth rates by otoliths.

Additional experience:

Underwater sampling (marine snow, cores); On-board sampling (lakes, sea).