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May 2024

Inland navigation and land use interact to impact European freshwater biodiversity

Aaron N. Sexton, Jean-Nicolas Beisel, Cybill Staentzel, Christian Wolter, Evelyne Tales, Jérôme Belliard, Anthonie D. Buijse, Vanesa Martínez Fernández, Karl M. Wantzen, Sonja C. Jähnig, Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Peter Haase, Marie Anne Eurie Forio, Gait Archambaud, Jean-François Fruget, Alain Dohet, Vesela Evtimova, Zoltán Csabai, Mathieu Floury, Peter Goethals, Gábor Várbiró, Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles, Aitor Larrañaga, Anthony Maire, Ralf B. Schäfer, James S. Sinclair, Rudy Vannevel, Ellen A. R. Welti & Alienor Jeliazkov
Nature Ecology & Evolution. - 8(2024), 1098-1108

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