
IGB master student receives DGL early career award

The DGL conference 2020 was a video conference for most participants. | Screenshot: Jörg Lewandowski/IGB

Every year, the German Limnological Society (DGL) awards the Schwoerbel Benndorf Prize to outstanding young scientists. This year’s 3rd place went to Philipp Wolke for his master thesis and a journal contribution on the impact of bed form celerity on oxygen dynamics in the hyporheic zone.

Philipp Wolke wrote his master thesis in the IGB research group Ground water-surface water interactions in close cooperation with the Ben-Gurion University in Israel, funded by a scholarship of the German-Israeli Water Technology Cooperation. Following his Master’s degree he started in water management and now advises public and private clients on hydrological and hydrogeological issues.

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Jörg Lewandowski

Research Group Leader
Research group
Ground Water-Surface Water Interactions

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