short news
Angelina Tittmann

Research network publishes "10 Must Knows" on biodiversity

Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity presents recommendations for politics and society
The recently published "10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Research" cover aspects such as climate stress for German forests, the transformation of agriculture and the coronavirus that has spread from animals to humans. This inventory on the preservation of nature as the basis of human life has been compiled by more than 45 experts from the German Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity, including colleagues from IGB. In the run-up to the UN Biodiversity Conference in Kunming, China, and parallel to the preparatory meetings currently underway in Geneva, Switzerland, this report is intended to invite dialogue. At the same time, the researchers voice clear policy demands.

Photo: Solvin Zankl

In "10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Research", the authors present science-based and generally understandable facts about biodiversity. They analyse the complex systems of the Earth by highlighting ten key areas, each of which in turn is inextricably linked to all the others. They show paths to stop further loss of biodiversity and ecosystems and to promote biodiversity. Among other things, the 10 Must Knows call for climate and biodiversity protection to be addressed simultaneously, for the promotion of biocultural habitats - i.e. the diversity of life in its human-environment dimension -, for a transformation of agriculture, for the effective conservation of land and resources, and for more commitment to sustainability education and incentives for public and private investment in biodiversity.

The 10 Must Knows are:

  1. Achieving climate and biodiversity protection together
  2. Strengthening planetary health
  3. Considering hidden biodiversity
  4. Promoting biocultural habitats
  5. Using forests sustainably
  6. Transforming agriculture
  7. Protecting land and resources
  8. Expanding transnational infrastructure and education for sustainability
  9. Ensuring access and open use of research data
  10. Setting biodiversity-friendly incentives

The "10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Research" in full text >

Contact person

Sibylle Schroer

Scientific Coordinator Sustainability Research
Research group
Light Pollution and Ecophysiology

Sonja Jähnig

Head of Department
Research group
Aquatic Ecogeography

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