Accessibility statement

The Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. is committed to making its website accessible. The legal basis is the Act on Accessible Information and Communication Technology in Berlin (Barrierefreie-IKT-Gesetz Berlin – BIKTG Bln), which refers to the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0). This Accessibility Statement applies to the website with the URL

Preparation of this Accessibility Statement

This Accessibility Statement was last reviewed and amended on 31 January 2025.


Status of compliance with the requirements

Some parts of this website are not fully compliant with the requirements of accessibility.


Non-accessible content

The content referred to below is non-accessible for the following reasons:

The content referred to below is non-accessible for the following reasons:

Non-compliance with the first sentence of Section 4(1), Section 3(3)(a) BIKTG Bln in conjunction with Section 3(1) and (2) BITV 2.0 in conjunction with point EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (Visually essential elements)

Only some images come with an alternative text. Visual elements, font sizes and contrasts have been tested and technically implemented in accordance with the recommendations.

Non-compliance with the first sentence of Section 4(1), Section 3(3)(a) BIKTG Bln in conjunction with Section 3(1) and (2) BITV 2.0 in conjunction with point EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (Context of links)

There are still some links on the website and in the mobile applications that are marked non-accessible. These will be reviewed successively and made accessible accordingly.

The following content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation:

File formats of office applications:
The aforementioned websites and mobile applications contain links to PDF documents and embedded PDF files. According to Section 4(4)(a) BIKTG Bln, file formats of office applications published before March 15, 2019, need not be accessible. At present, we are also unable to offer access to some documents that were integrated after that date.

Live time-based media:
According to Section 4(4)(c) BIKTG Bln, live time-based media (e.g. live streams) need not be accessible.

Online maps and mapping services:
According to Section 4(4)(d) BIKTG Bln, online maps and mapping services need not be accessible, as long as essential information is provided in an accessible digital manner for maps intended for navigational use.

Third-party content:
According to Section 4(4)(e) BIKTG Bln, third-party content that is not funded or developed by us, and over which we have no control, need not be accessible.

Content qualifying as archives:
According to Section 4(4)(h) BIKTG Bln, the content of websites and mobile applications that qualify as archives, i.e. content that is not needed for active administrative processes and that has not been updated or edited since September 23, 2019, need not be accessible.


Feedback and contact

Have you noticed any shortcomings in accessibility to content on the website at Or do you have any questions on the issue of accessibility? Then please contact us:

Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Responsible institute: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB)
Müggelseedamm 310
12587 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +4930 64181-631
Email: communications(at) 


Enforcement procedure

You have the option of contacting the State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility electronically for assistance in enforcing accessibility rights.

Link to contact form and other contact details >