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6801 - 6810 of 6924 items
October 1997
PCDD/F in recent and historical sediment layers of Lake Stechlin, Germany
K.-W. Schramm, R. Winkler, P. Casper and A. Kettrup
Water research. - 31(1997). - S. 1525-1531
September 1997
Application of formal concept analysis to evaluate environmental databases
R. Brüggemann; K. Voigt; C. E. W. Steinberg
Chemosphere. - 35(1997)3, S. 479-486
September 1997
Equilibria in subsurface fluids with linear interaction between decay and sorption
Ekkehard Holzbecher
Journal of environmental hydrology. - 5(1997), S. 1-14
July 1997
The acidification of the Herrenwieser See, Black Forest, Germany, before and during industrialisation
Ingrid Jüttner; Jutta Lintelmann; Bernhard Michalke; Raimund Winkler; Christian E. W. Steinberg; Antonius Kettrup
Water research. - 31(1997)5, S. 1194-1206
June 1997
Populationsgenetische Untersuchung einheimischer Bestände des Edelkrebses, Astacus astacus: Projekt-Abschlußbericht
Christian Wolter; Arne Ludwig. Auftragnehmer: Naturschutzbund Deutschland, Landesverband Brandenburg, Sektion Ichthyologie
June 1997
An algebraic/graphical tool to compare ecosystems with respect to their pollution
R. Brüggemann; B. Münzer; E. Halfon
Chemosphere. - 28(1994)5, S. 863-872
June 1997
Do light quality and low nutrient concentration favour picocyanobacteria below the thermocline of the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin?
Frank Gervais; Judit Padisak; Rainer Koschel
Journal of plankton research. - 19(1997)6, S. 771-781
June 1997
Community respiration in the hyporheic zone of a riffle-pool sequence
M. Pusch
Groundwater/surface water ecotones : biological and hydrlogical interactions and management options / ed. by Janine Gibert ... - Cambridge, 1997. - S. 51-56
June 1997
Parameter des Schwebstofftransports in Oder, Neiße und im Oder-Spree-Kanal bei Eisenhüttenstadt
Christof Engelhardt; Heinz Bungartz; Angela Krüger; Dieter Prochnow; Werner Sauer; Reinhard Schild; Michael Thiele; Harald Krawczyk; Reinhold Rennert
Vom Wasser. - 88(1997), S. 87-101
June 1997
Diffuse sources in river drainage areas - how to estimate?
by Horst Behrendt
Changing estuarine and coastal environments / Eds.: W. Salomons, ... - Geesthacht, 1995. - S. 35-44