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681 - 690 of 6789 publications
September 2022

A framework for ensemble modelling of climate change impacts on lakes worldwide: the ISIMIP Lake Sector

Malgorzata Golub; Wim Thiery; Rafael Marcé; Don Pierson; Inne Vanderkelen; Daniel Mercado-Bettin; R. Iestyn Woolway; Luke Grant; Eleanor Jennings; Benjamin M. Kraemer; Jacob Schewe; Fang Zhao; Katja Frieler; Matthias Mengel; Vasiliy Y. Bogomolov; Damien Bouffard ... Georgiy Kirillin ... Tom Shatwell ... Rita Adrian ... Sabine Wollrab ...
Geoscientific Model Development. - 15(2022), 4597–4623

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