Prof Christoph Winkler

MSD310, lecture hall & online | 13:30-15:00
6. Jul
6 July 2023 | 1.30 pm

Prof Christoph Winkler

The Japanese Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes): A model for human bone disorders - and skeletal deformities in aquaculture

The Japanese Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes): A model for human bone disorders - and skeletal deformities in aquaculture

Abstract: Small aquarium fish species, such as the zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) have become popular models for skeletal research to understand the control of bone homeostasis and mechanisms underlying human bone disorders. In my talk, I will present two projects where we took advantage of the genetics of medaka to identify a novel blood marker that reliably predicts the risk for osteoporotic bone fractures in men, and a novel cellular mechanism causing skeletal deformities in a rare human chondrodysplasia. Finally, I will introduce a recently launched aquaculture initiative in Singapore that aims to develop science-based solutions to improve food security. I will elaborate how our lab’s skeletal research will contribute to enhanced productivity in aquaculture hatcheries and nurseries.

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IGB Colloquia open up!

IGB strives to facilitate and accelerate the exchange of knowledge and ideas within and also outside of IGB. One element contributing to inter- and transdisciplinary exchange, and more (scientific) cooperation and innovation, is to open up IGB Colloquia to an interested external audience from science (other research institutes, universities, laboratories) as well as practice (i.e. conservationists, freshwater/land-use managers, authorities, associations). If you would like to join this IGB Colloquium as a guest, we ask you to register until the morning of the colloquium 10 o'clock the latest. After we have checked your registration, you will receive the participation link.