IGB Open Science Week: Colloquium Dr. iur. Raphael Weyland

online | 14:00-15:30 | NABU
16. Nov
16 November 2021 | 2.00 pm

IGB Open Science Week: Colloquium Dr. iur. Raphael Weyland

Lobbying for sustainability: How can research results have a bigger impact on EU policymaking?

Lobbying for sustainability: How can research results have a bigger impact on EU policymaking?

Talk by Dr. iur. Raphael Weyland, Head of the EU Office of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) in Brussels

Within the last decades, a lot of political power and important policymaking shifted from the national to the European level. Important policy fields related to freshwater topics such as Environment, Agriculture or Infrastructure are now lead and handled by the European Union. From an outside view, the systems and its processes appear very complex, and the cliché says that lobbying by special interest groups dominates the EU. But is lobbying really something bad? To be clear, lobbying indeed is an official and democratic principle of European policymaking, and not negative in general. It also bears chances for a more sustainable and evidence-based policymaking, once one understood the logics and processes.

So how does EU policymaking work in general? And how could research results from the environmental and freshwater sciences have a bigger impact on EU policymaking? 

Dr. Raphael Weyland obtained his PhD with a dissertation on legal aspects of the Water Framework Directive, and is now Head of the EU Office of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)in Brussels. He will explain basic principles of EU policymaking and share his experiences from practical lobbying for environmental topics and sustainability on the EU level.

The colloquium is part of the IGB Open Science Week 2021.

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