Prof Dr Steven Declerck

MSD310, lecture hall & online | 13:30-15:00
9. Nov
9 November 2023 | 1.30 pm

Prof Dr Steven Declerck

Studying rapid adaptation of zooplankton to a new, stressful world: an experimental evolution approach

Studying rapid adaptation of zooplankton to a new, stressful world: an experimental evolution approach

Abstract: Humans alter the natural environment at unprecedented rates. As a result, natural populations become increasingly exposed to new stressors or stressor combinations. Whereas these changes are potentially detrimental to the populations of many organisms, some are able to persist through rapid micro-evolutionary adaptation. Such response may, nevertheless, have important consequences for the ability of organisms to physiologically cope and genetically adapt to new stressors. Using results obtained from evolution experiments in which rotifer populations are exposed to stressors such as stoichiometric mismatch, salts, metals and heating, I will discuss some of these consequences.

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IGB Colloquia open up!

IGB strives to facilitate and accelerate the exchange of knowledge and ideas within and also outside of IGB. One element contributing to inter- and transdisciplinary exchange, and more (scientific) cooperation and innovation, is to open up IGB Colloquia to an interested external audience from science (other research institutes, universities, laboratories) as well as practice (i.e. conservationists, freshwater/land-use managers, authorities, associations). If you would like to join this IGB Colloquium as a guest, we ask you to register until the morning of the colloquium 10 o'clock the latest. After we have checked your registration, you will receive the participation link.

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